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Looking through kalems phone, jaylah couldn't help smiling as she looked through all of his photos. Seeing a photo of vex, Tyson and emit all being dickheads as they sat on vexs car, jaylah stood up and walked out. "jaylah, are you hungry?" "Yeah I could eat. I found this photo of you three"
Jaylah looked at vex, Tyson and emit. Showing them the photo, they all laughed "fucking ass took a damn photo" "it's a keeper" "is that kalems phone?" "Yeah it is. I lost all of my photos on my last phone and only have a select few from my birthday" "we have plenty of him being a dickhead" "he would never" the men laughed.
Taking a seat at the table, jaylahs phone signalled a call. Pulling her phone out, jaylah looked at the name 'bronx' letting it ring, she continued to look through kalems phone. Seeing a photo of her and him in the office, jaylah let a small laugh out. "show us" turning the phone around, the men all laughed "what the fuck was that about?" "I was supposed to be working but he came in and laid over the desk telling me he's bored. Let's take pictures. The ass pushed me off the chair and body slammed me" the men laughed "he was the biggest dickhead" "that's questionable" "oh nah.." "I think you are all on par. Look at this" showing emit, he put his head down as he laughed "fucking ass" "I did say questionable".
"Here guys" Rey put down a massive bowl of pasta then enough bowls and forks for everyone. "always a favorite" everyone digging into their meals, jaylah kept swiping through photos. 'i will be printing all of these out and sending them to my phone. I want as many copies as I can get'.
Seeing a message show on her phone, jaylah picked it up.

Sally - I do hope you are all safe. This place has died down with out you here. Both men are stressed, worried and regretful. You have all right being angry for what both of them said. Kalem was a gentle soul and always there for you. Just know they were in boss mode jaylah, you know how they can be. Lucian is angry. He finally got in touch with you and now you have left. He just wants his sister around and Bronx is sinking shots like there's no tomorrow. I don't know where you are and I know you won't answer a call but I do hope you read this and let me know you, Christophe, vex, Tyson, emit and Zaire are safe.
Playing with the phone in her hand, jaylah started typing.
- we are safe. Those men have no rights to talk about kalem that way. You are right he is a gentle soul. He deserved the world and more but they just treated him like another man with out a care in the world. To me he was my best friend and my brother. Blood or not he has been there for me as I have been for him. I will cherish the memories and make sure he lives on like he deserves. Take care Sally and thank you for everything.
Putting her phone down, jaylah ate the rest of her meal.

"It's good to see you again Lucian" Lucian showed a slight nod as he held his drink in his hand "and you too. Bronx this is Brandon" "I'm aware. Hey" Brandon sat down and Lucian spoke "we appreciate the help Brandon" "what's family for right? Always helping each other out, being there" saying that Bronxs mind drifted 'just like kalem and jaylah. They were always there for each other' "Bronx" Bronx looked at sally as she held her phone out. "What?" "I messaged jaylah" Bronx immediately grabbed the phone and read the messages. She wouldn't answer his call. He knew she wouldn't but he was hoping.
Reading the two messages, Bronx knows he has fucked up. What jaylah wrote is right but he needs to know how to fix it. "thanks Sally" "it's fine. Do you men need anything?" "No I'm fine" "we are good" Sally showed a slight nod then walked out.
"How has jaylah been?, I haven't seen her since we were kids" "she's had quite a few troubles but stayed strong" "know where she is?" "No. How long was she here Bronx?" "Four years. She was doing the finances" brandon nodded "I didn't get a chance to speak to her. She hasn't changed a bit since we were kids" "you were close with her?" "We were all close until we all got split apart" "she's always had a stubborn streak in her though" Bronx nodded "yeah well we fucked up" "I could see that. I have never once seen her fire up. When she left my office it was nothing" "those two were thick as thieves" "yeah maybe I should've got off of her case too. Those men just respect her" "I need to find her" "and do what?" "Talk with her, if she will let me" "try calling her" "I did but she wouldn't answer" "maybe at rayals?" Lucian and Bronx looked at each other then back to Brandon "surely not" "why not? The house is empty. She'd know how to get in" "do any of you know where his residence is?" "Yep" Bronx showed a slight nod at Lucian. "Tomorrow" "just be smart on what you say" "that's my sister" "and my cousin. If she is already annoyed. It won't take much for her to fire. An apology would be a good start" "yep but sorry isn't going to cut it. She was overly pissed off" Brandon showed a slight nod "maybe I can come see her, if she is there. It's been many years" "it could help".

Opening my eyes, I looked around. 'argh I feel fucking terrible' jaylah sat up only to want to lay back down again. 'nope I need the bathroom' walking to the bathroom as soon as jaylah entered she raced to the toilet and started vomiting. 'fuck I have an infection somewhere' vomiting until she couldn't anymore, jaylah flushed the toilet and stood up. 'i need to get these wounds checked out' exiting the room, jaylah looked around. "Zaire" "morning" "morning. Can you do me a favor?" "Yep" "check my back wounds for me" Zaire stood up and turned around lifting her shirt. "They look fine jaylah. Is something wrong?" Smelling food being cooked jaylah put her hand over her mouth "nope" rushing to the bathroom, jaylah leant over the toilet. "Jaylah.. oh shit" "wa..water please" Zaire rushed out to the kitchen grabbing jaylah a water while she dry reached over the toilet. "everything alright man?" "Jaylahs sick" "sick? She was fine yesterday" Zaire rushed out and back to the room. "Jaylah" dry reaching, jaylah grabbed the water and took a sip 'the wounds look fine?.. what can it..' "oh you have got to be fucking kidding me" "jaylah?" Jaylah looked at Zaire "there's no infection?" "None. It all looks fine" jaylah had some more of her water before standing up straight. "I need to go somewhere" "you are sick. I will go" jaylah looked at Zaire wide eyed "jaylah?" "This stays between you and I?" "Yeah, you know I won't say shit" "I think I have an answer to why I am feeling like this" Zaire looked at jaylah curious before he looked at her in shock "no way" "yep" "shit. Give me like twenty minutes. I will run to the chemist" "please don't.." "I'm not saying shit" "I need to brush my teeth" "you do that. I will be back" as jaylah brushed her teeth, Zaire ran out of the house to the garage. Opening the garage, he then got in his car and took off out of the drive way.
'argh this is disgusting. The nauseous feeling is awful' waiting around in the room, jaylah nerves were going through the roof. 'fuck I need to piss. Nope I need to hold it'.
'where are they?' "can I help you sir?" "Yep. Looking for pregnancy tests" "aisle three" "thanks" 'oh this isn't going to go down well if the test comes back positive' finding the tests. Zaire immediately grabbed three and walked to the counter. Placing them on the counter, the lady scanned them. "Fifty five for all" without hesitation Zaire showed his card and then tapped it on the machine. "A black bag if you have one" "yes sir".
"Have a good day" "you too".
Arriving back at the house, Zaire kept the bag hidden as he closed the garage and walked inside. "Where the hell did you go?" "Jaylah needed painkillers" "oh, well she hasnt come out" "thanks, I will take them to her" Zaire rushed into the room and grabbed the bag out. "Zaire?" "Yep" jaylah opened the door and Zaire handed her the bag "how much?" "Free. Do what you need to do" "piss. I have been hanging on" "there's three".

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