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"alright. you four are out tonight" Christophe, Tyson, kalem and Calvin looked at each other than back to Bronx "alright" Bronx knows they aren't pleased but it's only a run then they can come back. They need to earn their money. "Where are we headed?" "The city. Mags, reggae's, pens and spin" the men all nodded.
"Alright that's easy done" "good. Keep watch. Gerald, vex and Clyde will be close" "expected. Everything running alright?" "Yes" as the door opened up kalem looked at Christophe as they both shared a look of anger. "men" "rayal, Barron and Ivan" "work?" "As always. We need to keep the money rolling in. Everything good on your end?" "All under control. Any changes?" "Nothing" rayal swallowed as he showed a slight nod "I will go see her" "she should be sleeping if not resting" "good".
Rayal, Barron and Ivan walked up the hall way and entered jaylahs room. There laying on her side was jaylah with an ear pod in. 'im sure it's not easy for her. She has always been one that's active'.
Rayal walked around the side of the bed to face her "jaylah" jaylah removed her ear pod "hi" "how are you feeling?" "Fine" "fine?" "Well as best I can be having to lay here bored shitless" 'yeah she is frustrated' rayal hasn't got much from her and deep down it kills him inside. Barron hates what he has done but doesn't know what to say.
"Barron and Ivan are here" "expected".
"Jaylah" "hi" Ivan moved up beside rayal "no entertainment?" "My music. I can't be moving right now" "have you?" "Toilet" "who has helped you?" "Everyone here helps me. Kalem and Sally with the bathroom" "kalem?" "Yes kalem. He's a brother. One I was able to save unlike Lucian" "we don't speak about him" "why not? He's my brother" rayal knows she is pushing boundaries or at this point she just doesn't care. He doesn't blame her but he wants her mind out of this state. She hasn't mentioned Lucian in years "it's been fourteen years jaylah" "doesn't make it any easier but I could save kalem" "and put yourself in this position" jaylah glared at Ivan "yes. I'd rather die than live with out another brother" "he's a friend" "he's family" "don't razz her up Ivan" "I'm just saying what happened to Lucian was different" "how? The weapon?" Ivan took a deep breath "I watched him get.." "no more jaylah" jaylah looked at the wall again "it was my brother as well jaylah and lucian who was supposed to take over when he was older" "my mother was there too" 'fucking hell' "I know she was there. But you survived and now you put your life in danger" "yeah because you wanted kalem dead and I dont" "it was an order" "Ivan" rayal glared at Ivan then looked back at jaylah "I made a mistake. I should've known you would put your life on the line to save him but he disrespected me just like you are doing now" "well end it" "NO" 'fuck my life' "I will not be doing anything like that. We lost you four fucking times on that bed" 'they didn't lose shit. The men that helped lost me four times' "what we want is to see you up and walking" "could be years" 'i fucking shot her' "could be days too. You have been through worse and still got up" "yep" 'like fucking everything' "so prove to us you can do it" 'to myself more like it'.
"Hey sexy" Sally walked in with a plate in her hand "kalems not far" "thanks Sally" jaylah rolled on her back to look at Sally. "You made me quiche?" Sally grinned "yep. You will only get fatter eating pasta all the time" jaylah grinned "it's fine, the clothes I have, will continue to fit me".
As kalem entered, he kept his eyes away from the men "alright slack ass, time to sit up" "rude" kalem slid his arm under jaylahs back and lifted her up keeping her back straight. "Thanks kalem" "it's fine. We have a run tonight" "who?" "Christophe, Calvin, Tyson and I" "looks like Sally is stuck with me" "I will be giving you knock out pills" kalem chuckled "is that to see her breasts again?" "The whole damn lot" "lucky me" "vex, clyde and Gerald are already out" "okay well I will just be sleeping anyway" "good, I will get Boss to lock your door" "thanks, I appreciate it".
"How's it feeling to sit up woman?" "Not too bad actually, no pains" "and walking?" "Haven't walked for a few hours, I will let you know" Sally smirked "hey it's a positive you are up" "that's true" "I will let you eat and come collect your dishes soon" "thanks" "no problemo" as jaylah sat and ate her meal, kalem spoke "we don't even get that" "you are capable of making it" "never made a quiche" "I'm sure if you rush out there, there will be some" "yeah see this is why I hate you" jaylah grinned "hate you too".
"We will be back tomorrow" "okay" "take care" jaylah filled her mouth with food not saying another word.
"How'd that go?" Jaylah rolled her eyes "telling me I can't talk about.." "about what? You have all right to talk about shit" "my brother" "what?" "My real brother" "I didn't know you had one" "no one does. He died when my parents did. A man slit his throat with a machete right in front of me. I ran. But not this time. I saved you" "that's where the protective side comes in?" "Yeah I guess" "how old?" "He'd be twenty this year. Died when he was six. Uncle doesn't like me speaking about him" "it's your choice" "yeah I know. Don't know why they keep coming here, they did this" "it was for me" "yep. Doesn't make it any better kalem. You have kept me insane in this place" kalem laughed "insane?" "Yeah just as much as I hate you" "aww takes a few bullets and she's turned sweet" "don't get used to it, you cheated and took my money" "did not. I can just hold my liquor and could see straight" "stupid cards. Two Black suits and two red" kalem laughed "blaming the cards" "well it's definitely not my game skills. So papa, what's the go?" "Jack shit. Waiting for my sister to be up and walking" "give it time. Just like when I came back, I'm determined" "good. Now you have finished eating, give me those dishes" "pushy aren't you" "yep" jaylah handed the plates to kalem. "I will go get boss to lock your door. Need anything?" "No thanks".

"You called?" "Nope. Kalem did" Bronx grinned as he walked in closing the door and locked it. "need anything?" "A shower but I will settle for bed" "I can help if you want one" "I don't know how that will go yet" "where's the determination?" Jaylah grinned "all I can do is stand under the water" "come on" jaylah, slowly stood up then walked to the bathroom. "One sec" "I will just be stripping" "you will need help" "maybe" when Bronx walked out, jaylah stepped into the shower and turned it on before stepping back out. Slowly removing her arms from the shirt, Bronx walked in. "That I can help with" Bronx moved behind jaylah and unclipped her bra before removing her shirt and let the bra fall. Jaylah pulled her pants and underwear down then stepped out of them before walking into the shower. "well that's twice I have been able to see you" jaylah internally grinned "so you owe me right?" Bronx chuckled as he removed his shirt "I guess so" as jaylah stepped under the water, she held the wall. "You okay?" "Just making sure I don't fall" "alright. How long can't you use soaps for?" "Two days" "so it's fine now?" "Yep" Bronx grabbed jaylahs body wash and applied it to the sponge "if I hurt you, you better tell me" "I will" Bronx started at the top of her neck and moved down to her legs while jaylah stood still. 'i can't believe he is actually washing me' "you will need to turn around" jaylah slowly turned keeping her body as straight as she could. 'fuck me. she gets even more beautiful everyday' Bronx moved from her legs and slowly up the front of her body. Just having his hands on her, turns him on. 'this does not help me one bit' covering her entire body in body wash, Bronx removed the shower head and washed her body down. "Thank you" putting the shower head back up, Bronx gave jaylah eye contact. "Anything to help. Do you want your hair washed?" "No it's fine today but thanks" Bronx moved in putting his hands on the wall beside jaylahs waist "you are welcome" moving closer, Bronx sucked on jaylahs bottom lip before letting it go and connected his lips with hers. The only time they have kissed is in the shower. This one a lot more gentle and sweet. All Bronx wants, is to let jaylah know he's here for her without hurting her in any way. That's the last thing he wants to do.

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