Me and lacey held hands in class before the bell rung and we started laughing. She said are you nervous about talking to my brother about it. I sighed and said a little bit but I know he will understand she said yea oh my God of course and if he hurts you I'm cutting off his dick I covered my face because I started laughing and said oh no lacey started laughing as well. A little while later school started and we did our work I yawned a couple times I said wow coffee doesn't help lacey laughed and said right lmao. A little while later we went to out next classes me and lacey held hands going to our next classes. Lacey said hey lil shadow and I looked at her and laughed and said yes batman she said oh shit you gave me andys nickname and we both started laughing on our way too class. A couple hours later I started getting more anxious because school ended me and lacey went outside to wait on andy we meet up with a couple of friends and hung out with them and waited on andy. I started shaking lacey said hey babe it's ok just tell him how you feel I said yea I know I'm just nervous she said that's normal bitch just calm down and we both laughed and I said ok I can do that. A little while later Andy came pick us up and I gave him a hug and said I love you he said I love you too Lilly and kissed me and I smiled against his lips. Andy drove to his house and dropped off Lacey and we drove to the beach I was playing with the hem of my shirt the whole time. Andy parked and turned off his car and unbucled his seat belt he said so what did you want to talk about. Andy looked at me and said hey babe it's ok I looked at him and let out a breathe I said promise you won't be mad he said of course not babe what's going on andy grabbed my hand and started rubbing it with his thumb. I said ok well first I'm about to graduate and turn 19 he said uh huh I said how about we wait till I'm 20 to plan for the wedding. Andy said ok we can do that I said I want to get a job and make money and figure that shit out andy said uh huh ok we can do that I said what. Andy said we can plan the wedding when you turn 20 because I will end up turning 30 and he laughed and so did I. I said oh true you turn 29 this year he laughed and said uh huh. I grabbed his chin and kissed him passionately and wrapped my arm around his neck and he pulled back and said you ok I said yea I was just scared to talk to you. He said why I said I thought you would be mad he said oh my God no of course not I sighed and said good and he kissed me again and we smiled against each other's lips. I said it was just starting to stress me out a little bit he ran his hand down my thigh and said no we can take as much time as you need and I said ok good and he said good and smiled and kissed my forehead and said alright lets go and he sat back in his seat and buckled up. Andy started up the car and we got some food and he dropped me off at my house and I gave him a hug and said love you bye he said love you more bye and I got out the car and walked inside. I got inside and went upstairs and put my phone on charge and changed and used the restroom and went downstairs with my food. I chilled in the kitchen my mom said what took you so long I said I had to talk to andy about some things she said ok and I said we got it all sorted out and she smiled and said good I said yea I'm happy so that's good. We all chilled in the kitchen and I threw my trash away and we all continued talking at the table I yawned and went upstairs and used the restroom and went into my room and chilled on my phone. I called andy and we talked for a while about different things I said I'm just happy your not mad at me. Andy said now why the fuck would I be mad at you for wanting to wait I don't mind I bit my lip and said I know. Andy said I just don't want you to feel stressed and like it's to much he said if you need time to breathe I will let you I said ok thanks he said no of course I completely understand and I smiled and said I love you Batman. Andy laughed and said I love you more Lil shadow and I laughed and said you fuckin dork he said ummm back at ya babe and I laughed and so did andy. We talked for a little while later and then we both ended up falling asleep at 10 pm.

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