Andy kept knocking on the door trying to get me to open it but I wouldn't budge. I think Andy was worried that I might hurt myself or try to commit suicide. I took a deep breath even though I couldn't breathe I unlocked the door and andy rushed in and immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. Andy started kissing my head and I started shaking because I was crying so hard. Andy started rubbing my back and saying shhh it's ok babe I got you and he kept kissing my head I was clinging onto his shirt. Andy pulled me back and hoisted me up I looked at him with puffy eyes andy started kissing me passionately and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smiled against my lips. I said I love you Andrew he said I love you more Lilly I smiled. I said I'm really sorry Andrew he said no its fine I understand that your upset that your dad doesn't want to see you. I said are you mad he laughed and said no of course not I said are you sure he smiled and said yea and I smiled and he kissed me again. I pressed my forehead against andys and I bit my lip and smiled slightly andy laughed and kissed me. I accidentally bit his lip he said ow I said shit my bad and we both started laughing I said damn I love you andy he said I love you too Lilly and we both started smiling. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed mine and I smiled he said alright lets go and he grabbed my phone and turned off the bathroom light and we went downstairs. Andy sat on the couch and I just stayed on his lap he had his arms wrapped around me and he rested his head on my shoulder and kissed it. I smiled and pulled back and so did andy I leaned closer and kissed him passionately and he smiled and pulled me closer to him. I pulled back and said I love you Andrew he said I love you too Lilly I said I'm really sorry for being a bitch. Andy put my phone down and said stop your not a bitch you had every reason to get mad. I said I shouldn't have taken it out on you he said hey look at me and I did. Andy said I'm strong you can take your anger out on me I said no he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He said Lilly Rose Biersack if your mad take all your anger out on me I don't want you to bottle shit up. I said I don't want to hurt you andy laughed and said you could never hurt me I smiled and said ok he said I love you I said I love you more Andrew he smiled and kissed me and pulled back and let my chin go. Andy said let me know if something is bothering you I said ok and smiled I gave andy a hug and breathed in the sent of his cologne. Andy smiled and kissed my shoulder my cheeks started lighting up and I blushed and smiled andy started laughing and said are you blushing I laughed and said shut up asshole and andy started laughing as well. Andy squeezed my hips tightly and I jumped and yelped andy started laughing and I pushed him roughly against the couch. I straddled andy and I bit my lip and he said damn I laughed and said I'm strong he said um absofuckinglutey I bit my lip and batted my eyelashes at him. Andy said no don't give me that innocent look I smiled and said I don't know what your talking about. Andy said whatever and laughed and shook his head and leaned back against the couch and just looked at me. I just looked at him and sighed I checked my phone and looked at my dad's messages and felt a slight pain in my chest I still can't believe he died. I called him just to hear his voice mail and I heard his voice and felt my eyes watering I said I love you and miss you dad and hung up. Andy looked at me and kissed my hand I got up and sat by lacey and put my head on her shoulder. Lacey said you miss him huh I said yea she kissed my head and gave me a hug. I really missed my dad I haven't spoken to his wife or any of them quite frankly I didn't give a fuck about them. We all chilled in the living room watching movies because I didn't want to go anywhere. Me and lacey were cuddling the whole time because I didn't want to get up and she made me feel warm and safe. I ended up falling asleep against lillys chest she fell asleep as well. At around 1am me and lacey woke up confused because it was dark and everyone was gone. I said what the fuck she said its 1am we both started laughing and got up. Me and lacey used the restroom and made food we stayed up talking for a while. We fell asleep at 4am we both went to bed I cuddled against andy and we talked for a while until we both fell asleep.

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