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Waking up to feeling someone touch her back, jaylah looked at their feet. 'hmm it's Bronx' "couldn't wait?" "It's calmed down" "really?" "Yep. Took two fucking days but it's good" jaylah grinned "well help me up" Bronx lifted jaylah up and jaylah slowly bent her legs down then stood on the ground as she slowly straightened her back "so I can run now right?. Party until midnight, lose a heel and wait for you to find me again?" Bronx smirked "move it Cinderella" jaylah grinned as she entered the bathroom. "You need to fix that lock" "yeah I will.. eventually" Bronx locked his door as jaylah stepped out of her clothes and got in the shower. 'finally a shower after two days' "how's the back?" "Better than the last two days" "good" Bronx removed his clothes and with no hesitation got in the shower. Jaylah sensing his presence in the shower, she spoke "is this a new thing?" "Nope" Bronx moved in from behind and put his arms around her waist gently "you need to take it easy" "let me work" "no" "why not?" "That's not.." "it's taking it easy. I'm only sitting at the desk" Bronx grinned as he removed his hands from her waist and grabbed her shampoo "I'm washing your hair" "I get a massage, Yay" Bronx chuckled "not a back massage but this will have to do" as Bronx scrubbed jaylahs long blonde hair, jaylah relaxed as he massaged her scalp. "free hair dressing services. I can't complain" Bronx grinned "it won't just be this" Bronx grabbed shower head and washed it all out before doing the same with her conditioner. Both standing in silence, Bronx rinsed her hair out then grabbed her body wash and the sponge. Applying the body wash to the sponge, he put the bottle back up and lifted jaylahs hair up. Starting at her neck, gently working his way down her back, ass and legs, jaylah turned so Bronx could do the front. 'fuck I want to taste her, ravish her, feel her and hear her' bronx tried to control his thoughts as he washed jaylahs curves but his body betrays him every time. Moving his hand slowly up over her stomach to her breasts, his eyes landed on jaylahs. Looking into her light blue eyes, Bronx slowly moved his hand across both breasts and around her waist as he connected his lips with jaylahs gently pushing her to the wall. The last thing he wants is to hurt her. Jaylah moved her soft hands up over his ripped torso making a shiver run through his spine. Fireworks exploding in their kiss, jaylah and Bronx never wanting to stop. Jaylah brushed her finger tips back down his torso getting a feel of him until her right hand reached for his shaft. 'hes big' Stoking his shaft, Bronx only heated up the kiss, wanting more. Every movement, making him feel pleasure. Breaking from her lips, his breathing picked up as he assaulted her neck "jaylah" hearing her name come from his mouth like a moan as he breathed heavily on her neck, it only encouraged jaylah to continue. His left hand fondling her right breast, Bronx closed his eyes as his right hand clenched on the wall trying to control himself. She wants to please him, to make him feel good. Brushing his lips over her soft coconut scented neck and jaw, Bronx pulled on her bottom lip before letting it go and connected his lips with hers again. A moan threatening to escape his lips, Bronx only heated up the kiss again as pleasure erupted through him. Shooting his semen on to jaylahs soft silky skin, a moan escaped his lips through their kiss. Removing her hand from his shaft, her hand travelled up his side. Bronx taking in every touch from her.
As the water started to cool, jaylah broke away from Bronxs lips, looking into his deep green eyes. "you need to get clean before the shower loses all the heat" that's the last thing on Bronxs mind. Reluctantly Bronx grabbed his body wash. He knows when they get out, the men are going to crowd around her. 'maybe I can let her work' "okay you can work" jaylah showed a small grin "you know what that means don't you?" "You are taking my chair?" "MY chair" Bronx chuckled "I guess I have to share" "yep. I'm going to get out and try get dressed". Jaylah stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Slowly drying her body, jaylah walked to the bedroom. Finding some clothes, jaylah put them on the shelf in her closet. 'shit I need to put my underwear and pants on'.
Bronx grabbed both lots of clothes and threw them in his basket before getting dressed. Going to check on jaylah, he stopped as he watched her stand in just a shirt and deep red underwear with lace around the edges. 'fuck I love a deep red' "here to watch?" Bronx internally grinned "I am a fan of deep red" jaylah grinned not that she was looking "I have heard that" "need a hand?" "No I'm working on it" Bronx watched as jaylah sat on the chair and bent down putting her pants on "why is it always trackies?" "It's not But these are easier" "fair enough. Want some breakfast?" "And an extra large coffee, I didn't get one yesterday" "maybe you should fire kalem" jaylah chuckled "maybe" as jaylah stood up, she pulled her pants up, her hair falling everywhere. "Need a hand?" "No thank you, you helped plenty" 'i was happy to do it' "let's go eat and keep away from anyone that wants to fucking hurt you" "do any people here want to hurt me?" "They fucking better not" exiting different rooms, Bronx walked straight to the kitchen. As jaylah entered the dining room, Otto, emit, vex, Clyde and Rey all grinned "good morning" "good morning" "now why the fuck are you up?" "Can't keep me down" "good. How's the back?" "Settled. Thanks for your help" "welcome".
"Stop in your tracks woman" jaylah grinned as Sally stood in front of her "how did you get off the bed? How did you shower? How did you get dressed? Why is your hair not done? And does boss know? I don't feel like getting my ass kicked today" the men laughed "I KNOW SHES UP" "hmm good" "think you can get your sister out here?" Sally grinned "she will be here tomorrow" "sweet. We need another woman around here" Sallys grin never faulted "so what's the plan for today?" "I party til midnight, lose a heel and wait for someone to hunt me down" "alright Cinderella, go take a seat" "yes fairy godmother" Sally chuckled as jaylah walked to the table. Taking a seat at the table, a man she has never seen before moved to sit at the table. "What the fuck are you looking at bimbo?" Jaylah sat back just staring at him. Vex chuckled "here we go again" "who is this goon?" "Goon? Who the fuck are you?" Bronx came out placing the plate and coffee in front of jaylah as he eyed off Elliot "Elliot be careful" "like she's going to do anything" Bronx shrugged "you know what, it's your funeral" the men laughed. Sally walked out and up to jaylah. Grabbing her hair she started brushing it "breakfast, coffee and now getting your hair brushed? Are you the princess?" Sally rolled her eyes.
"JAYLAH LEE" the men smirked as kalem walked out "let me eat before I get in trouble" Bronx stood by the wall just watching Elliot. "Why the fuck are you up?" "I'm tough" kalem smirked "how's the back?" "Better now" "mmm toast" kalem picked up a piece and shoved it in his mouth "kalem.." "chill boss I will make her more. Just showing her whose boss out of us two" Bronx smirked "is that right papa?" "Yep. Now I will go make your toast" jaylah chuckled "that makes me boss" "hey nah.." jaylah smirked until Elliot spoke "what the fuck do you do here?" "Some days take bullets, some days shoot em" Sally let a small laugh slip as she braided jaylahs hair "I call bullshit. You are a damn princess" "sure goon" "What.." Christophe walked over and sat on the table looking at jaylah "excuse me" "oh how lovely it is to see you this morning Christophe. What can I do for such a lovely young man?" Christophe smirked "I don't care how fake nice you play, explain to me why you are out here?" "Can you believe this lovely young man Sally. Questioning my motives. I do need to wait for my other piece of toast before changing into my gown for the day. Please help me decide. Pink or teal?" Christophes eyes went wide "did you hit your head on the way out?" "No, no of course not, I walk with grace, I would do no such thing" Sally and the men held in their laughter as jaylah continued "my lady here is just doing my hair then I will go get changed. Does anyone have any suggestions?" The men cracked up laughing as Sally did.

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