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"shit" Nicole quickly moved to grab jaylahs hair "we need to get water into her Nicole. She walked twenty six miles with no fucking water. I found her in the gym on the ground" worry ripped through Zaire and marshall as they watched Nicole and Tyson tend to jaylah "between chucking. It's the best shot we have got" Tyson nodded. As soon as jaylah stopped, Tyson sat her up and Nicole put the water to her mouth "drink gorgeous" jaylah took in the water. With Nicole tipping it in, jaylahs head started to move "I'm sorry ty.." jaylah started chucking again and Nicoles eyes watered "don't you apologize. You just need to control that head spin and get some water into you" "she will need more food too" "something high in energy" "a banana?" "That can help" as soon as jaylah finished chucking, Nicole handed Tyson the water. "I will make something up" "thanks Nicole" "when did she eat last?" "With us two at dinner" Nicole nodded. Rushing to the kitchen, Nicole started preparing food while Tyson tended to jaylah "you need to block out the shit people say to you. You aren't any of those things, ya hear me. You are caring.. too caring sometimes. strong in mind and body. you are beautiful inside and out, generous, have a heart of fucking gold.." jaylah started chucking again as Tyson continued "intelligent, bitchy yeah but I wouldn't have you as my sister any other way. I don't fucking care what anyone else thinks and you shouldn't either. Fuck you have gone through more than anyone should and you are still an amazing women" when the door opened up, Bennett entered only to see jaylah chucking her guts "alcohol poisoning?" Tyson glared at Bennett "YOU ARE A CUNT..." "Tyson, get this into her" marshall looked at Bennett shaking his head no. "Hey gorgeous, you need to try get some water and food into you. I know your mind is in a spin and you ran yourself to the ground but I need another strong woman by my side. Jasmina needs a strong aunty to guide her too" jaylahs mind drifted to Jasmina as she calmed her breathing "is she alright?" "She's waiting for more cuddles" Tyson and Nicole both grinned as jaylah raised her head "come on. Get some water and food into you" "I can't hold her right now and why the fuck are they here?" "well when you walk or run twenty six miles on a darn treadmill, it's no surprise. Best you eat, drink and get some rest" "yeah..still don't know why the fucking cunts are here" with Tyson and Nicole helping her, when she was done with both, Tyson looked at Nicole. "I'm going to take her to bed" "good idea" "good night Nicole" "good night gorgeous" Nicole looked at Zaire "GOT SOMETHING YOU NEED TO FUCKING SAY?" "Don't be.." Zaire put his hand up at Bennett making Bennett stop. Zaire took a deep breath before he spoke "I fucked up" "darn right you fucked up. We nearly had her back to her normal fucking routine. Sleeping right, eating well and taking care of herself but you went in there and destroyed every fucking bit of progress we had made. Are you the fucking stupid one? Are you the fucking idiot?" "We have been concerned..." "If Tyson and I had fucking concerns, we would've told you. You wouldn't even fucking know whats been going on because you have spent every fucking day at the bar. And yet you have a go at her because she has been drinking. We had her down to three glasses a night. She was finally fucking sleeping six hours a night but no, you had to go in there and fucking say shit. I heard what you had fucking said to her and let me tell you this, you are fucking lucky she didn't have the mental strength because I bet your fucking ass, she would've fired back harder than you could ever imagine. You are going to be lucky to build that fucking relationship back after the shit you pulled".
"She's laying down Nicole" Nicole turned to looked at tyson "where's this leave us?" "Let's see how she feels when she ventures out but she is going to need as much water as possible and as much rest as she can get. even if she is only sitting around playing the playstation or watching a movie" Nicole showed a slight nod. "twenty six miles. It means she was on that treadmill for atleast nine hours" "yeah Im aware. Thanks for your help and the quick thinking about jasmina" "well I wasn't lying and I know she will do anything for my daughter" "she has been" with marshall and Bennett exiting the house, Zaire looked at Tyson and Nicole. "Was she really sleeping and had cut down on the drink?" "Yes she had. It took us two darn weeks" Zaire put his head down "I fucked up big time" "no shit" "we have all been concerned.." "that concerned you haven't even tried to help. You have been out of the house. She had a routine going. Just because you only seen her on the playstation, does not give you the right to say those things" "you said them to her?" "Yeah.." "for fuck sake. So it wasn't only you, it was marshall too" Tyson shook his head "this may not be good Tyson" "yeah I am aware".

Waking up to a knock at her door, jaylah opened her eyes "who is it?" "Ty" "come in if you want" jaylah looked at the time and date 'tysons birthday' "shit it's one p.m" "you needed the sleep but you need to eat and get some water into you" "yeah I do" jaylah sat up and Tyson handed jaylah a water. Slowly drinking the water, jaylah then threw the bottle in the bin. "I need a shower and to get some food" "we still have those lamb and garlic meals at the bar" "yeah we do huh" Tyson grinned "come on. Get yourself in the shower then we can go eat. You are lazy I have been up and to work and back" jaylah chuckled "I'm going, I'm going" "it's fucking warm out too" "thanks".
After having a shower, jaylah got dressed and brushed her hair. Exiting the room, nicole grinned "hey sleeping beauty" "afternoon. I would say morning but it's way past that" "who cares. You needed sleep. Even Jasmina slept through the entire night" jaylah grinned. "Are you two joining us at the bar?" "We sure are. I heard lamb and garlic" "alright you three ready?" "Yes" "yes and she's always ready" "then let's go".
Slowly walking to the bar, Tyson kept his eyes on jaylah "what's wrong with your leg?" "Shit stitch job" Tyson smirked "it's been sore huh?" "Yeah" "cos you are a dickhead and pushed it with all that running and swimming lately" "got me out of the house and The routine has helped" "not your leg though" getting to the bar, Tyson lifted jaylah, making Nicole laugh "now you have done it. You have a bear carrying you everywhere" "only up and down the stairs".
"Nicole, do you want the lamb and garlic?" "Yeah thanks" "a coffee?" "Cappuccino one sure" "and two sugars for you right?" "Yeah thanks Tyson". Both girls taking a seat, Nicole handed Jasmina to jaylah "you need to stop growing darling" "she is growing way too fast for my liking" "did Sawyer grow this fast?" "Faster. That boy of mine was way too tall" jaylah chuckled "both absolutely gorgeous. Have you got photos up of him?" "Not yet. I do have them with me though. You didn't leave the one I gave you back in America?" "No way. I have his photo and his drawing" Nicole grinned.
When Tyson joined the table, Nicole spoke "I'd like you to be her god mother" jaylahs eyes went wide "what?" Tyson chuckled "that's thrown her off" "I think it's only right. You care for Jasmina, have been there for both of us, giving us a place of freedom, calmed her when I couldn't and I know you would do anything to protect her and me" "sounds fitting to me" jaylah showed a gentle smile "thank you" "this one already accepted to be godfather" "oh look at us Tyson. Makes us feel old" Nicole laughed "oh, I have something for you tyson" "what?" "Yeah..so before I went to the games shop and the alcohol shop, I went somewhere else" jaylah pulled out a box "jaylah.." "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Nicole eyes went wide before she laughed "it's your birthday today?" "How the hell did you know that?" "Wouldn't be a sister if I forgot, now open your darn present" Nicole showed a gentle grin as Tyson delicately opened up the wrapping paper. 'this woman shouldn't have got me anything' opening up the box, Tysons eyes went wide "jaylah this would've.." "no protesting" jaylah handed Jasmina back to Nicole and stood up as Tyson did. Giving each other a tight hug, Tyson held the chain in his hand.

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