I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom I said I kind of want to redye my hair. I walked back into our room and Andy was laughing with Emma she grabbed his nose. Andy said oh no be careful don't pull my nose ring out I smiled and shook my head. I said I have an idea for today Andy said well what is it. I said what if we gave Emma a spa day Andy said oh how fun. Emma started giggling and clapping her hands Andy said ok baby spa day it is. A couple minutes later me and Andy gave Emma a bath. Crow was next to the tub watching us the whole time I said he's protective of her. Andy said yea I know its insane but also really adorable I said yea it is. Andy gave Emma a Mohawk and we started laughing together and he took a picture of her and put his phone down. We were jamming out to music together Andy rinsed her hair and she said oh water and started splashing around. I smiled and grabbed a towel and a baby lotion and a small body spray. A couple minutes later Andy got Emma out of the tub and I wrapped her up in a towel. I put in a little bit of hair conditioner to make her hair soft. Emma looked at Andy and he smiled and said look at those beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks. I started laughing and shook my head and kissed her head. After I dried her off I put on a diaper and put some lotion on her and sprayed a little body spray. Emma started giggling and kicking around Andy leaned down and kissed her. I smiled and said aww my favorite people a little while later Andy headed downstairs and took care of the animals and made food. Me and Emma watched movies in bed and cuddled we all hung out in bed all day. A couple of hours later after we finished eating dinner Andy took care of the animals and did the dishes. I took care of Emma and she started screaming I jumped and almost pissed on myself. Andy ran upstairs and said what happened I said I almost pissed on myself thats what. Andy put Emma to bed and I used the restroom then climbed into bed and got comfortable. A couple minutes later Andy climbed into bed and got comfortable and snuggled against me. I said last night was absolutely amazing Andy smiled and said yea I agree with you and he kissed my head. A couple minutes later me and Andy fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.

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