182 Friday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I sat up and I had a major headache i got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took some medicine. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room. Crow was completely knocked out and snoring lightly on the bed. I walked out of our room and went into Emma's room crow woke up and ran into Emma's room. I looked at Emma and she woke up and yawned and stretched and said momma. I smiled and said hi honey and she stood up and whined. I picked her up and quickly changed her then sat down in the rocking chair. I gave her a bottle and rocked her back and forth crow was laying down in Emma's crib. A couple minutes later Andy came into Emma's room he smiled and said hey Lilly. I said hi Andrew he sat down and watched me feed Emma I smiled and bit my lip. Andy said are you feeding her I said yea she was hungry Emma was holding my hand and looking at me. I smiled and said hi baby girl and I kissed her head Emma smiled while drinking her milk. Andy ran his knuckle against her face and smiled and kissed her cheek. Andy said can i hold her I leaned down and gave her to Andy. He smiled while holding her and said hey baby girl how are you. He leaned down and kissed her head and she smiled and giggled. A couple minutes later Emma was finished eating and Andy burped her and I went downstairs and put her bottle up. I went upstairs and Andy changed her and layed her back down in her crib with crow. Emma yawned and fell asleep a couple minutes later. I said aw and kissed his shoulder and me and Andy went back into our room and climbed into bed. I said you wanna invite your sister and Cc over. Andy smiled and said sure I don't mind I cuddled against Andy and fell asleep a couple minutes later. Andy also fell asleep a couple minutes later as well. A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I walked back into our room femme and Daredevil were sleeping peacefully on the bed. I grabbed my phone and headed out of our room and went into Emma's room. Crow woke up and yawned and stretched and meowed. I said hi baby and he meowed and rolled over onto his back. I started scratching his belly and he started purring loudly. Emma woke up and yawned and stretched and giggled. I said hi honey and I smiled slightly and ran my thumb across her cheek. Emma started laughing and I smiled and picked her up and kissed her head. I said did you sleep good last night she said yea and smiled I said good. Crow jumped out of the crib and sat next to me and meowed loudly. Andy came out of our room and headed downstairs and took care of the animals. I headed downstairs with Emma crow followed next to me downstairs. I said hey andy he kissed my head and said morning momma and Emma. She smiled and said daddy he smiled and said hi Emm how did you sleep. She giggled and kicked her feet and Andy smiled and kissed her head and laughed. I put Emma in her high chair and Andy Cooked breakfast I made some coffee for me. Andy smiled while cooking breakfast I kissed his shoulder and rested my chin on his shoulder. I said Andrew he smiled and said yea Lilly I said I'm going to call your sister and Cc and see when they are coming over. Andy said that is fine with me Emma started crying I said huh. Emma said juice I said ok and gave her a bottle of juice and she calmed down. I quickly called lacey and she smiled and said hey babe what is wrong. I said nothing I was wondering when you are coming over she said oh me and Cc are getting ready. I smiled and said ok she said I have a huge announcement I need to tell you guys. I smiled and said ok I'm ready she smiled and said ok see you soon I said ok and hung up. I said Andy he said uh huh I said lacey has an announcement she wants to tell us. Andy looked at me and said ok strange but it is my little sister I laughed and said yea true. A little while later me and Andy ate breakfast then we did the dishes after. I changed Emma then went into the living room and sat down on the couch. I held Emma on my lap and kissed her head and she got comfortable against my chest. Andy smiled and said she is spoiled I smiled and said yea she is definitely. A little while later someone started knocking at the door and Andy got up and answered the door. Lacey and Cc walked inside and Andy closed the door and locked the front door. Emma yawned and snuggled against me I smiled and said my baby forever and I kissed her head. Lacey and Cc sat down on the couch and said hello Emma she smiled and said hi. Cc was excited to see Emma she waved and giggled. Lacey said Andy he said uh huh sis she said can me and Cc babysit Emma this weekend. I looked at Andy and smiled and said why not it might be fun for them. Andy said yea but is there something you need to tell us. I put Emma on the floor and she crawled towards her toys and started giggling. Lacey looked at Cc and smiled widely and grabbed his hand. Lacey said I'm pregnant I said no way she smiled and handed me a pregnancy test. My eyes started watering and I gave her a hug and said congrats. Andy smiled and gave her a hug and said are you excited she said I'm fucking terrified. I sat down and said I was too don't worry but yea you guys can watch her all weekend. I headed upstairs and packed her bag then came back downstairs. Crow was playing with Emma and she was laughing. I handed Cc her bag and he smiled and said thanks I said of course and sat down. I said crow is going to miss Emma lacey said oh yea probably. I said crow is Emma's best friend lacey smiled and said that's good. I smiled and looked at Emma she was in her own little world I said you guys wanna go out to eat tonight. Everyone said yea sure that's fine I said ok cool Cc went to go put Emma's bag in their car. Emma started crawling towards me Cc was in front of her and she looked up at him. He smiled and said hi she grabbed his leg and stood up. Cc kept her steady and grabbed her hand Emma walked over to me and grabbed my knees. I smiled and said what are you doing baby and I picked her up and held her close to me. Cc sat down on the couch and I looked at Andy he smiled and grabbed her hand and said my baby girl. Emma giggled and made cute baby noises Andy knelt in front of me and started playing with Emma. Cc held Emma while me and Andy headed upstairs and got ready for the day. After we finished getting ready we headed downstairs and sat down on the couch. A couple of hours later we all left and headed to a restaurant. After we got to the restaurant Andy put Emma's car seat in Ccs car. A couple minutes later we all headed inside and got a table and sat down. Andy sat down next to me lacey said I am so nervous about being a mom. I said I was as well but it just came naturally honestly. After we finished eating we left the restaurant me and Andy headed home without Emma. I said this is weird Andy said I know its crazy. After we got home we took care of the animals then headed upstairs and went to bed for the night. Crow went into Emma's room and started meowing loudly. Crow came in our room and jumped on the bed Andy said she isn't here bud. Crow meowed sadly and layed down and fell asleep I said aw and looked at Andy. We fell asleep a couple minutes later for the night.

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