86 day 7 Thursday

10 1 0


I woke up at 6am to a nurse checking on me she said I'm sorry. I laughed and said no its ok I sighed she said what's wrong sweetie. I said I can't believe I almost committed suicide she said hey its ok trust me your husband loves you too death. I looked over at andy he was completely knocked out he was snoring lightly and I smiled and said well he is the only thing keeping me living. She said hey and I looked at her and smiled she said if he is the only thing keeping you alive don't give up. I smiled and said thank you she said of course if you need anything let me know I said ok and she left. Everyone here was extremely fucking nice and it made me feel better I looked out the window and the sun was coming up I quickly took a picture trying make sure not a lot of the hospital was in the way and got the pictures. I just hated the sound of the Machines beeping it gave me flash backs to when I was little and needed surgery. I just layed against the pillow and sighed and bit my lip and shook my head and said Lilly this isn't who you are. You are a bright and bubbly person who loves all of your friends. I looked at andy who was still sleeping peacefully and I smiled and bit my lip and blushed. His black hair was a mess because of how he was sleeping I just smiled and said my whole world is laying next to me and I can't give up and I started smiling and said I'm not giving up not on him not now I love him way too much. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep instantly and started getting more comfortable andy yawned slightly but kept sleeping. We had to leave tomorrow because that's when we go back home. A little while later I felt andy get up and yawn and stretched he got up and went outside to talk to someone. A little while later I woke back up and yawned and stretched as well. I groaned fuckkkk I'm still here and laughed. A couple minutes later Andy came back in and said oh hey your up good morning I said hi Mr Biersack and he smiled and kissed me and ran his knuckle against my jaw and said good morning Mrs Biersack and I smiled and bit my lip and andy kissed me again and held my head up and moved back I said awww and he laughed and so did I. A couple minutes later Ms Summer came in and said good news you can go home I said huh and she took out the IV I said ok and she said please be careful I said ok she said let me know if you need anything and I said ok. I changed and me and Andy left the hospital and got back to the hotel we decided to head home early. We all quickly used the restroom and turned in the car and went to the airport and got a flight. It was around 2pm now we finally got on our plane andy texted his mom and said she said ok can't wait I held andys hand and put my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. A little while later we finally landed it was 4pm we got our bags and gave his mom a hug she said hey guys we said hi andy let me borrow a sweater so no one could see. We got to my house and lacey and Cc left my family all gave me a hug my step sister grabbed my arm andy grabbed her hand and moved it and made a face. We all hung out downstairs with my family and talked about the trip and ate dinner. My mom said so did anything interesting happen on the trip I said Bali is really pretty andy said yea I agree it was she said oh cool. My step brother jokingly said yall had a bunch of sex andy laughed and said mind your damn business I felt like I committed a crime. My mom looked at me and said Lilly are you ok you haven't eaten anything I said I'm not hungry and smiled weakly. She said what's wrong I said nothing she said Lilly Rose Biersack tell me what's wrong right now. I bit my lip and looked down and my eyes started watering andy grabbed my thigh and kissed my head and said you tell her if you want and I shook my head and looked at andy and kissed him I said I love you he said I love you too. I got up and walked over to my mom and started apolizing she said hey hunny wats wrong I lifted up my sleeve every one looked at me and dropped their forks. I chocked out I almost committed suicide my mom said oh my God and started crying I gave my mom a hug and she made me sit on her lap and she just held me close. My step dad and brother got up and walked over to us andy got up and also walked over and he rubbed my back saying shhh it's ok babe your ok now we all got you my mom looked at him and said you had one job. Andy said I took her to the fucking hospital and if I didn't she would have died I did my job and she's still alive so don't get mad at me. She said I'm not mad I almost just lost my fucking daughter really I started crying andy said well I'm fucking sorry you almost lost her. But you aren't the only one that would have lost her I got up because I couldn't stand the arguing every one yelled LILLY WAIT I put my shoes on and ran out of the house crying. Andy ran after me andb said LILLY DON'T MALE ME DO THIS AGAIN. Everyone went outside including my mom I said YEA I ALMOST FUCKING DIED BUG DEAL. Andy said STOPP WE ALL LOVE YOU. I said THEN WILL YOU ALL STOP FUCKING ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER. Andy said YES WE WILL NOW GET YOU ASS BACK IN THE HOUSE NOW. I was a couple feet away from andy I just looked at him and broke down and fell to my knees sobbing andy ran over to me and scoupped me up and carried me inside I couldn't breathe because I was crying so hard. Everyone sat on the couch in the living room Andy kept trying to sooth me and kiss my head. The only thing I was focusing on was his heart beat that made me stop crying and I nudged my head against his chest and he smiled and kissed my head and said are you calm now crazy ass. I laughed and said shut up asshole and he laughed slightly and kissed my head. A little while later we all had a serious discussion as a family my mom said I can't fucking believe I did that. I said wow I almost committed a Hannah baker in fucking Bali and laughed wow that's kinda ironic till death do us part andy rolled his eyes and sighed and kissed my forehead and said stop don't talk like that and I laughed and said ok. My mom said Lilly this isn't funny I moved my head and said mom I know believe me I know it's not funny calm down. She said call down don't tell me to calm down after finding out I almost lost my baby girl. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked to my room and opened it was completely empty and I bit my lip and my eyes started watering Andy walked behind me and said it's ok and kissed my head. A little while later me and my mom had a serious discussion with me her my step dad and Andy I told my mom I love her and I'm sorry and I was stupid for doing it. She said your not stupid just dumb decisions I said yep and laughed andy said ay we got her to laugh I kicked andy slightly. Andy said ayy ayy homegirl you need to calm down we all started laughing and I said whatever. Andy said I'm gonna go pick up out house keys and I started smiling and said ok and andy kissed me and left. We all waited for andy it was 9pm andy got home at 10pm and waved them in my face and I smiled and stood up and kissed andy and I started smiling Andy said I love you Lilly I said I love you more. Andy started swaying with me back and forth and I laughed and so did andy he kept his arms around me and we just smiled and swayed together I said I'm happy I didn't die andy said yea me too. I smiled and kissed him passionately and he hoisted me up and I yelped andy said huh I said you just stabbed me in the ass with the keys andy said holy shit and started laughing and we all started laughing together. Andy moved his hand and kissed me again we all went to bed at around 1am. I fell asleep against andys chest I was so happy to finally be back home I can't wait to live with andy forever 😁😁.

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