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"Sally, while you are here, Can you tell me why Bronx brought me back?" Sally put her head down at jaylahs next line "if it's to kill me, can't he just shoot me?. Haven't I been through enough?" As Sally went to answer, the door to the room opened up "Sally.. jaylah I have some water and soup for you" jaylah wasn't sure what to say. Keeping it simple, she spoke "thanks" her voice isn't anymore than a whisper but with a lash to the throat it's expected. plus she hasn't been able to talk the entire time she has been in the cell. Every time she did, she would get an extra lash for every word. Bronx stood in front of jaylah while jaylah kept her head down. As Bronx handed her the water and bowl of soup, jaylah struggled to hold them. Having a sip of water she placed the water on Bronxs bedside table then held the bowl with both hands. Jaylah can't remember the last time she had a meal that they know about. She doesn't even know how she will eat it or how it will sit "Maybe we should let her eat in peace?" Bronx looked at Sally "okay. You can come clean this up soon" "it's fine" exiting the room, Bronx made sure to close the door. "Sally has she spoke much?" "No Bronx. But she did ask me a question" "what question?" "Why did you bring her back? If it's to kill her, can't you just shoot her. Hasn't she been through enough" Bronx inhaled a deep breath "thanks for telling me" "it's fine" Sally walked away to the kitchen while Bronx stared at his bedroom door. He did this to her. He's not only dealing with a fragile jaylah, he has to deal with his own demons. 'what am I going to do?' Bronx walked to his office and sat down. He not only needs to build jaylah back up mentally and physically, he also needs to deal with rayal. Rayal is not someone you mess with. Rayal runs one of the biggest gangs in country and won't hesitate to kill.

Not even a quarter of the bowl gone and jaylah can't stomach anymore. She can't exactly take the bowl out herself. Placing it on Bronxs bedside table, she looked around. 'why am I in Bronxs room?. Where am I supposed to be?. I can't be staying in the bosses room'.
Sally gave it thirty minutes then walked to Bronxs room. Opening the door, her eyes were on jaylah as she laid on her side. Sally walked around and knelt down in front of her "jaylah?" Jaylah opened her light blue eyes to look at Sally "how's the soup sitting?" "I can't eat anymore" Sally looked at the bowl seeing only a little bit had been touched then back to jaylah "I understand. I do need to clean Bronxs room. I hope I don't disturb you" "why am I in here?" "This is where Bronx knows no one bar me will enter" "am I to sleep in here?" "I will speak to Bronx about your sleeping arrangements but do rest now jaylah. I'm sure you need it and it will help you heal" jaylah closed her eyes.
"Where is that little bitch?" kalem stood up like Christophe as Martina stood in the door way "your bitch of a friend is in the cells where she fucking belongs" Martina looked at Christophe in disgust "that jaylah bitch deserved it and more" without expecting it Bronx walked up behind her, grabbing her by her throat "say one more word about jaylah and I will slit your throat or even better I can take you to Casey" "bro.." "boss to you Martina. You are nothing more than a worker. You touch jaylah or even look at her the wrong way and I will take you to the cells. Be warned Martina, I don't mess around" Martinas fear rose "bro.." "BOSS" "boss.. she deserved it. She killed Sawyer" Bronx gripped Martina's throat tight as he took her to the garage and threw her to the ground and kicked her in the stomach "you think I didn't hear your conversation" with another kick to the stomach, Bronx continued "you don't think I know Casey set her up?" Martina tried to stand but Bronx kicked her again "you think I'm fucking stupid?. Now because of you two and your fucking lies, an innocent person was hurt and not any innocent person, rayal Metcalfs niece" with another kick to the stomach, Martina spoke "boss. I only just found out" "BULLSHIT. now when rayal comes to see his niece, I do hope you have the guts to stand up and tell him the lies you and Casey made up. Casey won't be able to and you will take the fall" Martina knew all too well she would have no choice "it was Casey" "AND YOU HID IT" "she just wants you boss" "CASEY WILL DIE IN THOSE CELLS. I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT" Martina tried to sit up but failed "this is your warning Martina. One wrong move and I will take you to those cells. I will make sure you die slowly just like Casey will. Do not cross me" Martina inhaled a deep breath. After the kicks to the stomach, she struggled "I won't cross you boss" "good" as Bronx walked back in, Martina sat up. 'i should've told him but Casey is a friend. Now I'm paying for her fuck up' as Martina picked herself up off of the ground, she dusted herself off and raised her shirt. "Shit" with a deep breath Martina dropped her shirt and walked inside. As the men looked her way, she turned her eyes to look away and walked to her room.
"Jaylah, do you need anything?" "No thanks" "okay. Get some rest".
As Sally grabbed everything from in the room, she walked out and closed the door. Taking everything that is dirty to the laundry, she then moved to the kitchen and put the first aid kit away. She needs to speak with Bronx.
Entering the office, Bronx look to be lost in thought. She has seen many sides of Bronx but he only shows his icy cold side to every one else. "bronx" Bronx looked away from the window to face Sally. "Sally" "what is the sleeping arrangement for jaylah?" "She is to stay where she is" "Would you like me to set up the spare room?" "What for?" "For you?" "No. That is my room. I will make sure noone hurts jaylah. No one is to enter unless they have permission. Is the room clean?" "Yes. I have scrubbed everything down" "thanks Sally" Sally grinned "it's fine Bronx. Jaylah is now resting" "did she eat?" "Not much. It's expected. Her body is not used to food" "or drinks" Sally didn't know she hadn't had a drink. Swallowing hard Bronx watched as Sally turned "Sally I made a huge mistake. One I may pay for" Sally faced Bronx "it was a mistake Bronx" "jaylah is also rayals niece" Sally knows rayal can be a very harsh man "then you tell him the truth" "rayal isn't so understanding Sally. Martina will be coughing up the truth to him. Casey won't be able to" "I can vouch for you Bronx" Bronx showed a slight nod "thanks for everything Sally" "you are welcome". As Sally exited the office, Bronx looked at the phone. That's a job for tomorrow. Today he needs to get his head sorted and check on jaylah. He needs to speak with her at some point too. He's sure she is resting right now. Her body needs all the rest it can get.
'why didnt he just let me die? Why did he have to bring me back here? To torture me more? Is this the way he works?. I can't move, I can't do anything for myself, I can't even raise my arms without struggle. Is soup my last meal and am I to die on this bed?. With every question, jaylah had no answers. All that flashed through her mind was what has been said to her, what has happened to her in the time she was in the cells. She doesn't have her parents anymore and the only family she does have is the same man who got her the job here. Her uncle rayal. Rayal has always treated jaylah like a daughter. Making sure she had finished her schooling and found her a job in finance which is what she wanted but she didn't know of the life she would live until it was too late. With tears travelling down her drawn cheeks, jaylah closed her dull light blue eyes.
"Nothing?" Kalem shook his head as he walked back to the dining table. "Not a sound. I want to go see her" "don't enter bosses room. He will have your head" "I know but I want her to know I'm still there for her" "give it a day atleast".

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