173 a couple of months later

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It has been a couple of months since andy has been gone me and Emma have been bonding a lot. We went to Ohio and spent time with Amy and Chris they were both excited to see us. Emma has been talking a lot more recently which is funny. Chris loves to make her laugh and it's really adorable. Emma has gotten a lot bigger so me and lacey have baby proofed the house. Crow has not left Emma's side since she was born I have been feeding Mr. Midnight outside of the house. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and sighed. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I headed back into my room and I heard Emma giggling I said what the fuck. Emma said daddy and Andy said hey baby I smiled and ran out of our room. I went into Emma's room andy was holding her he said hey Lilly. I ran over to andy and gave him a hug and he kissed my head and said hello honey. Emma said daddy andy said yea honey and he kissed her head. A little while later we headed downstairs and crow jumped on the couch. I gave Andy a bottle for Emma and she started drinking it. Crow sat by andy and meowed loudly and andy laughed and shook his head. I took care of the animals then headed in the living room and sat down. I said how was tour andy smiled and said good I just missed you guys like crazy. I said yea me too a little while later Andy changed Emma's diaper and put her down for a nap. Andy came downstairs and washed his hands I gave him a side hug and he dried off his hands. Andy said I missed you Lilly I said me too Andy hoisted me up and I started laughing and wrapped my arms around his neck. Andy kissed me and I cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer. Andy smiled when I pulled back he said god I missed all of you I smiled and said me too. A little while later we ate food together and watched movies all day. A couple of hours later I took care of Emma and Andy took care of the animals then cooked dinner. A little while later I headed downstairs with Emma and went into the kitchen andy said my baby girl. After Andy finished cooking we ate dinner then I put Emma down for bed. A little while later me and Andy headed upstairs and got ready for bed and went to sleep for the night.

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