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"hey Jackson" "Bronx we want to let you know our little girl arrived in the world yesterday" "that's exciting. Congratulations to both of you. What's her name?" "Jasmina" Bronx grinned over the phone "it's beautiful. Looking forward to meeting her" "well with a lot of push and shove we are home already" "argh, Nicole didn't want to stay did she?" "You know what she's like. If you feel up to it, Nicole has stated you are more than welcome to come meet your niece" "I'd like that. I will come see you all very shortly" "see you soon. Bye" "bye".
Bronx doesnt know if he is ready. Three days after losing their baby and now his niece has been born. Bronx can't take the happiness away from Nicole and Jackson. Leaving the office, Bronx walked to his room to grab his keys then walked out. "gage I'm heading out. Keep watch" "of course" "thanks".
Bronx walked out to his car And got in. 'This won't be easy but I will do anything I can for my brother, Nicole and Jasmina. Such a beautiful name'.
Arriving at Jackson's, Bronx got out of the car and walked to the door. Knocking on the door, Bronx waited.
When the door opened up, Jackson had a proud dad look in his eyes "Bronx, come in" "can't wipe that ugly smile off of your face" Jackson only smiled more "nope. What can I say, I make good looking kids" Bronx chuckled "I don't want to see your ugly head, where's Nicole and Jasmina?" "Lounge at the moment. Want a drink?" "I'd love one. And congratulations again" "thanks Bronx".
Bronx walked into the lounge to see Nicole, holding Jasmina in her arms. "Congratulations to you Nicole" Nicole had a soft smile on her face "thanks Bronx. Want a hold?" "Yeah" as Nicole passed Jasmina to Bronx, he looked at her features "mini dad huh?" "Yeah I carry her and got nothing" Bronx chuckled "no, I can see a mix. Definitely your cheek bones and nose" Nicole grinned "and eyes" "I guess she doesn't want to see me right now" "she not long ago fell asleep" Bronx showed a slight nod.

"No. Let's go get some money" "you serious?" "Well why the fuck not" "alright let's do it" "what are you three doing?" "Cards and drinks" "yeah I'm in. Let's go get some cash" "better ask Rey and emit" "ask us what?" "Drinks and cards?" "Fuck yes. I'm bored out of my fucking brain" "well let's play and get blind" "what's the pot?" "You win nothing" the men laughed "five hundred" "alright, let's do it".
All six of them heading into town, they piled out of both cars. "Let's get some snacks" "what snacks?" "Chips, candy..." "Nuh kabana, cheese, dips, biscuits" "all of it" getting all their food, drinks and money all of them headed back to the house.
Entering the house, all of them moved to the kitchen. "We getting it all set up now?" "Dunno about him, but I like food just like miss fat ass, I'm definitely bringing it out now" "so platter and munchies for lunch?" "Yep". Organizing all their food and drinks, everyone moved to the table. "I will go get the cards" "I bought a new pack cos yours a dodgy" "the ones he stole from you?" "Yep" "serves him right" Zaire laughed "hey not my fault she left them" "bullshit. I swear you just took them but a new set is always good" "you aren't wrong" "where are we supposed to position this food?" "In the middle. put the cards in front" "alright let's do that" "and we need music" "yep" jaylah grabbed out her phone and turned her blue tooth off. "it's a range so expect some weird shit" "dont care".
Jaylah shuffled the cards as Rey shoved food in her mouth and his. Jaylahs eyes went wide and the guys laughed "she's eating" "she's always eating" jaylah swallowed the food in her mouth then looked at Tyson "that was far from expected" Tyson shrugged "need help drinking to?" "Damn I'm just shuffling the cards" "give me those and drink" jaylah handed the deck to emit. "Alright, what's the bet?" "We all have twenties right?" "Yep" "forty" "sounds good to me".
Emit dealt out the cards and waited. "Check" "check" "check" "check" "check" "yep check" jaylah looked at her cards then put them in front of her as she grabbed more food. Seeing emit put the cards down in the middle, jaylah quickly looked at them "check" "check" "check" "check" "check" "oh what?, you guys are playing. Man where the fuck was the invite?" "Where the hell have you been?" Otto smirked "okay I was in town but.." "it's five entry" "shit. yeah I'm in give me two minutes" Otto walked off leaving the guys to their game. "Yeah check" emit discarded a card then put the last card down. Everyone saying check, emit grinned "face up" everyone putting their cards down, Tyson had a cheeky grin on his face "yeah I will take that" "mother fucker" hearing everyone laugh it was good to hear making Otto grin. "alright, what's the bet?" "Forty" Otto chucked eighty in the middle. Sculling her drink, jaylah stood up. "Hold up studs I want one" "studs?" "Well you have two" jaylah grinned "that's new" "take it and fill it" "that's triple" "hey hold up" the men laughed as jaylah walked off. Making up two drinks, jaylah walked back out and took a seat. "Alright here's yours Rey" "thanks studs" "oh fuck my life" the men laughed.
Keeping to themselves just playing cards, drinking and eating, vex looked at all of them. He hates that they are annoyed with him. When the front door opened up, vex looked at Bronx as Bronx looked at the table then at vex.
'they are all drinking and playing cards? Jaylahs drinking? Why is she drinking? Can she drink?' Bronx took a deep breath "men and jaylah" "boss" "cards and drinks?" "Yep and food. May as well. None of us have runs plus studs made us play" the men laughed "that name can not stick" "you are the one that got studs in your face" "quarter life crisis. Might come home with a conch" "oh no you fucking don't" bronx looked directly at jaylah. "Nicole had her baby" jaylah swallowed hard. It's not easy to hear but she's happy for her "that's great news" Bronx nodded "a mix of both. She has Nicole's eyes, cheek bones and nose" the men weren't sure how it would sit with jaylah. "I'm sure she's beautiful" "she is. Nicole said when she's ready, she will bring her here" jaylah showed a slight nod. "Okay". 'this isn't easy' jaylah grabbed her half full glass. "Another round?" "We all need more drinks" jaylah nodded before sculling her glass. Watching jaylah closely, Bronx knows it's not easy for her. "Let's go get some more" "don't take my money" Christophe smirked "you are losing it all on your own" "you are cheating" the men laughed. Rey and jaylah grabbed the guys glasses and walked to the kitchen. Making up the drinks, Sally entered. "Hey jaylah and Rey" "hi" "hey" "winning or losing?" "Losing. Christophe is cheating" "I wouldn't put it past him" "I will pass that on".
"Got everything?" "I need more cheese" "still eating. Do you ever stop?" "For that, you can grab it" Rey chuckled "yep". Jaylah grabbed three glasses and took them out to the table before walking back to the kitchen. "Yeah she beautiful Sally. So tiny. Jackson has a proud dad look on his face" "that will be you" jaylah turned her head as she grabbed another glass. "let's go play cards jaylah" Sally and bronx looked at jaylah with worry "shit. I didn't realize she was in here Bronx" Bronx put his head down "it's.. it's not easy for any of us" "have you two spoke?" Bronx shook his head no "I don't know what to say. All I want to do is pull her close. Today has been a mix of emotions. I'm ecstatic for Jackson and Nicole and of course for me, I have a gorgeous niece but.." "no I get it" bronx showed a slight nod.
As jaylah walked out, the front door opened. 'great it's Lucian'.
"Men and jaylah" everyone saying hey, emit then spoke "let's play".
"Cards, drinks and food. Aren't any of you working today?" "Nuh. May as well enjoy the day" Lucian looked at jaylah as she had some of her drink. 'should she be drinking?' "should you be drinking?" "I don't see why I can't" "been feeling alright? No sickness?" "No" Lucian showed a slight nod "money in" everyone putting forty in, Rey kept his eyes on jaylah. He knows she is struggling, they all do and this will hopefully take her mind off of it. Jaylah looked at her cards and internally grinned. As they all played, jaylah kept her face blank. "Face up" jaylah lowered her cards to see she had won "yeah, thats finally mine" the men laughed "shes back in the game".

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