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"JAYLAH LEE" "would you go away?" Christophe walked into the room and ripped the blankets back. "Get up, get dressed and get in the kitchen" "I don't want.." "I'm not hearing your excuses. Get up" "oh for fuck sake" jaylah got up, chucked on a hood, shoes and socks on then walked out. "keep walking" "I am". Jaylah entered the kitchen and sat down. "Here's your coffee and food. Eat and drink we have shit to do" "I don't have anything to do" "yeah you do. You just don't know it yet" "why the hell are you in my damn face?" "Because I'm a mate. Kalem would be disappointed in you and I'm going to make sure he stays proud. Now eat your fucking food and drink your drink".
"Christophe, what are you doing?" Christophe looked at Sally then turned away. Watching jaylah eat and drink, as soon as she was done, she pushed the plate and cup away. "stand up" "argh for fuck sake" "I will slap the back of your head. Now move it" "I don't even know where we are going" "gym room".
"Christophe this isn't.." "I don't care what you think right now" jaylah walked out with Christophe behind her. 'fuck this guy seriously. I just want to fucking sleep' walking down the hall way, Bronx watched as Christophe kept pushing jaylah 'what is he doing?' "does it fucking look like I want to.." "don't care. Laying in your fucking room isn't helping. now you can train" "I don't want to train" "don't care" 'this isn't a good idea'.
Christophe slammed the door shut then stood in front of jaylah "when you came back here after being in prison you were determined, you showed strength. But right now you are showing you are weak. YOU ARENT FUCKING WEAK. We had a deal that if you run, I quit smoking. I'm still smoke free but you aren't running. Start" "you didn't even keep to that" "I took some time but I did it. Run" 'argh' jaylah stepped onto the treadmill and turned it on. Christophe waited a minute then turned the speed up. 'to break her, I need to wear her down' jaylah ran for thirty minutes before, Christophe slowed it down and turned it off. "weights" "are you fucking kidding me?" "Do I look like I'm kidding?, move it" "argh you are a pain in my fucking ass" "start with five on each" jaylah rolled her eyes 'i have no fucking idea why he is doing this. Annoying the fuck out of me though' lifting weights for fifteen minutes, Christophe stood in front of her "tired?" "All I want to.." "are your arms tired?" "No" "good put them down and move to the boxing bag" "what the fuck are you trying to do here? I could be in my fucking room.." "NO. NO MORE" "no more? That's exactly what I want" Christophe pushed jaylah to boxing bag "gloves. Hurry up" Bronx entered the gym to see jaylah putting gloves on. 'shes not happy' "Christophe, what are you doing?" "Getting her out of the room" "I don't want to be out of the fucking room" "hit the fucking bag" "I don't even know why kalem put up with you" "he'd be fucking kicking your ass right now. Hit the fucking bag" "argh". 'i could eat again already. But this annoying ass is making me work out in a fucking gym' jaylah ripped the gloves off "jay.." "I'm hungry" "you ate like an hour ago" "so what" jaylah walked out Of the gym room and to the kitchen. "Christophe, I don't know if this is a good idea" "well she can't stay in there all day with her mind the way it is. She needs to keep busy, keep her mind active" "will she talk?" "No" Bronx ran his hands through his hair as Christophe walked inside.
"Good morning jaylah, it's good to see you out of bed" "morning" 'i wouldn't say it's good. I need to get the hell out of here. Maybe a holiday to the maldives. Clear my head. Get everyone out of my face. Who the fuck is going to kill me there?' taking her food to the dining table, jaylah then sat down. "Oi, where the hell have you been huh?" Jaylah looked at Zaire "sleeping" "you can't be doing that. You only get one life" "so far I've had two" "okay you got me on a technicality. What's the plans?" "To eat. Are you not working?" "We worked last night" jaylah showed a slight nod. 'i need to look into transportation. I need to time it right so no one will stop me. Between midnight and two a.m' "The plaque has settled in well" jaylah instantly looked at Tyson. "really?" "Yep and grass is growing around it" jaylah showed a small smile "still full of life" "always will be" jaylah showed a slight nod.
"Hurry up and eat" "man what the hell?" "He's been on my ass all morning" "she has already ate" "yeah and?" "Don't care. I'm eating again and drinking my coffee".
"Morning guys" jaylah stayed silent as she filled her mouth with food "hey" "hi".
"After you eat, have you got any plans?" "Research" "what are you researching?" "Destinations" Christophe, Tyson and zaire all looked at each other "planning to go somewhere?" "Maybe one day" "what about your job?" "I don't need the money" "you gave your details to Lucian?" "Yep. The money is already in" "well we know where the destination is" jaylah looked at Zaire again "yeah?" Zaire grinned "yep. You and kalem spoke about it a lot" "looks peaceful there" "til you turn up" jaylah smirked "playful?" "Hey nah I'm just stating the truth" "if I didn't like to eat, I would throw my food at you" "heard you already ate just throw it at him". When the front door opened up, jaylah looked at it. "hi men. Jaylah" jaylah grinned "hey Nicole and Jackson" Nicole walked over and sat down with Jasmina in her arms. "How have you been?, You are looking great" "it's been a dream. She always sleeps and feeds well. Moving a lot more. What have we missed?" "Nothing at all" "this one is planning a holiday" "good for you. Putting up with these men all the time. I'd want one too" "oh come on Nicole, we aren't that bad" "denial" jaylah grinned as the guys laughed.
"Want a hold?" "Sure" Nicole handed Jasmina to jaylah. "Give it a year and I will have to get a bigger bracelet" "oh no you don't. So where are we heading on holiday?" "Holiday?" Nicole looked at Bronx then at jaylah "why not. You men have everything handled" "we?" "Making sure your fine ass comes back" "you can't take weapons" "argh" the guys laughed 'jaylah is planning to leave?. I don't want her to go. I just want what we had back. I know it won't be easy but I love her'.
"Oh there we go, she opened her eyes" "she's like her father. Lazy" "heard that" "he didn't deny it" the guys laughed.
Jaylah looked at Jasmina "she's grown quick" "eats like her father too" "she's healthy" "yep. So tell me where's the destination?" "Maldives" Nicole grinned "thought it might be. How long are you planning to go for?" "I don't know" "when are you going?" "I don't know that either" 'yeah she's going really soon. I don't blame her but I do hope she comes back'.

"Jaylah and Nicole on a trip together?" Bronx took a deep breath "I don't know if she will come back" "if Nicole's with her she will" "and if she doesn't?" "I don't know Bronx. Have you not had any progress?" "She hasn't left her room unless it's to eat. Christophe got her out" "how?" "Forced her" "one of those that can get away with it" "yeah.." "how long has she spoke about this holiday?" "It's the first I have heard about it. It's worrying".
"I'd love a coffee" "I can make it. Are you going with jaylah?" "I don't know when she's going but my guess is it is soon" Bronx looked at Nicole "where is she going?" "Maldives. She has always wanted to go there" 'maldives?' "nice destination" "yeah so let's go" Jackson laughed "where is Jasmina?" "With jaylah" Bronx took a deep breath "you are worried?" "Not about her looking after Jasmina, just her wellbeing" "she seems alright. Got a few smiles out of her but she's not laughing" "here's your coffee" "thanks" "still breast feeding?" "Sure am" "that's good".

"How's it feel?" "What?" "Having Jasmina in your arms?" "A light Nicole" the guys all grinned "yeah she definitely is but what about you?" Jaylah looked at Christophe then turned her eyes "you need to get over it and move on. All of it. All of us hate seeing you this way" "don't be saying that shit Christophe" "what? I'm speaking the truth" jaylah got up from the table and walked into the kitchen. "I really need to pee" Nicole showed a small grin "I can take her" "thanks" jaylah walked out and back to her room.

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