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With everyone asleep and settled, jaylah changed her clothes and grabbed a towel, her ear pods and ipod. Quietly walking through the house, jaylah left the house and walked over the grass. 'these warm nights really are bliss'. Jaylah put her ear pods in and turned the music on. With no one around bar Marshalls men, jaylah placed the towel on the beach and sat down. Looking at the slow movement in the water as the moon shone on it, jaylahs mind drifted. 'shit my life has been hell. I lost My parents who mean the world to me and the last person who I thought would do something like that, did. He fooled me. He acted as if he was hurting and yet, he wasn't. He made me stop talking about those who brought me up and cared for me. He made me believe I was meant to live. To find out that he was the one that killed my parents, it destroyed me. My life has been a lie. As much as Lucian doesnt want to admit it, he is like uncle rayal. It's funny how life works. I was blamed for the murder of Sawyer, put through hell. The whippings, starvation, words, lack of water...' feeling a presence jaylah stayed dead still. Marshall looking at how jaylah sat, he knows her mind is wandering. Moving to sit behind her, marshall put a leg on each side of jaylah as he put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest.
'it was only the start. I didn't think I would have so much betrayal, so much pain. I thought losing my parents was bad but I was wrong.. so very wrong. I don't want to hurt anymore. I just want to either live my life to the full or end it. Now Nicole has come here, I'm worried. I'm really worried. She has a baby and if men are coming our way, I'm going to do all I can to protect her. These men, Nicole and Jasmina need to live. My life isn't important. Theirs is. Bronx fooled me, the only ones I have been able to trust are tyson, emit, Zaire, ray and kalem' jaylah moved forward as she let the tears fall. Marshall immediately moved and put his arms around her. 'shes breaking. She doesn't show this side to anyone. She won't show it to me either, that's why she moved. It's only because I noticed her walk down here that I knew she was here. I want her to let me in. I know she has music blasting in her ears too. I can't allow her to do it on her own' marshall held her tight and brought her back to his chest. Removing an ear pod, marshall spoke "you don't need to hide this from everyone jaylah. Let me in, let them in. I know you have chose to come out here when everyone else is asleep. You don't want them seeing you this way because they will worry but they already are worrying about you. You have been through a lot.." "it's not over. They are going to come in guns blazing" "they have to get here first" "they won't hold back. I will protect those men, Nicole and Jasmina. They have a good life ahead of them" "no. You can't be putting yourself in danger. It's taken me twenty nine years to find the woman I want and I don't want to lose her now" "marshall.. I'm not worth it..." Marshall immediately moved to be Infront of jaylah, throwing her off guard. gently pushing her back, marshall hovered over her "you are worth it. I know you have been through a lot but I want you around. Those brothers of yours, Nicole and baby Jasmina want you around. You mean a hell of a lot to everyone. you are an exceptional woman with a heart of gold. I know you have lost a lot but it's made you out to be strong, caring, loving, selfless and down right amazing. You aren't only beautiful on the outside, you are absolutely beautiful on the inside. You need to see it yourself. You need to realize that with out you around it will destroy everyone close to you and me" "why you? We haven't known each other long" "no but I know you are generous, caring, selfless, strong, a fighter and you deserve to be here. It's people like them that deserve to die. You shouldn't have gone through what you did and I never want to see you go through that. I want to see the weight lifted off of your shoulders. I want to see you happy, to see you even more carefree than what your are and I want to treat you like queen, my queen. You deserve the world but you need to let me in" jaylah swallowed hard "you are worried because I'm a boss?" "I know you are your own person but.." "boss or not, I care about every single team member that works for me. Them and their families. I didn't need any more men patrolling. I offered the jobs because they are your brothers and if money helps them, then it makes me happy knowing I have helped someone" jaylah closed her eyes just thinking. "don't judge me off of those three men jaylah. I know you don't want to risk being hurt again but I swear, I won't do that to you. Its their loss for not seeing the rare beauty in you. Your passion for your friends and family and for freedom. I'm not going to be that person who stops you, i want to be beside you" "and yet you don't agree with my decision to hand out money" "I just don't want you leaving yourself with nothing" "that's not possible. I still have more than enough in my account" "over a million?" "Times it by sixteen" Marshalls eyes went wide "how?" "Inheritance but I'm selfish for keeping it to myself.." "no. You are far from that" "I want to help them but Tyson and emit want to work and that's fine" "you already have helped them, you paid for most of that house" "I would've paid for all of it, if they allowed it" "yeah I know but they didnt want you too" "now there's a baby in the house. I was accused of murdering Nicoles son but.." "Nicole's?" "Yes. Gorgeous kid with a heart of gold and I'm sure Jasmina will be the same but this time I will do all I can to protect Jasmina" "I have a lot of men on this island, the boarders have been pulled tight.." "I don't even know who they are" "that's difficult but I do know a lot of them, including Bronxs men. If Tyson, emit and Zaire know, they could help too" "yeah.." 'shes worried about them being in the line of fire' "those photos you mentioned, I'd like to see them" "they are in my room" "then let's go" jaylah showed a slight nod before they both got up. Grabbing her towel, marshall handed jaylah her ear pod.
Entering the house, jaylah then locked the door and walked to her room.
Opening the door, she waited for marshall to enter then shut it and turned the light on. Marshalls eyes immediately moved to the far wall. "that is kalem?" Jaylah showed a slight nod as marshall walked towards the photos. 'i can tell just by these photos they were really close. Two out of three photos he has his arm protectively around her and the other I'm guessing was jaylahs twenty fifth' "only photo he truly smiled in. I poked his cheek" marshall grinned "your favorite?" "Yes. I love all of them but this one showed his handsome smile" "these the only photos you have got?" "No" marshall turned to face jaylah "these are the rest. I lost a lot when my stuff was thrown away.." "thrown away?" "When I was put on death row. Thankfully kalem and Christophe saved my dad's watch and my mother's wedding ring" marshall showed a small grin. Sitting down, marshall opened the envelope of photos. "Who are these two?" "Christophe and vex" "and you kept them?" "They have Rey and kalem in them" "understandable. This is obviously Rey" "yes" looking through every single photo, marshall could tell they were all close. Even with being in a mob which is strange. "How were you lot all close. What about the rest?" "not our type of people" 'yeah I guessed' "this one?" "Sally. She had helped me a lot but she is always on Bronxs side. She had been around for years. When I fell pregnant, she told me I need to stop being heartless because Bronx wants it" "what?" "Yep" "you weren't be heartless though" "no and the day after I lost it, she didn't know at this point but her words were I shouldn't push myself too much I have a baby to think of" "shit" "it wasn't about me at all" marshall showed a slight nod.

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