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"you best let Bronx know so we can get out of the house" "alright but I will be telling kalem" Sally grinned "thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it" "nah it's fine. Us women need to look out for each other. Not those whores that were at the house though" "didn't get along with them either huh?" "No. Stuck up skanks them two" jaylah internally grinned.
As they got back to the house, jaylah and Sally exited her car and walked inside. "Where the fuck have you been?. Didn't tell me you were going?. Who is he?. Do I need to bash him?. He better not have touched you, I will kick his ass" Jaylah kept her face straight while Sally laughed "all yours jaylah" "oh thanks" "any time".
Kalem smirked "well?" "Well what?" "Didn't hear anything I just said?" "I was out. I seen a female and a male. He didn't touch me but he probably will" "oh no he fucking won't. No dating outside this house, I need to know what's going on" Christophe laughed "sticky nose" "so?, Who is he?. Who was she?. Where did you go?" Bronx walked out of the office and stopped in the hall way as he heard kalem. "How many questions are you going to ask?" "Plenty. Come on, fill your papa in" the guys all let out a belly laugh as kalem and jaylah kept going "but papa they are good people. I should be able to have friends" "I haven't met them. You are grounded and you will tell me young lady" Bronx put his fist in front of his mouth holding in his laugh "but I'm grounded anyway so why should I tell you" "argh, why did I have kids?" The men laughed "he's a curious cat This one" "I can see that. I went with Sally to see her sister" "and her husband?" "No we went somewhere else" jaylah grinned "I have my first session in two days" "session?" Kalems eyes went from curious to happiness "Lazer?" "Yep. Thanks to Sally and opal, I'm only getting charged two thousand instead of six" "fuck I'm ecstatic. So what are the chances of all the scars going?" "He said that some will go on their own but they won't all go. About five percent will remain" kalem nodded "still that's awesome. You better tell boss and rayal" "I plan to but you bailed me up at the door" kalem smirked "you two had been gone for hours" "needed a break from your ass" kalem picked up jaylah throwing her over his shoulder "you have definitely gained weight" "seventeen pounds" "what?" Jaylah looked at Christophe "yep. Lots of pasta and steak. Speaking of that, where's my pizza?" Christophe smirked "pizza for dinner?" "Yeah thanks. He's sweet huh?" "Don't tell him that. Let's go" "I have no choice" the men laughed. As kalem carried jaylah, he walked down the hall "oh. Hi boss" Bronx looked at kalem and jaylah "hi Bronx" Bronx heard everything but he will play it out like he hasn't "have fun?" "Yep. Booked in my Lazer treatment for two days from now. It's only costing me a third of the price" "did you show the person your markings?" "Yep. Sally is taking me back" "is she?" "Well yeah it's her friend that's doing it" "who?" "The names Harris" Bronx internally grinned "I was told he's corrupt like us. I'm not corrupt though. Kalem is" "I'd drown you, if I could" "don't be like that papa. Christophe is getting me pizza tonight" Bronx wanted to laugh but held it in "where are you taking jaylah?" "Well we were coming to see you. Hi boss" jaylah hid her grin "hi Bronx" Bronx looked at jaylah "anything else I need to know?" "He needs a shower" "all I can smell is coconut" "I've got a bunch of little coconuts..argh you were supposed to sing" "I'm not singing" "boring" "can I drown her?" "Probably not" "why only probably?" "I haven't had pizza" "hmm that is a problem" "yep plus I'm light right now, I will just float" kalem chuckled "seventeen pounds heavier than when you came back" "yeah I'm working on it. To the kitchen papa" kalem laughed "bye boss" "bunch of children in this place" "we know you were smiling under that hard shell" "was I?" "What do you think jaylah?" "Nuh.. your boss doesn't smile" Bronx grinned as he walked behind kalem and jaylah.
"Are you a shoulder monkey?" "He's keeping me away from my boyfriend" "right. I'm smashing this boyfriend of yours" "from behind" the men laughed as kalem carried her into the kitchen and put her down. "What are you making?" "I don't know" "how many meals a day?" "Five" "five? Far out" "my body needs it" "and how's the bruising from Barron?" "Fine" "liar. You better call rayal" "yeah I will do that now".
Jaylah pulled her phone from her pocket and dialled rayals number. Putting it on loud speaker, she waited.
"Jaylah" "hi uncle. How are you?" "Good. No troubles?" "Nah I was just calling to let you know I have booked In for Lazer treatments" "when?, Where? and how much?" "Two days is my first session. Do you know Harris?" "Harris.. runs a clinic these days?" "Yeah that's him. He is doing it. Two thousand for all three sessions" "that's cheap" "he is a friend of Sally's. It would usually be two thousand for one session but he dropped it down" rayal grinned on the other end of the line "good. I know Harris. He won't be mentioning anything to anyone and im glad you aren't getting ripped off. Using that card?" "Yes. he said visa is fine" "good. How does Sally know Harris?" "Friends I guess. She damaged his car" rayal laughed "and still giving you the price he is. Must be close. Barron mentioned your first session" "argh, if that's what he calls it" rayal laughed "heard ya did well. He wasn't gentle" "oh I know. The bruising shows it. Not what I expected when I called him" "he knew you were frustrated. It's the best time to do it" "okay that I understand. You missed out on a spa day today" "busy" jaylah chuckled "next time I will wait til you have the time to see me" "oh no, don't worry about me. I'm fine thanks" "maybe Ivan then" "he will love it" "I'm sure he would. I better go. I have food to eat" "how is the weight gain going?" "Good. Seventeen pounds" "shit is that muscle too?" "I have been jogging. Oh wait I need to get on Christophes case" rayal laughed "have fun with that and take care" "you too, bye uncle" "bye."
As jaylah hung up the phone, she put it in her pocket and walked out. "Hey Christophe" "Nuh no fucking way" "what?" "I'm having this" "bad day?" "Nah but what you are going to say will make it that way" "well that's just rude" "give me some" jaylah looked at her food then at Christophe "no" "see bad day" jaylah grinned "I'm already jogging, you better enjoy that" Christophes eyes went wide "what?" "Yeah she has been jogging in the gym" "fuck" jaylah internally grinned. "We said run right?" Jaylah looked at Christophe "nah I'm pretty sure I said just a little faster than walking" "bullshit you did" Christophe dragged on his smoke "nah it was definitely running" the men laughed "this will be fun when he's all grumpy" jaylah sat silent while eating her meal. When Rey spotted her, he internally grinned and walked her way. Taking a seat beside her, he spoke "good meal?" "Yeah..want some?" "Nope I have had plenty" "eating because you are bored?" "Eating and sleeping. Good to see some chunk in those cheeks" jaylah looked at Rey wide eyed "just saying your face isn't so drawn now" "forty eight more pounds to go" "what?" "That's my goal weight" "heffa" "I'd throw my food at you but I need it" Rey grinned "and water" "plenty of that too" "good even if it's only a bottle every three days" Rey and jaylah both sat silent while jaylah internally grinned.  He's thankful he was able to help her. It wasnt much as he couldn't make it too obvious but a bottle of water every three days and some bread once a week helped keep her going. As soon as she went in, Rey had cut the brick out. He was being watched so he could only do it when kia was asleep. Rey is thankful that Casey and kia are gone. He was a cunt and he never liked Casey. Finding out that jaylah was innocent, it was no surprise to him. He knows jaylah wouldn't do something like that but he could see that Casey would. When boss dragged Casey in, Rey stood back just watching and waiting. He got his revenge though. They all took a day to make her and kia suffer.

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