Me and lacey got downstairs and sat on the couch and waited for everyone else. Andy walked downstairs and sat on the couch in front of us and smiled me and lacey said ok and looked at our phones and continued waiting on Amy and Chris to come downstairs. Me and lacey talked about different bands and things like that andy joined in our conversation and we laughed. A little while later Amy and Chris finally came downstairs and we were all laughing our asses off when they came downstairs they laughed and said um ok hi guys we said oh hey mom and dad and they laughed a little. They said are you guys ready to go we all said yea we are we all got up off the couch. We all walked out the front door and Chris locked it we all walked over to the car and got in when he unlocked it. I sat by andy in the back seat and lacey sat in the row in front of us. If me and Andy did anything she wouldn't be able to see us. I plugged in my ear buds and so did lacey and andy. We all started listening to our own music I accidentally started singing and didn't realize every one was looking at me. After the song was over I paused it and took out the ear bud every one said holy shit Lilly I laughed and said I know it's horrible sorry. Everyone was like oh my God no your fucking amazing I laughed and blushed slightly and said thanks. Andy looked up the song I was singing and started listening to it and I laughed we all continued listening to music I stopped myself from singing so many times. We were at a red light and I looked at andy he didn't have his ear buds in and he was talking to his family. I turned my music down and took one ear bud out lacey was just jamming out. I just kept staring at andy and I think he noticed because he looked at me and bit his lip. I quickly turned my head and looked out the window I heard him laugh slightly. I felt his hand touch my thigh and open it slightly I started biting my lip because he rested his hand on my thigh he continued talking to his parents. I sat back straight and looked out the window in front of us lacey was enjoying herself and I laughed slightly I looked down and saw andys hand and bit my lip. My thighs were really huge compared to his hand. I put my hand on his hand and he turned and looked at me and I smiled while looking at his hand. Andy moved his hand and I got slightly sad and looked at andy he bit his lip and leaned over and kissed me he pulled back and I smiled and so did andy. He continued talking to his parents and I rested my chin on his shoulder. Lacey looked at us and said awwwe I quickly moved my head and laughed Andy said damn. I said what he said put your chin back I said no andy got close to my face and he said put your head back he smiled but also had a serious tone my face went red and I put my head back. Andy smiled and said good and I laughed and so did lacey and andy.

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