Andy was acting like a little kid with a pouted lip. He said pweeezeee I laughed and said what. Andy said will you be my girlfriend my heart went up in my throat. I said are you serious he pulled back and said yea I'm serious I said oh my God can I think about it and smiled. Andy said yea sure I don't mind I said ok cool. I looked at lacey and said I'll think about it she was smiling like a mad man and I laughed my ass off. We continued listening to our teacher read andy was drawing batman and I watched him. Andy smiled and looked at me I said that's amazing he said thank you and smiled and continued drawing. The teacher finally finished reading and sat back down andy put his drawing in something to protect it after he signed it. He put it on my desk and I looked at him he smiled and said keep it I smiled and said really he said yea I put it in my bag and closed it I put my phone in my purse and waited for the bell to ring. A couple minutes later the bell finally rung and we all got up and walked out and to our next class. We got to our next class and sat down and waited for everyone else. Everyone got into class and the bell rung and class started everyone went quiet and listened to our teacher. Class went by very quickly and we went to our other class. That one went by very quickly as well we walked out of the school building and Ms summer walked over to us. She said andy he turned around and said yes we all turned around as well she smiled and said your doing really well in my class and smiled he said good I'm happy. She said if you need anything just ask he said ok sounds good. She smiled and walked away andy looked at me I said someone is feeling a little flirty and I flipped my hair and walked away. I laughed and walked to the car andy unlocked it and we all hoped in and he locked the doors. Andy started the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof. We all started jamming out while driving out of the parking lot. We hit the highway and jammed out the breeze felt really good against our skin. Our hair was blowing in the wind and I smiled while looking out the window. Andy was jamming out while driving down the highway I was smiling at him. I never realized how much I actually had a huge fucking crush on him but I could never tell him that. I just kept looking out the window and smiling. A little while later andy dropped me off and I walked to my door and opened it and closed it and locked it. I went to my room and took off my shoes and put my bag down. I plugged my phone in and went to the restroom then went back in my room and changed. I went downstairs and got food and ate in my room after I put my dishes up and chilled on my phone for the rest of the night. I asked my mom if I could sleep over at laceys house and she said yes. I was really excited about that and I started smiling. I went to bed at around 12 am I was super exhausted when I fell asleep.

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