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Jaylah opened her eyes and scanned what she could see. 'where is Zaire?' "ZAIRE" zaire dropped his drink and rushed to the room. "Haven't left you" Zaire moved to kneel down beside the bed facing jaylah "are you okay?" "Am I okay? We fucking lost you twice. You need to stop dying. Cats only have nine fucking lives" "you were shot" "I'm fine" jaylah showed a slight nod "Tyson, emit and Clyde?" "Clyde's getting shipped back in a fucking box" "he let them know we were here?" "Yep" jaylah took a deep breath "but Tyson and emit are fine" "you better be okay" marshall walked into the room to see Zaire kneeling down "yeah I am. If you can take all those bullets, I'm sure I can handle one" "I've lost one.. I can't lose any of you three" "you are stuck with us" marshall internally grinned "lucky me then huh?" "It's us that's lucky" "are those two hurt?" "No. all of us are great. You just need to heal" "argh" Zaire chuckled "hey you have been through this before" "yeah I have huh?" "Yep and still kicked ass. So I expect you out of this bed kicking more" Zaire watched as jaylahs eyes shifted around the room "Marshalls room?" "Now how would you know that?" "Spent the night getting to know him" Zaire grinned "we know. One you weren't in your room and two marshall told us" "I was planning to tell you guys..." "just like you gave Garrett approval, I think I can give him one" jaylah and marshall internally grinned "I know you are there marshall" Zaire looked to his left, to see marshall at the door then back to jaylah "how the hell did you know that?" "I heard his foot steps. I doubt anyone else will come in his room unless he allows it" "Tyson and emit are welcome to come see you. I believe they are just letting you speak with Zaire" marshall walked around to look at jaylah "you alright?" "Yeah but as Zaire mentioned, I only have two lives left" Zaire chuckled "so we follow kalems rules" "what rules?" Jaylah chuckled "I'm not doing that" "when she got shot, kalem said she is going to be wrapped in cotton wool, armour, chastity belt and more cotton wool and that's all under her clothes" jaylah grinned while marshall laughed "he sounds like a good man" "he was" "very".
"Need some pasta?" "Always" Zaire grinned "I will make you some" "you don't need to do that.." "yeah but I am. I'm sure I can find something in Marshalls cupboards" "should be everything you need Zaire" "thanks Zaire" "anything for the person I hate the most" "hate you too" marshall Internally grinned as Zaire walked out. "Any of your men hurt?" "No. Everyone is fine. We are worried about you" "just lazy" "is that right?" "Yep" "your brothers lost you twice" "yeah but I can't annoy them if I'm dead. I had to come back" 'this woman is incredible'.
"Jlee" jaylahs eyes shifted to the door. "Emit and Tyson" "any pain?" "No shooting pains" "glad to hear it. None were close to your spine which Is a positive" jaylah grinned "always the best doctor" "hey don't be saying that. I helped" Tyson chuckled "the cunts jealous" "I appreciate it. All of your help" "yeah we know. Heard you can't annoy us if you are dead" "yeah, so I need to stick around" "yeah plus we hate you" marshall chuckled "it's always hate with you lot isn't it?" "yep. Zaires making you pasta so you need to sit up" "you just want to see boobs" "she fucking caught me. Not yours though" "rude" the guys all laughed "I've seen you in a bra before" "yeah that's true" "and in a bikini" "same shit. Alright I'm sitting up" "yeah but fucking take it easy" marshall internally grinned "over protective big brother is at it again" "he's big alright. Around the waist" "will be if he doesn't use that gym" "down and still giving shit" "not out though, thanks to you guys. How you two feeling about Clyde?" "Fuck that mongrel. He's lucky I didn't kill him" "who did?" "Bennett did. He had watched a man give Clyde a gun" jaylah shook her head before she slowly moved to sit up. "how come you get to be lazy?" "Just letting you guys do the work for A change" "speaking of work. Marshall offered us all a job" jaylah showed a small smile "and?" "What do you think?" "If you are happy, that's all that matters" "yeah but we like your input" "I know as I like yours" "it means less poker games" "looks like I'm spending more time walking with cards in my hand then doesn't it" the guys laughed "cards on the go?" "Sure. why not make it interesting" marshall internally grinned "are you patrolling?" "Med" "it suits you" "well I'm trained to do it but simple injuries are rare" "so I get shot just to.." "no more" "I wasn't planning to get those ones" "you did with the other ones" "Not the leg shot" "yeah but once again you were looking out for someone else" "can't help it" "an angel with attitude?" "What part of me has attitude?" "Far from an angel" jaylah let a small laugh slip "I lost my halo" "when you were born?" "Before that" the guys laughed.

"Here jaylah" "oh that smells good" Zaire grinned "just how you like it" marshall looked at the pasta "still tomato based" "yep" "but ours isn't good enough?" "Zaires is better" marshall smirked "let me try it" "he has a death wish" "yeah he does" the guys laughed as marshall grabbed the fork and had the first bite. "You approved this guy?" Marshall winked at jaylah "you haven't stabbed me with a fork yet" "well give it back" everyone laughed "yeah that's good" "yeah so give me that" jaylah grabbed the fork making Zaire laugh "you are lucky she didn't have a gun on her" "can you shoot?" "Shes killed quite a few" jaylah stayed silent as she ate her pasta. "Clean?" "Very. The first time she hadn't even held a gun before. Shot one of Lucian's men.." "Giovanni" "yeah that's him. Shot another guy when he tried to get to her as she held pressure to kalems wounds. Killed four when kalem was shot and then her uncle rayal" "you shot rayal?" "Yes" jaylah continued to eat while Marshall grinned "want a job?" "Nah not really" the guys laughed "she plans to just holiday" "I have plenty to keep me going" "even after buying the house?" "Yeah I didnt even need the job at bronxs" Zaire smirked "Rich fucker aren't ya?" "I may have inherited all of my parents money too" "did Lucian?" "No" "what?" "Everyone thought he was dead" "he got half of rayals right?" "Yep" "I have a question though" "okay?" "How come I can't find you in the data base?" All three guys and jaylah saying what, marshall shook his head "you didn't know, did you?" "No. And that's why you had men go through my belongings isn't it?" The guys laughed "well yeah I had some woman on my island for six weeks and we couldn't find one thing out about her. Still couldn't. You had your papers on you" "yeah I'm not stupid. Bennett told me you won't allow me to leave And the photos so you didn't know who these guys were. Oi, you still got yours?" "Yep" "I'm putting his ugly head up in the house" "wouldn't expect anything less" "kalem right?" "Yep" "I want to see these photos" "the one of your twenty fifth" jaylah let a small laugh slip "surrounded by dicks all damn night" the guys laughed "fucking entertaining though" "yeah I definitely need to see these photos" "she's not nude. You miss out" "how would he know?" "He has his own set" "the same photos?" "Yeah they were out of kalems phone after he died and a few from mine" "fair enough" hearing foot steps jaylah raised the blanket making Zaire show a small grin. "You don't miss a thing do you?" "Well I did at the bar" "yeah but it didn't take you long to realize" "that's true".
"Good to see you awake" "yeah getting waited on too" "so it's all fake just so you can relax?" "I'm relaxing either way" "you three spoke to her about everything?" "Yep" "well they are working. What about you?" "Nuh" the guys laughed "she needs to hold the cards while we work" "I'm playing Zaires game" emit and Tyson laughed as Zaire tapped her head. Bennett looked at Zaire "why did you do that?" "Ask her" "cheaters game, hey Zaire" the guys laughed "I didn't fucking cheat" "bullshit you spiked my drinks and took all my money. Oi give me that" Zaire smirked "do I get it back?" "Maybe" "better than no" Zaire removed his shirt and handed it to jaylah "thanks Zaire" "I'm telling Garrett you undressed him" "I'm sure I can deal with him" marshall grinned.

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