Me and Andy kept talking and joking with our principle. He said alright I love you guys but you have to go to gym we sighed he said I'm letting yall go early we said ok. Me and Andy grabbed our bags and started heading to the gym so we could get ready and wait. Andy had his arm glued to my waist the whole way there. We got there and our gym teacher told us to sit and wait. Me and andy climbed on the bleachers and sat down and waited for the bell to ring we talked quietly while they finished doing what ever they were doing. Andy held my hand and started rubbing it with his thumb I laughed and said do you have a crush on me andy looked at me and said are you kidding me no of course not and laughed. I sighed and turned my head andy said my God babe I'm kidding of course I have a crush on you I looked at him and smiled and bit my lip. Andy leaned over and kissed me every one said awwwww we ship it. Andy pulled back and laughed and we looked at every one I said shit and buried my head in my hands andy laughed and said oh my God everyone continued doing what they were doing. A couple seconds later the bell rung and I looked back up and blushed like crazy and shook my head and looked down. Andy said awww someone's got a crush and poked my shoulder I looked at him and said shut up no I don't I got up and started walking down the bleachers. I said andy he got off the bleachers and turned around andy grabbed me with one arm and lifted me up I screamed and our gym teacher said Andrew be careful plz he said ok and put me down everyone started walking into the gym our teacher said every one get changed. Andy gave me a quick kiss and went to the locker room I blushed and started walking to the locker room. I got in there and changed I put on deodorant and body spray and put my stuff in my bag we go home after gym thank God. I laughed and put my hair up and we all walked out of the locker room. All the guys were laughing and we all walked in the guys said damnnnnn I laughed and rolled my eyes. I looked at andy and he said hey babe and winked I rolled my eyes and shook my head and looked down. Our gym teacher said we are playing volleyball I said oh hellll no lacey looked at me and said bitchhhh bye I laughed and she grabbed my hand and we started walking ro the bleachers laughing. Our teacher said where are you guys going lacey said we don't fuck with volleyball she laughed and said ok just sit and look pretty we laughed and said got it and sat down laughing. Andy quickly jogged over to me and kissed me and said Bybee babe and I laughed against his lips and he walked back over to everyone else. I was smiling like crazy lacey said ok bitch you like him a lot I said shut up and laughed. They started playing volleyball and I started laughing so hard I almost fell off the bleachers lacey said oh shit I fell andy ran and grabbed me before I hit the floor. I sat up and looked at andy he was sweating and breathing heavily lacey said God damn and started laughing he said u ok I laughed and said yea he said ok don't do that again and kissed me and I smiled against his chin. Andy kissed my forehead and started walking back I felt sad and made a sad face lacey said aw you asshole andy turned around and she pointed towards me he said oh no your fine and I laughed and looked down. Andy got back to everyone else his team won volleyball and he was really excited about it and me and lacey laughed our asses off. We jumped off the bleachers and walked to the locker room someone slapped my ass and I turned around and saw andy and smiled and walked away. We all went into the locker room me and lacey grabbed our bags and walked out into the gym and waited for andy. Me and lacey decided to walk out of school and wait by andys car. Andy came outside and said I was scared shitless we laughed and he unlocked the car and we all jumped in. Andy turned on the car and drove to my house and dropped me off he said bye babe and I laughed and closed his door and walked over to my house and closed the door and went to my room after I took my shoes off. I went to my room and charged my phone and changed I used the restroom then went downstairs for food. I grabbed my food and went into my room and locked my door and watched movies. I put my dishes in the sink and then I chilled in my bed till 11 pm then I fell asleep after I used the restroom.

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