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Opening her eyes, jaylah looked to see kalem sleeping with his head on the bed. Bronx is sleeping on a chair and Christophe on the bench. Jaylah wanted to laugh but held it in. 'shit I need the bathroom' jaylah slowly moved her arm to the side of the bed. Feeling the strap, jaylah fiddled with it and undid it. Moving it back, jaylah kept her body straight. She can feel where the pain is. Two in her higher back, one near her spine and the other two lower back. Looking at her positioning on the bed, she is right in the middle. Keeping her body straight, jaylah rolled onto her back then slowly sat up. 'now this is the tricky part' "make one wrong move and you will do damage" 'shit i woke kalem' "where are you going?" "Toilet" "fucking stubborn" kalem stood up. Keeping his arm flat behind her back, he slid his arm under her legs and picked her up. As he moved her off of the bed, jaylah wasn't sure how she would move. "I'm going to lower your legs very slowly" "okay" kalem slowly lowered jaylahs legs to the ground, trying to keep the weight away from her back. As her feet touched the ground, jaylah slowly stood up straight "no pain?" "Excruciating but it's from the shots" "you lost your shirt" "too bad. I'm not picking it up" kalem picked it up and put the neck of his shirt over her head making her grin "thankyou" "let's see how you go walking" "why the fuck are you off the bed?" Jaylahs not game enough to turn right now "I need the toilet" Christophe had a worried look in his eyes "kalem.." "what else am I supposed to do Christophe?" Jaylah slowly took a step forward "any pain?" "No" kalem nodded. Slowly walking jaylah to the closest bathroom, he left her at the door and waited by the wall.
Entering the bathroom, jaylah closed the door then slowly walked to the toilet. 'shit how do I do this? Sit with back straight' dropping her pants, jaylah sat gently and did her business before flushing the toilet. 'okay this is definitely the fun part' slowly leaning forward, jaylah picked her clothes up and pulled them up her thighs. Standing up, jaylah pulled them up and walked to the basin. Washing her hands, she dried them on a towel and slowly walked out. "are you alright?" "Wasn't easy but fine" "bed" "kalem.." "I will make you food" "I'd rather stand" "it can put pressure on your wounds" "argh, why do you have to be so.." "caring?, Sweet?, Loving? Because I care now get your ass to your room" "argh" kalem smirked "no bed, no food" "okay, I'm going. Coffee too" "yeah yeah I know" jaylah slowly walked to her room, trying not to take a step wrong. 'argh, this is so fucking frustrating' entering her room, jaylah moved to her bed. 'thankfully this one is higher than a toilet' sitting down on the bed, jaylah waited.
"Boss" "hmm" "jaylahs up" Bronx immediately opened his eyes and sat forward. "where the fuck is she?" "Toilet. I guess she either walked to the kitchen or her room" "for fuck sake. She needed to stay on the bed" "and piss herself?" "No but she better be fucking resting" Christophe nodded "I will go find kalem" Bronx has no intention of finding him. 'where the fuck is jaylah?' walking to her room, jaylah sat up with her back straight. Bronx immediately walked In and up to jaylah before kneeling down "you should be laying down" "kalem is making me breakfast. I'd only have to sit up again" "fine. You had me worried. You could do a lot for damage to yourself" "you men said morning" "yes but with care".
"WHERE IS MY NIECE?" hearing rayals voice kalem immediately walked out with jaylahs toast and coffee "Kalem" kalem has no intention on speaking with rayal, Barron and Ivan. Walking down the hall, with jaylahs breakfast and coffee, he entered her room and sat right beside her.
Bronx picking up on kalems movements, took a deep breath "these are for you jaylah" "thanks kalem".
"Why are you not laying down?" Jaylah looked at rayal keeping her emotions hidden "I am eating and drinking" 'coming in here asking me why I am not laying down. Pfft' "when did you wake up?" "About thirty minutes ago" "pain?" "As expected when receiving five shots to the back" rayal knows by her answers that it's thin ice talking to her "Bronx have there been any complications?" "None since the incident" kalem is fuming right now and jaylah can sense it. "Toast up your nose? Coffee in the ear?" Kalem smirked "I think I will pass" "where is yours?" "You are my main concern. I can eat anytime. Eat, drink and then if you need help to lay down, I will help you".
"I want to speak with you jaylah" jaylah looked at rayal again "you have had time with kalem" jaylah looked at kalem then at rayal "he stays" rayal took a deep breath "fine. Everyone leave" Bronx showed a slight nod. As Bronx, Barron and Ivan left, rayal moved to kneel Infront of jaylah. "how are you coping?" "Fine with help" "what's the damage?" "I don't know. Five shots. Minimum movement" "and no rest?" "I got up for the toilet. Kalem made me a coffee and toast" "that's all?" "Yes" "what's the recovery time?" "I don't know, I haven't asked" "who would know?" Jaylah looked at kalem "Tyson would know" "fine I will speak with him" jaylah ate more of her toast as rayal spoke "I know you are angry at what I had done. I had been quite annoyed with kalems disrespect towards me. I can assure you, he is not going to be touched" 'good' "Barron is suffering right now" 'barron is suffering? Of course he is' "he has always seen you like a niece and instead of killing your best mate, you stepped in and took the shots. It's destroying him knowing what he had done" "it's better than kalem dying" "we lost you" "four times I heard" rayal swallowed hard. He knows he has to work on the relationship with jaylah. Thats his niece. He has always had her respect but now it seems like he has nothing from her. "I will go speak with Tyson" jaylah showed a slight nod and rayal stood up and walked out.
"Where is Tyson?" "Maybe still in bed" "I need to know recovery times" Bronx nodded. As Bronx walked down the hall, Tyson came out of his room. "Tyson" "boss" Tyson went to walk to the back room "she's up and in her room" "WHAT?" "Oh you can speak to her about it. Rayal wants to talk to you first" "fine".
"Tyson. What's the recovery period for jaylah?" 'what am I? A fucking doctor?' "depends on the severity of the shot. Everyone is different. There could be complications. A good result ten to fourteen days. Bad result it could take years" 'fuck this is not news any of us want to hear' "I need to go see jaylah" Tyson walked off and into jaylahs room. "Why are you up?, How did you get up?, What have you done?, Are you in any pain?.." "hold the questions Tyson" "toilet, kalem helped, slowly walked, sat and yes" "where?" "Where I was shot" "no sharp pains? How was it walking?" 'its nice he cares' "no and walking was out. Painful as expected but I took it slow and made sure to keep my back straight" Tyson took a deep breath "this can be a short or long recovery but only time will tell" "how short or long?" "From ten days to years" "what?" "It all depends on your body and rest" "rest, lay the fuck down, don't move" Tyson chuckled "yeah that will keep him on your case" "you so did that on purpose" "we just want to see you up and about one day soon" "you missed out, I was already up" "shouldn't have been but I wouldn't want to piss myself either". "shower?" "Yep. No soaps" "argh. back to this again" the guys laughed. "Hey atleast you can still shower" "well I want one" "no. Tomorrow" "argh" Tyson smirked "tomorrow" "yeah yeah I got it" jaylah put her empty cup and plate down then reached into her top drawer. "Rest" "I will be. I'm getting my ear pods" "oh so now she is blocking us out" jaylah smirked "I was told I have to live with you lot, no one said I couldn't block you out" "now that's fucking rude" jaylah grinned "that's what happens when you don't tell me you love me back" the guys laughed. "Right. Time for you to lay down" kalem immediately stood up and put his arm flat on her back "ready?" "No but I have to" "yeah you do" with help, jaylah laid down. "Thanks" "welcome. No bathroom room runs without help" "got it" Tyson and kalem grinned "good".

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