Me and lacey got to her car and she unlocked it. Me and lacey both climbed in and she immediately locked the doors and we both yawned. We both buckled up and she turned on the car and I plugged in the aux cord. We started driving out of the school parking lot and she rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof when we got to a red light. We both jammed out to music and laughed. Lacey said bitchhh I miss andy and Cc I said yea I agree with you and she shook her head and said yea I agree. Me and lacey ended up stopping somewhere and picked up food and headed home I haven't talked to andy in two day which was weird but he has been extremely busy so I understand. Me and lacey sat in the beach parking lot and ate food and threw our trash away and headed back to her house. A little while later we got to her house and we grabbed our stuff and hoped out. Lacey rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof and locked the car when we got out. We walked inside and took our shoes off and headed to her room. We changed and plugged our phones in and headed downstairs after we used the restroom we all hung out on the couch and chilled. A little while later Chris got home and showered and came hang out with us after he ate some food we ended up watching movies in the living room. I checked my phone it said 10 pm I laughed and said damn 10 pm already lacey laughed and said oh wow. Me and lacey talked for a while and it was really hilarious because we were both not paying attention to the movie. A little while later at around 1 am someone knocked at the door we all jumped Chris paused the movie and got up. Me and lacey looked at each other and ran upstairs because we were scared and Chris and Amy laughed me and lacey hid in her room with the fan on laughing. We both sat on her bed and heard foot steps coming upstairs me and lacey looked scared shitless. We heard a knock at our door and she said come in the door opened and Cc walked in first and put his bag down and I started smiling lacey jumped on Cc and he walked into her room. A couple seconds later andy walked in and my eyes started watering and I ran over to andy and said oh my God your home. Andy immediately kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me and I smiled andy hoisted me up and we all went downstairs to watch a movie with Andys parents we all got downstairs and they said awww. I smiled against Andy's neck and he smiled and kissed my shoulder and we sat down together. I pulled back and looked at andy he had his arms wrapped around my waist I smiled and said hi he laughed and said hey and leaned forward and kissed me. I instantly started feeling the sparks all over again and I smiled against his lips. Me and Andy stayed glued to each other all night and lacey and Cc were the exact same way. We all went into our rooms at 3 am we were all really exhausted. Andy took off his shirt and pants and climbed into his bed I instantly got cuddled against his chest and fell asleep I missed him so damn much.

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