168 Thursday

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The doctor said we could go home today and I'm super excited about it I can't wait to take a bath. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and I looked at Andy. He was smiling while playing with Emma I said aw he said hey morning Lilly. I smiled and said how is my girl Andy said good and smiled. A little while later we got discharged and headed home. We quickly ate before we got home and headed inside Amy and Chris helped us. I gave them a hug I sat down on the couch and held Emma crow jumped on the couch and sniffed Emma and meowed. I said is that your baby crow meowed and headbutt her foot and she made a noise. Andy came downstairs and said crow found a best friend and I smiled and said yea. Everyone sat down on the couch my mom and dad sat down on the couch. Crow was sitting next to me staring at the baby Andy took a picture of him. I laughed and said isn't she adorable I sat her up and crow walked up closer to her and meowed in her face. The baby made noises and Everyone started laughing together and said awww. Crow looked at me and made a cute noise I smiled and this is your baby sister. We all hung out in the living room together Andy bottle fed the baby a couple of times and also changed her. A little while later she went to sleep and we all ate food and hung out. A couple of hours later my mom and dad left and headed home and Andy locked the front door and we all headed upstairs. Crow meowed and me and Andy kept our door and Emma's door open. Crow slept with Emma in her room and I took a picture and posted it on Instagram and snapchat. I went into our room and layed down and showed Andy and he smiled and said our baby. I smiled and got cuddled against Andy and fell asleep a couple minutes later and so did andy.

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