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"I will be back" Sally nodded at Bronx but kept her eyes on jaylah as jaylahs eyes were still closed. "jaylah?" Jaylah opened her light blue eyes "Sally" even her voice is weak "I'm here to help you jaylah" jaylahs eyes started to water "don't do that" "I.. I don't want to be here Sally. I have been.." "let me help you. I need to clean your wounds and get some water into you" jaylah knew Sally wouldn't hurt her. With a slight nod, Sally wiped her own face. Taking a deep breath, she spoke "I will need to cut these clothes off of you" "Sally.. I.. I need a shower. I don't know if my underwear will come off" Sally swallowed hard "then I will get you into the shower" "I don't want them around Sally" Sally showed a slight nod. As she moved to pick jaylah up, she felt just how light she was, making her tear up. Sally carried jaylah to the bathroom with ease. "Can you stand?" "I dont.." "we are not even letting you try" Sally positioned jaylah at the bottom of the shower and turned the handle to the middle before turning it on. "Ahhh.." "I'm sorry sweetheart" jaylah put her head down "can I undress you in here?" "Yes" Sally ran out and grabbed the scissors. She knows she won't be able to keep moving her around. Grabbing the scissors, Sally ran back into the bathroom and closed the door. "I'm going to cut the clothes off jaylah. If at any point it hurts, please tell me" jaylah sat silent letting the tears fall as Sally started removing the fabric from her body.
Sally can see a lot of it has stuck to her body. Under her shirt, the metal from her bra has cut into her skin too. "Jaylah the metal.." "I know. Just take it out" Sally took a deep breath as she slowly started removing the metal from her bra out of jaylahs skin.
"Sally.." Bronx put his fist Infront of his mouth stopping him from vomiting as he watched Sally remove the metal from Jaylahs bra out of her back. He could see the infection was deep too.
"It's nearly out sweetheart. Hold on" what has Bronx done?. Jaylahs body is covered in markings. It's bruised, bleeding, infected and he can clearly see her bones. Bronx stepped out and ran to the other bathroom vomiting in the toilet. "Boss?" "Fuck off" Evan was worried, their boss can't be sick. He is never sick.
"It's all out sweetheart. Can I see the front?" "Yes" with all the strength jaylahs got, she moved her back to the wall. Sally swallowed hard as she looked at jaylahs front. "I need to get a saline towel" jaylah didn't have the energy to talk anymore. As Sally rushed to the room, she grabbed the large bottle of saline and a clean hand towel. Drenching it in saline, she got back into the shower and placed it over Jordanas breasts. "now we need to work on the bottoms" with a deep breath jaylah spoke "just do it" Sally cut off jaylahs pants and removed them not that there was much left.
Looking at her panties, Sally then looked at jaylah "sweetheart.." jaylahs eyes closed "it's going to hurt" "yes" Sally cut on each side of her underwear. Slowly peeling back the underwear, Sally was worried. Jaylah took deep breaths as she fought back a scream. Not being able to hold it in any longer, jaylah let out a scream in pain "I'm sorry, so sorry sweetheart".
Hearing a high pitch scream from bosses room, paolo looked at Gerald "what was that?" Kalem walked out and stood in front of bosses bedroom door "kalem what are you doing?" With watery eyes kalem spoke "boss brought jaylah home" kalem knew whatever was happening wouldn't be good. He can't enter but he can guard the door. Hearing three more high pitch screams, Bronx walked down the corridor "get away from my door" "boss it's.." "I know what it is. NO ONE WILL ENTER DO YOU ALL HEAR ME?" hearing everyone say yes boss, Bronx glared at kalem as he didn't move "move kalem. I am not going to hurt her" kalem wanted to say 'but he did'. "If you want to do something, go find her some clothes" kalem showed a slight nod.
"Its all off sweet heart. I know it hurt but I had to get them off" "thank.. thank you" "you are welcome. I will grab a towel just Incase someone comes in" Sally quickly moved to grab a towel and placed it over jaylahs lower body before grabbing the old clothes and bagged them before exiting the room and threw them in the bin.
Bronx could see by Sally's expression that what she had seen, was heart wrenching.
As Sally walked back to the room, she closed the door and entered the bathroom. Even under the water, Sally can see jaylahs tears. "it's not good to use soaps with the open wounds but I can help you stand so you can rinse your bottom off" jaylah looked at Sally. Showing a slight nod at Sally, Sally got back in the shower and helped jaylah stand. Jaylahs legs like jelly, Sally held her up for a few minutes letting the water run over jaylahs body. "we need to get you out now" Sally held jaylah up as she grabbed the towel and wrapped it gently around jaylahs body then turned the water off. As Sally picked jaylah up, Bronx opened the door. "Sally.. I can carry her" "thanks Bronx" Sally is only one of two people who can call Bronx by his name.
As Bronx took jaylah from Sally's arms, he moved to lay her on his bed "we are getting you some clothes" "Bronx, it's probably good for her to not wear any right now" Bronx looked at Sally "she needs to wear clothes Sally" "I understand that. I need to dress her wounds first. They need to be done otherwise it could only get worse" Bronx nodded "okay. I trust your word. I will get some water and a soup" Sally showed a small grin "okay Bronx".
As Bronx exited the room, he closed the door. "boss is jaylah back?" "Yes" Christophe nodded "as I have stated to everyone else, you do not enter my room" "yes boss. How is she?" "Not good" with that, Bronx walked to the kitchen and Christophe turned to look at Paolo "he brought her back. I never thought we'd see her again" "I knew she hadn't done anything" "jaylah wouldn't" "hold up. Why is she here?" Christophe looked at Gerald "she was brought here" "well obviously dickhead but why was she here? What did she do?" "Finances. Her uncle is rayal Metcalf" "what?" "Yes" Geralds eyes went wide "shit. so what's this mean for boss?" "He will have to deal with it" "who?" Christophe looked at Gerald "boss" "shit".
As Bronx made a soup for jaylah, Sally attended to jaylahs wounds. With a lot of her body in bandages, Sally then looked at jaylah "I have covered what I can sweet heart. Do you want to try getting dressed?" "I may need.." "I will help. Give me a moment" "okay" Sally covered jaylah with a thin blanket then walked out of the room and to the kitchen "Bronx we need clothes for jaylah" "speak with kalem".
As Sally exited the kitchen, she looked around "where is kalem?" "He rushed out about forty minutes ago" Sally took a deep breath. When the front door opened, kalem walked in holding three bags. "Kalem" kalem closed the door and gave his attention to Sally "these are for jaylah" Sally grinned "still the best friend. Thanks kalem" kalem wanted to smile but he's worried "she will be okay kalem" kalem showed a slight nod "thanks for helping her Sally" Sally showed a gentle smile as she grabbed the bags then walked off to Bronxs room.
"Jaylah I have three bags of clothes for you" hearing this, jaylahs eyes moved to the bags "new?" Sally grinned "kalem" "kalems still here?" "Yes sweetheart. He has missed you" "he's a good person Sally" Sally grabbed out all the clothes. Definitely something loose. Track suit pants, a tshirt and underwear. "He bought you underwear" Sally laughed at her own comment "never thought I'd see the day a man here would go out and buy one of us women underwear". As Sally helped jaylah get dressed, jaylah struggled to even raise an arm. Wearing fresh clean clothes, Sally then brushed jaylahs long blonde hair "your hair will take a while" the more Sally brushed the more hair that fell out but she knows it's all the dead hair that hasn't been brushed in such a long time. Getting all the knots out, Sally picked up all the dead hair and threw it in the bin. "We may need to wait a week or two to wash your hair".

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