40 two months later

35 1 0

My month has been crazy I had a bunch of exams and I passed every one which I was happy about. Me and Lilly started talking more about graduation plans. Currently it is Thursday my day at School has been boring so far I was going to laceys house tomorrow and I was really excited about it. I started looking for jobs for after when I graduate. I started packing things I didn't need and my mom got sad but also understood. I'm currently in my last class at the moment. I had to take exams all day right now I'm working on my last one I looked at lacey who was completely transfixed on the test and I bit my lip and smiled. I'm almost done with my test and I'm really happy about it. I finally finished my test and yawned and turned it into my teacher and sat down and waited. A little while later everyone finished their tests and our teacher graded them while we waited for school to end. I looked at lacey and made a funny face and she laughed and shook her head. A little while later the bell rung and we all got up and walked out of school me and lacey walked over to her car and we got in after she unlocked it. We got in and she locked the doors and we buckled up and she started the car aka she has been driving Andys car and she rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof we both put on andys sunglasses and took a picture. We started driving and jamming out to Black Veil Brides and we smiled while driving down the highway. It was a really bright and sunny day today it wasn't calling for any rain. A while later lacey dropped me off at my house and I got out and ran inside and closed the door. I went into my room and changed and charged my phone I used the restroom and headed downstairs and ate some food. A little while later I went back upstairs and went into my bedroom and grabbed my phone and some clothes I went into the bathroom and took a hot bath. I shaved and stayed in the tub for an hour I got out and changed I used a makeup wipe and cleaned my face and put my dirty clothes up. I went back into my room and listened to music while packing my bag and sprayed some body spray on and smiled. A little while later I finished packing and put my bag down and I went lay down and fell asleep for the night.
My mom came in my room and woke me up and I groaned fuckkkk its too early and she walked out and closed my door. I groaned fuckkkk and forced myself to get up I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth I also used the restroom then went back into my bedroom. I put on a cute shirt and shorts I sprayed some body spray on and put chapstick on and grabbed some shoes and put them on. I quickly grabbed my phone charger and my bags I headed downstairs to wait on lacey. A little while later lacey called and said heyy butch I'm home and I laughed and said ok coming and hung up. I headed outside and went out the front door and closed it and walked over to her cat and climbed in. The windows were already down and the sun roof was open she was jamming out to music. I buckled up and we started driving to school I quickly put my charger up and just chilled with my best friend while driving down the highway to school. A little while later we pulled up to school Lacey parked and rolled up the windows and closed the sun roof. We both got out and lacey locked the car and we both walked to school we were not excited at all. Me and lacey walked inside the school and started walking to class. We both got to class and sat down and a little while later our teacher showed us our scores on the test. Me and lacey passed with a 90% percent and we got excited. Class went by really quickly and we passed our other exams and we were really excited about that. School went by really quickly and we walked out of school and walked to laceys car.

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