66 two months later graduation

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So it is officially me and laceys graduation day we are super excited about it. I got the pictures from prom and I smiled and bit my lip. My dad came in my room at 6 am to wake me up. My brother and his girlfriend were coming over and I was super excited laceys parents were coming so that was exciting. Me and lacey got ready at my house and everyone hung out at my house since we were all going together. I said lacey she said hmm babe while finishing her hair I said soo I was thinking about getting a job soon she said uh huh me too and I laughed and said I'm really excited she said me too and gave me a hug. After we got ready we took pictures I sighed and said holy shit we are graduating lacey sighed and said I know fucking crazy. I said we got this right she said yes absolutely and I smiled we grabbed our phones and used the restroom really quickly and headed downstairs. Everyone looked at us and said oh my God our babies andy smiled and said I'm so damn proud of you I smiled and said thank you and gave him a kiss. We of course ended up taking a bunch of pictures my step siblings were all excited for me about graduating. A little while later we all left the house and headed to the civic center I was bitting my thumb andy was holding my thigh and he kept kissing my head to calm me down and I smiled and said thank you babe. A little while later we got there and got dropped off and we went to the back to meet up with everyone else and me and lacey were holding hands because we were so damn nervous. A little while later they let the parents in and go sit down they all talked to us I was worried my brother wasn't going to be here but I kept taking deep breaths so I wouldn't freak out. A little while later they let us all go into the auditorium and we all saw our parents I was super nervous I saw andy and smiled and continued walking we all got to our seats and waited for it to begin. The principle started talking and said first we will start with the national anthem and we sung that and sat down. He started announcing all the honor students first and everyone started clapping for them. A little while later they announced LACEY MARIE BIERSACK I started clapping and cheering her on she gave our principle a hug and walked off stage and to her seat I felt my heart go into my throat and my breath hitched. Soon all the people with the last name that started with an M had to go up I felt my heart race and I was so scared I didn't see my brother. It was my turn our principle announced LILLY ROSE MORGAN and I walked on stage and he said actually someone wants to hand her diploma my eyes started watering and he whispered turn around. I turned around and saw my brother in his airforce uniform with my diploma walking to me I screamed BUBBA and ran over to him and gave him a hug. I said holy shit I didn't think you would make it. He said your kidding I wouldn't miss my little sisters graduation I gave him a hug and we held hands and walked over to my principle and shook his hand he said thank you for your service. He said I'm really proud of you babe I said thanks dad and smiled and gave him a hug. Everyone was cheering and me and my brother walked down the stairs to our chairs. A little while later the graduation finally ended me and my brother found lacey she squealed and said ummm bitch and why were you worried I said I don't know we all went to go find the guys andy yelled LILLY. I immediately ran over to andy and he hoisted me up and I immediately started kissing him passionately and he held me tighter I pulled back and said I did it and he smiled and said yes the fuck you did. My brother gave my parents a hug and andys parents as well and I just stayed in andys arms we all took pictures and ended up going to I Hop which was really fun. I stayed by andy the whole time we all laughed and enjoyed ourselves I said sooo I'm going to try and get a job andy said oh cool no way and I said yea and he kissed my head and said well my sexy fiance just graduated and he kissed my hand and I blushed and kissed his cheek and he smiled and looked down. I said Andrew Dennis Biersack he hummed and looked at me and said yes babe I said I love you so damn much and he said I love you so damn much Lilly Rose Biersack and I smiled and looked down and he kissed my forehead and I smiled. We all got to my house at 11pm lacey went home with her family. Andy slept in my room my brother and his girlfriend slept on the couch downstairs but they didn't mind. I ended up falling asleep in andys shirt against his chest and he fell asleep against my head.

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