90 Sunday

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I woke up to andy snoring lightly and it made me smile slightly. I yawned and stretched carefully andy was still sleeping. I had a catheter in so I didn't have to go pee in the bathroom. It was 9am when a nurse came in and checked on me and cleaned my neck. They had to clean it periodically so it wouldn't get infected which didn't bother me. Andy was completely knocked out and I started smiling and ran my hand through his hair and he smiled slightly which made me giggle. A couple minutes later andy woke up and yawned and stretched I kept my hand against his face and he just looked at me and smiled. His eyes were extremely bright and I bit my lip while he smiled. A little while later andy left to go get food I carefully ate my breakfast which was ok but not the best. I just can't wait to get these damn stitches out of my neck. A nurse came in while he was gone to hang out and watch on me but I didn't mind she was really sweet and pretty. We talked for a while till andy got back its currently 11am I can't wait to go home today. The nurse said that the doctor wanted to keep me on suicide watch for 72 hours I rolled my eyes and said absofuckinglty not she laughed and said your husband said the same thing and I laughed as well. I said I just want to go home she said yea I bet honestly she also cleaned my neck before she left. Andy got back at 1pm he said sorry I got busy I said its fine I don't care he kissed me and said I love you. I smiled and said did you feel sparks he said yea I smiled and said I love you more Andrew and he smiled. Andy said so I'm gonna try and take you home tonight I smiled and said ok sounds good. I said I promise I won't hurt myself again Andrew sighed and said hood because I don't fucking think my heart will last much longer if you do that again I said I won't he said good and kissed me. Andy sat down by me and we talked for a while and he made some jokes and I laughed slightly and smiled andy held my hand and kissed it and I smiled and so did andy. Andy looked at me in my eyes and I felt my heart race and I blushed he said aw you still get nervous around me babe I said shut up and laughed he said awww and kissed my cheek and put his hand on my face and I smiled and bit my lip andy kissed me passionately and I moaned slightly into the kiss and he smiled and kissed my forehead and smiled while doing it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smiled against my face and said my baby and I just smiled like crazy. Andy leaned closer and bit my lip and tugged it slightly while smirking my heart started racing and my face went red and he smiled and said awww your heart racing darlin and he ran his knuckle against my jaw and kissed me and I smiled when he pulled back. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck and we just talked for a while he checked his phone and said damn it's already 5pm I said wow he laughed and said yea I know it's crazy. A nurse came in and checked on me this time she let andy clean my neck I saw the look on his face and he wanted to cry but he didn't he finished cleaning it and went to go wash his hands. I felt extremely terrible about it I sighed and looked out the window. Andy said babe dont beat yourself up over this and he sat by me and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and said really I almost committed suicide twice and your still here. Andy said I love you and I'm not going to give up on you no matter what that made my eyes started watering. I said I love you Andrew he smiled and said I love you more Lilly and he kissed my forehead and smiled and gave me a hug and I smiled against his shoulder he was extremely warm and smelt really good. It's currently 9pm and they let me go home from the hospital me and Andy are driving home. Andy helped me in the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and we are just jamming out on the way home. Andy I love you andy said I love you too Lilly I think you will love the house its 3 stories. Damnnnn Andy how much room we need Andy started laughing while driving. We were jamming out to music on the way home from the hospital the wind felt really good against my skin and I couldn't wait to take a bath. Andy pulled up to a gorgeous 3 story house I said holy shit andy laughed and said welcome home I looked at him and he kissed me and I smiled. Andy walked over to my side and helped me out of the car and locked it. Andy kept his arm around my waist while walking me up to the house I smiled while walking up the porch steps to the front door. Andy unlocked the door and opened it I walked in and said holy hell Andy started laughing. There was a gorgeous black sofa and a huge screen he had his bvb records hung up along the walls. Andy gave me a tour of our house and I smiled the whole time. Andy looked at me and said welcome home babe and I smiled and said thanks he said hold on and opened our bedroom door and he had candles and had a banner that said welcome home and I blushed slightly. Andy closed the door after we walked in Andy kissed my shoulder and I smiled our room looked really good. The bed was in the middle of the room and it was made very nicely there was a clothes rack close to our bed and it had my lingerie and I laughed he said a nice touch huh I laughed and said yea actually. We had a mirror wall and a really huge closet I felt right at home I smiled and said I feel at home andy smiled and said good I'm happy. I turned around and kissed him passionately and he smiled and said I love you after he pulled back I said I love you more Andrew and we both smiled and laughed. A couple minutes later I used the restroom and carefully brushed my teeth and my hair and went back to our room. I said I'm taking a bath tomorrow andy laughed and said ok sounds good and I laughed as well. Andy was laying in bed we ate before we got home and all I could do was smile while I climbed into bed he said hold on. He got up and grabbed a couple things and took off my bandage and cleaned my neck and bit his lip and I smiled after he wrapped my neck up he went into the bathroom and said we have 10 days babe I said actually 9 and he laughed and said alright and I laughed as well. I took off my pants andy turned on the fan and climbed into bed I layed on his chest and fell asleep and he kissed my head and fell asleep as well.

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