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Getting out of bed, jaylah bolted to the toilet and started vomiting. 'argh fuck my life right now' getting it all out, jaylah flushed the toilet then started brushing her teeth.
"Yeah I knew it" jaylah looked in the mirror at vex "hi there" "morning. Want toast?" Jaylah nodded as she continued to brush "coffee?" Jaylah spat the tooth paste out "yeah please" "you know most people brush their teeth after breakfast" "and when is my life normal?" "Okay, good point. I will sort it" "thanks" rinsing her mouth out, jaylah dried her mouth then walked out. Quicky getting changed, jaylah grabbed one of kalems hoodies and out it on before walking out. Taking a seat at the table, jaylah kept the hood over her head.
"Good morning" jaylah looked up at Bronx "morning" "sleep alright?" "Yeah it was fine" "you look better" "feel it" 'i wasn't ten minutes ago but if I get it up, I'm good' "here jaylah" "thanks vex" "welcome" Bronx looked at vex then at jaylah "you knew she was up?" "Seen her in the hall way. Thought id make her some breakfast" "you can eat more than that" "this is perfect" jaylah sat silent eating her meal slowly. The last thing she needs is to bring attention to herself.
"Morning jlee" "morning Christina" "nope" jaylah chuckled "Chrissy?" "Definitely not" "boring" the men at the table laughed "all sorted?" "Yeah I'm sweet. Got food and a coffee" "good. You working today?" "I don't work Sundays" "the chair is in the back of Tysons truck" "yeah I will grab it at some point" "nah one of us can. You are short" "rude" Christophe grinned.
Finishing her meal and coffee, jaylah stood up and took her dishes to the kitchen then walked outside. Looking at the back corner where they buried kalem, jaylah slowly walked towards his resting place. 'the other men are just disposed of but they buried kalem. I'm thankful to those men for doing this for him' moving in front of his grave, jaylah sat down with her legs crossed 'well kalem it seems I've got myself into some trouble and I have no idea what to do. Shit, it would be a lot easier to have you here with me. You would be cracking jokes and finding some way to lift my ass up. I'm sure you would be telling me that I will be fine and to keep my head up'.
As Christophe walked out side, he looked around. 'oh shit jaylah is at his grave' watching jaylah just sitting at the end of his grave picking grass, Christophe walked her way.
'shit I don't know what to do. You know after everything that's happened, I don't know if I can be with him. I know you were always stirring me up and messing around but I knew thats because you were happy for me. Would you be happy now?' "jaylah?" "Hey Christophe" "you alright?" "Yeah I guess. He won't tell me what to do" Christophe moved to sit next to jaylah "and what do you think he would say?" "I have been up to no good" Christophe chuckled "yeah he definitely would say that" "do you think there's a printing place open today?" "Probably not it is Sunday" "yeah I guess I will head in tomorrow and get those pictures printed. I also need to send them to you guys".
Exiting the house, Zaire looked at jaylah and Christophe as they sat at the end of kalems grave. 'we need to get day drunk.. oh shit jaylah can't drink' entering the house, Zaire looked at vex, emit and Tyson. "Coming to see a brother?" The three men looked at each other than back to Zaire "Nuh" "jaylah and Christophe are down there" "let's go" when all three stood up, Zaire walked ahead and headed outside. "Hold up man" Zaire pulled back and waited for all three "how long have they been out there?" "No idea. I just came out and seen them there" "well best we join them then" all four walked down to the grave and sat down "you know he really needs a mask" "definitely a clown mask" "it suits his personality" jaylah internally grinned "he'd be kicking my ass right now" "that's a given. He was always kicking your ass" "like when you were shot. Damn guy was always on your tail. JAYLAH LEE" everyone laughed "it wasn't just him now was it" "okay a few of us did" "shows we care. so now I plan to say lift your damn head up and don't let them get to you" "It's definitely a mix but that back issue needs to be sorted" "argh I have no fucking idea" the men grinned "you can't be doing anything" "well that's just rude" "hey we are only saying that we care about your now fat ass" jaylah chuckled "yeah I know. I appreciate it". Zaire looked around then back to jaylah "you know you can't drink right?" "Argh I love you too" the men laughed "I think a measurement should be in place" "what the hell for?" "To make sure no extra is taken out" "oh here we go. Fuck my life" the men laughed.
"Morning" "boss" "Lucian" "hi. Any sign of jaylah?" Otto and gage looked at each other "yep" "she wasn't in her room" "she moved to kalems" Lucian showed a slight nod "and that is where?" "Down the hall but you will probably find her outside" "normal for her?" "No the men went out there" "right" lucian walked out leaving Bronx to think. 'she has moved to kalems room?. It's going to be hard to get her back. Even when out here, it's like she has shut down any emotion towards me'.
"Men" "Lucian" "jaylah" "hi" "the house is on the market" "well that's good news" "three point four million. It means if we do get the price, we have one point seven each" jaylah internally grinned "thanks for letting me know" "have none of you men got work today?" "Not that we have heard" Lucian showed a slight nod. "With the new territory open, Bronx and I have decided to take half each" "which means more work" "yep" "I can help" "nope" jaylah looked at vex "why not?" "You aren't tough enough" "stuff you" the men laughed "do I need to go dye my hair, get tatts and piercings to fit in" "oh no you fucking don't" jaylah smirked "and if I want to?" "Listen this mid life crisis you have going on will pass. then you will be old and grey with saggy tits..." The men cracked up laughing "tell me why the fuck we are related?" "To get on your damn case" "argh lucky me" "glad you think so" lucian internally grinned. 'these men know how to keep her going' "Nuh I'm going to get a piercing" "tie her down" "what piercing?" "Probably her tit so we can't see it" jaylah chuckled "Nuh side labret" vex grinned "it would suit you" "well while I am in town tomorrow, Im booking it in" "hits twenty five and shes lost her darn mind" the men and jaylah laughed "see that beast over there?" The men looked at kalems car "what about it?" "I'm pimping it out" Christophe laughed "let's go back in. You need to send us those photos" "yeah that sounds good. I want another coffee too" "well let's get you one" "I can make it" "no you need to rest that back" "I will be.." "muzzle her" jaylah chuckled "okay okay I get it" Lucian watched every single one of the men. Not one looks at her more than a mate or family as she calls them which is good but she already broke it off with Bronx. He's not sure how it will play out. He doesn't know jaylah that well but maybe one of these men can give him a little insight on how she is and how to handle her. They can all seem to calm her. "You know you really stink" "let me guess, I smell like kalem?" "Yep. Awful" jaylah showed a small cheeky grin "well I do have his deodorant too, so I just might spray it on your pillow" "oh no you don't" "it really sounds like a brilliant idea. Bye" jaylah took off running making the guys laugh "IM LOCKING MY ROOM" "IM LOCKING YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE" "oh she better not" the men laughed as Christophe took off after jaylah. "LOOK AT THE GUY RUN JLEE" hearing jaylah laugh the guys all grinned "how do you deal with her?" Zaire looked at Lucian "you don't control her and don't be too serious. Don't disrespect her or those she is close too. make her laugh and be there for her. She surely lights this place up" "it's not supposed to be light" "well what else are we supposed to do while living the lives we do?" Lucian showed a slight nod "you have a point".

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