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When jaylah opened her eyes, she grinned 'im free' as jaylah got up, she grabbed some clothes and got dressed before walking out with a smile on her face. "get lucky last night jaylah?" "Yeah with my hand" Tyson spat out his food making jaylah laugh. "Good morning Tyson" "JAYLAH" Jaylah entered the kitchen. making herself a coffee and toast, Sally entered. "Good morning" "it definitely is. How are you? What's new?" Sally laughed "in high spirits?" "Yeah I'm free. I have to go see my uncle then go to the bank and we are kicking some men's asses" sally stood back "whoa. You want to fill me in?" "Oh..." Jaylah forgot to mention the game to Sally "I may have forgot to ask" Sally smirked "only maybe. What are you talking about?" "A Texas holdem game. A thousand in" Sally grinned "alright. Let me know when" "today" Sally's eyes went wide "today?" "Yep. Drinks and cards. What do you think?" "I think you are insane but I like it" jaylah laughed "alright." Jaylah grabbed her toast and coffee then walked out "you didn't choke on that did you tyson?" Tyson smirked "I have something you can choke on" "is that your opinion or has a male already choked on it?" Tyson smirked "a male hasn't been there" "so it's your opinion then. Pity" Tyson smirked "playful" "I woke up In a good mood. So tell me Tyson. Can you play Texas holdem?" "Yes" "got a thousand?" "Yes" "joining the game today?" "You are playing?" "Yep. Kalem, Zaire and Sally are in. Drinks and cards. What can go wrong?" "I'm in" "got to be in something" Tyson chuckled "oh it's going to be a good day" "of course".
As Bronx walked out of his room, he internally grinned until the front door opened. "Bronx" "rayal, Barron and Ivan" "where is jaylah?" "Dining room" Bronx looked at the folder sitting his hand as he walked in.
"Uncle" jaylah stood up "sit jaylah" "I didn't know you were coming here. I was planning.." "no. You don't come to my home, it could put you in danger. These are what you require" rayal handed jaylah the folder and she opened it up. Pulling everything out, she was surprised to see a bank card "uncle, how did you get this?" Rayal kept eye contact with jaylah. "I have copies of everything. Why did you want it?" "To live" "do you need something?" "A grand. I have a game to play" Barron laughed "a game?" "Yes I'm playing Texas holdem with a few" "who?" "Well I know Sally, Kalem, Zaire and Tyson are in" "you better bring that gorgeous face" "I plan to uncle" "good. You lose and Ivan can go to a spa with you" "WHAT?" jaylah held in her laughter "the boss has spoke. I might lose on purpose" "that's a four thousand kitty" "it better purr" Barron let out a deep laugh "not something a female should say" "the female you are toughening up?" "Only her" jaylah smirked "thanks for the bruising" "you can handle it" "yep" "let's go" "NO" "what?" "No. She just had Lazer surgery. She is to heal" "Lazer?" "To rid of the scars" "will they go?" "Not all, but I was told ninety five percent" Ivan grinned "that's a good percentage" "I agree. Some will fade on their own. But each session means two days in isolation" "what?. Surely not" "well I could walk around naked but I dont think the men would appreciate it" Ivans eyes went wide while rayal and Barron laughed "yeah they would" jaylah turned to look at Sally as she had a cheeky grin on her face "I have seen her goods. They would appreciate them but I think a lot would be dead cos I will shoot them if they touch her" rayal grinned "got your own?" Sally grabbed out two hand guns "yep and fully loaded" "you need your own jaylah" "I have never held a gun let alone shot one" "then learn" "it's fun" jaylah grinned at Sally "how much fun are we talking here?" "Making you cum fun" jaylahs eyes went wide before she laughed "sure" Bronx internally grinned. 'id love to' "so now you have your card. Heading down the street?" "Yes" "if that's your plate, you can eat first" "on it uncle" "good" jaylah moved to the table and sat down making rayal grin. As jaylah ate her meal, she drank her Luke warm coffee. "Weighed yourself today?" "No" "you said seventeen pounds since you got out?" "Yep" "what's your goal?" "One hundred and thirty two pounds" rayal grinned "keep at it. We have to keep moving" "what no good luck no love no nothing?" Barron and Ivan laughed "you don't need good luck. You are your uncle's daughter" "Lucky im not Barron's" "oh wait until your second lesson" jaylah internally grinned as she stood up. Blowing barron an air kiss rayal smirked as barron laughed "That just upped the hits" "rude" "hug then I have to go" jaylah gave rayal a hug "it's good to see you out of your shell" "thanks uncle" "you keep your head high" "I'm trying" rayal pulled away keeping eye contact with jaylah "you have a down Moment and this asshole will be on your case" "lucky me" barron grinned "admit it. You missed me" "that much you can't even hand out hugs?" Ivan moved and picked jaylah up "don't worry jaylah, I like ya" Barron smirked "sucking up Ivan?" "Nah she loves me like an uncle" "yeah I don't know about the baboon though" "HEY" jaylah winked at Barron making rayal laugh "put her down".

Jaylah picked up her dishes and took them to the kitchen 'suppose I better let Bronx know' jaylah moved from the kitchen to Bronxs office and opened the door. "Jaylah" Bronx stood up and jaylah stood still "I am just letting you know I am going into town" "with who?" "I'm walking" "no" "what?" "No you can't be walking in on your own" "why not? No one knows who I am" "I will take you" "no. You have these.." "I will take you jaylah. Where do you need to go?" "The bank. I have a game to win" "a thousand right?" "Yes" "well let's go. I need to pull some money out" "you are playing?" "Yes" jaylah showed a slight nod. Let's see how this plays out "well I'm going now" "I'm coming" Bronx moved from his desk as jaylah walked out "hey wait. Have you got what you need?" "Yep" "let's go". Jaylah internally grinned. "Jaylah where.." "to the bank papa. You best get ready" kalem smirked "whose playing?" "Best you find out" kalem grinned "going to get money?" "Yep" "hey wait" kalem grabbed his card handing it to jaylah "one seven one nine" jaylahs eyes went wide "no way?" Kalem winked "you can't forget that" "I won't. See you shortly" "yep".
As jaylah and Bronx walked out Bronx spoke "why wouldn't you forget that?" Jaylah grinned "that's my birth date" "what was it?" "I can't tell you that. It's his passcode" Bronx got in his car and jaylah did the same "but I'm boss" "it's private" Bronx internally grinned "you know I can get it from the records" "then don't ask me" Bronx chuckled "you could make it easier and just tell me" "no" "why not?" "Life isnt easy" "fine. Can you drive?" "Yes but not this bucket" Bronxs eyes went "what?" "Too slow for my liking" "it's a Mercedes" "slow" "and what would you drive?" "An Evo" "no fucking way" "it would be fun' "to die?" "To ride" "you like fast cars?" "Yes but this car doesnt have the power" Bronx internally grinned as he changed gears and kicked the car out side ways all the way down the dirt road. Jaylah internally grinned "on the way back I want a turn" "can you drive a manual?" "Nah I'm just a dumb blonde" "you are far from dumb" "well there's your answer". Getting the money out for Bronx, kalem and jaylah, they both got back in the car. With jaylah in the driver seat, she grinned "I do hope you can hold on Bronx" "I will be fine" jaylah internally grinned. As soon as she hit the dirt at eighty miles an hour. She kicked the car out sliding left and right until they reached the drive way. When jaylah kicked the car out into the drive way, she slid it sideways up the drive way and parked it right in front of the garage "you didn't press the button" Bronx smirked and pressed the button. When the garage opened, jaylah slowly drove In. "You can drive well. Why don't you have a license?" "No point when all I do is rob banks" Bronx chuckled "no you don't" "maybe not but if I'm going down then I'm doing it right" jaylah turned the car off and got out. Bronx got out with a smirk on his face "so if you fuck up, you are doing it majorly?" "No point doing it half assed now is there?" Bronx grinned "no".

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