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"ka.." jaylah cleared her throat "kalem" "KALEM" hearing his name, kalem ran through the house to the back room. "Anything?" "Kalem" kalems eyes watered as a smile showed. "Fuck jaylah" kalem leant down giving jaylah a gentle hug "it's good to see your eyes open and hear you talk" Otto and Calvin left the room, leaving those two to talk. As kalem pulled away, jaylah spoke
"Who was in here?" "Otto and Calvin" "I don't want to lay like this" kalem shook his head "you have no choice right now, you need to lay still" kalem grabbed jaylahs hand "once again you saved my life. I didn't even see it coming" "they aren't allowed to kill you" "we lost you four times" "I need to move" "what's wrong?" "I have a sharp pain down my side" kalem took a deep breath "let me get Tyson. He will be able to tell me" "okay".
"TYSON" Tyson looked at Calvin then stood up "why the fuck is he calling you?" "No idea" Tyson walked up the Hall way to the back room. When he entered, his eyes went wide "good to see you awake" "she needs to move. Is it possible?" "Why?" "She has a sharp pain shooting up her side" Tyson nodded "with two others, we can move her" Tyson walked out. "vex and Otto" "coming" "what's going on?" Tyson looked at Bronx as he walked out of the office. "jaylah is awake" "what?" "Yep. I need your help" "with what?" "Jaylah needs to move" "she can't fucking move" "she has a sharp pain running up her side" Bronx had a look of worry in his eyes. Tyson, Otto and vex walked in and kalem looked at them "it's on her right" "alright" "I will take her waist" Tyson nodded. "We'll be as gentle as we can jaylah. If there's any pain, we need you to tell us straight away" "yep" Bronx stood at the door just watching as they slowly moved jaylah to her side. 'its fucking killing me seeing her like this' "Any pain?" "No. Thanks, all of you" "it's fine jaylah. It's good to see you still with us" "you sure are tough. Saving kalems life again too" kalem put his head down "head up mate. She's still here" "yeah.." jaylah could see the sadness in kalems eyes. "You didn't say you love me back" the men laughed as kalem grinned "I'm not admitting to it" "got a smile out of you though" "bitch" the men laughed "you should be nice to him" "I was" "someone has to feed you" "argh, you have got to be kidding me" Tyson smirked "I'm not doing toilet runs" "how long do I need to be here?" "Atleast til morning" "I will hold it" the men laughed "good luck with that". As the men started to leave, jaylah spoke to kalem "any chance we have straws in this place?" "Yep. Thirsty?" "Yeah" "I will go get you a drink but that means piss stops" "fuck it" kalem grinned then walked out as Bronx walked in. Walking around to face jaylah, he moved so he was head height with her. "Hey" Bronx showed a small smile "hey beautiful. You aren't in any pain?" "Nothing more than expected. The sharp pain that I woke up with has gone" "you should be laying flat" "I guess I can't right now. Everything okay?" "Your uncle came here" "what did he want?" "Honestly I think he is hurting" "he tried to have Kalem killed" "yeah I know. It won't happen. He has told me that" "what happened after?" "Kalem threatened Barron as he held you to his chest. He wouldn't allow anyone to touch you, not even me. From there we rushed you to this room. No idea when Barron left but a lot of the men had their guns aimed at him" "he was under order?" Bronx nodded "yep" "great" "you know, when I said you could do training, I didn't mean put yourself in the line of fire. I said vex could teach you to protect yourself" "I had to protect kalem. I seen Barron with the gun in his hand and immediately what you said about uncle rayal, barron and Ivan popped into my head. I'm not sorry I did it" "so we get you some armor?" Jaylah grinned "maybe" "let's not get hurt anymore huh?" Bronx grinned as kalem brought in a water "who's doing toilet runs?" "I will if I have to" "that's why I am here. Good to see you awake jaylah" "hey Sally" "need a toilet stop huh?" "Not right now but thanks" "welcome. I seen you have claimed another one of kalems shirts" jaylah grinned "I had no idea whose it was but it's keeping me covered" "aww come on, I havent seen those puppies in weeks" jaylah held in her laughter as the men laughed "do you need us to leave, so you can see them?" "Nah I will get jealous. Mine fall to the fucking floor" the men smirked as jaylah spoke "get em out, I will catch them for you" "I will remember that if I need a bra" "happy to help".
Hearing Bronxs phone ring jaylah had a feeling its her uncle. he looked at the number. "Your uncle" "I don't want to speak to him" bronx nodded.
"Rayal" "Bronx any news?" "She's awake" "that's great news. Has she spoke?" "No. she's not speaking right now" "it's expected, she could be just processing what happened. Do tell her I will be coming to see her tomorrow" "I will pass it on" "thanks. Take care" "yeah you too". when Bronx hung up the phone he looked at jaylah "you will have a visitor tomorrow" "what?" Bronx looked at kalem "you won't be touched" "I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about jaylah" "he won't hurt her" 'i want to fucking kill them but I will leave that to jaylah' "did he say when?" "No. only that he will be coming here tomorrow" "argh" kalem smirked just like Sally did "I will be here" "yep" Bronx grinned "we stick together. I doubt anyone will want to leave this room once they find out you are awake" "shit Christophe. One sec" kalem ran out and to Christophes room. Seeing it empty, he knew he'd either be in the dining room or gym. Running to the gym, when he entered Christophe was punching the shit out of the bags, taking out his frustrations "had a smoke?" "No" "good. Jaylahs awake and won't want to smell it" Christophe looked at kalem in disbelief "awake? Did you just say she is awake?" Kalem grinned "yep" Christophe rushed out of the gym behind kalem. Entering the room, Christophe walked around to see jaylahs eyes open. "Okay, I know you are boss and all but right now I don't care" Bronx moved as he chuckled "forgiven". Nothing can bring down their spirits right now. They are just happy to have her here alive and talking.
"He smells like sweat" "complain complain. I'm hugging you" "you have to be sweet" "argh and demanding" jaylah grinned as Christophe gave her a gentle hug "yeah you smell" "not like smoke. give me a break" jaylah grinned "a big improvement. You good?" Christophe moved back "you are the one strapped to a bed and you ask me if I'm good?" "Yes" "better now I know you are awake and giving me shit like always" jaylah grinned "I know you thrive off of it" Sally, Bronx, Christophe and kalem laughed "he does" "tell me can you feel everything?" "Yes" everyone grinned "I'd ask if you can move but being strapped down makes things hard" "is that what turns you on Christophe?" Christophe smirked "thats not something I'm Discussing with you" "well just like kalem, she needs to go through me first" "wouldn't expect anything less but same goes" Bronx internally grinned "and it can't be one of these men in the house" "I'm curious as to why?" Jaylah wanted to laugh as Sally spoke "nope she needs to get the hell out of here" "she's protected here" "Sally has a point" "he just doesn't want you leaving" "I can't leave him behind" "who will save his butt?" "Looks like you need to find a man in here then hmm" jaylah wanted to laugh "are you trying to make her laugh?" "Nah just see her smile. I don't want her causing any more damage to herself" "when you get out of here. You will be wrapped in cotton wool, armour, chastity belt, more cotton wool on top and thats all under your clothes" jaylah held in her laughter while the rest broke out in a fit of laughter "oh come on guys, I can't laugh right now" "so.." Sally chuckled "sorry" "you are not" "Nuh. I'm going to get food" the guys laughed "out out and out" "too bad. You are stuck with us" "I suppose I better live with it then huh?" "You fucking better".

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