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"I'm done Zaire" "banana before you go and have some water" "yep" "I'm coming" jaylah showed a slight nod.
Both of them walking inside and to the kitchen, Zaire grabbed them both a water while jaylah grabbed a banana. "Jaylah do you want pasta for dinner?" "No" "jaylah had pasta for breakfast" Sallys eyes went wide "for breakfast?" "That's what she wanted so she got it" "anything you feel like?" "No. I'm eating this, drinking that and then going to bed" "it's only four o'clock" "it's been a big two days". "Here jaylah" "thanks. You better.." "yeah I have my glass right here" jaylah nodded. Finishing her banana and her water, jaylah spoke "good night" "good night. You need anything just message me or yell for me" "thanks. Have fun" "not likely" Sally watched as jaylah just walked out. "Is she okay?" "No" "I guessed. Anything we can do?" "People can get off of her ass and stop judging her. She's not only grieving, she is struggling to find her way and now dealing with the news of the pregnancy. It doesnt help that people are calling her shit and know her business when she hates it" Sally showed a slight nod . 'i didn't help. I told her not to be heartless'.
Entering her room, jaylah locked the door then moved to the bed. Looking around, jaylah looked up to see the photo of her and kalem from the birthday above her bed. 'he chose the right picture' getting undressed, jaylah then laid down and pulled the covers up. Staring at the photo, tears pooled jaylahs eyes. 'i don't know what to do kalem'.

Looking around the dining room all the men were present. Some in full conversation and some sitting in silence, all with meals in front of them. Entering the kitchen, there was Sally.
"Sally did you cook everyone dinner?" "I made up three large trays of lasagna. Nothing extravagant. There's some for you in the oven" "thanks. Everything okay out there?" "They all said thanks and started eating. Did you smell the food?" "No I just finished putting the bed in my room" "from the other side?" "Yep. It's a king, it will do" "everything else?" "It all needs to be replaced. The new carpet had already been laid" "that was quick" "it needed to be done. I will patch the walls tomorrow" "ever done it?" "Once" "maybe ask Clyde. He knows how" "how do you know all of this?" "I listen and learn" Bronx nodded "thanks. I will speak to him about it" Sally fell silent as she thought of what Zaire said. Bronx watched as Sally stood at the bench lost In thought. "sally, is everything alright?" "Yeah just thinking that's all" Bronx showed a slight nod. As he dished up his lasagna, he looked around "where is jaylah? Has she ate?" "She went to bed at about four" "she needs to eat" "she had a banana and water before she went in there. Said good night to Zaire then walked out" "I don't know what to do Sally" "Zaire said shes struggling. Not only with the news but shes also grieving. Doesnt help when people call her shit and everyone knows her business and are judging her" "calling her shit?" Hearing the front door, Bronx walked out to see Nicole and Jackson. 'oh shit' "Bronx" "Nicole and Jackson, it's good to see you both. You are looking well" "fat but good" Nicole looked around then back to Bronx. "three people missing?" "Let's go chat in the office" "alright."
Entering the office, Nicole grabbed jaylahs chair and Jackson sat on the desk. "Let me start by saying, jaylahs brother is in fact alive" "what?" "Yep. Lucian Mathers. He has his own men. Well with Lucian and his men we took down rayal" "good, I couldn't stand the way he treated jaylah" "kalem died" Nicoles and Jackson's eyes went wide "oh shit" "oh shit? Where the fuck is jaylah?" "Let me finish. Jaylah and I split" "why?" "She called it after I said something I shouldn't. She also slapped me in anger" "she could've shot you" "she nearly shot Lucian" Jackson spoke "her own brother?" "Yep. Just after we pulled her away from kalems body" "emotional" "jaylah, vex, Rey, Tyson, emit, Zaire and Christophe left but we found them and got them home. Turns out jaylahs pregnant" "oh wow this is news" Bronx showed a slight nod "I lost my shit. Vex was the one to tell me and I overreacted. I didn't know that Zaire had got the tests for her and I didnt know the men had spotted the tests. That's how they found out" "how bad was this?" "Look I want our baby, I want her. I had it in my head just by the way she acted, that she is going to abort" Jackson squeezed his eyebrows together. He knows it isn't good. Nicole spoke "what did you do to her?" "Lucian and I tied her" "you what?" "We fucked up" "darn right you did. That woman deserves better than that. She is caring, sweet, strong..." "She has shut down" "I don't blame her after fucking everything that she has been through and losing kalem as well as being hormonal makes things ten times fucking worse" Bronx knows Nicole can be outspoken. "I can't believe you would do that Bronx. I can't believe her own fucking brother would do that. Argh, this makes me fucking Ropeable. Has she decided what she wants to do?" "In regards to what?" "The baby?" "No and she won't speak to me" "don't blame her. How far along is she?" "Ten weeks" "right so she has a month to think about it. It's not an easy decision. Her mind will be in turmoil right now. Especially if she is grieving. I know how close those two were and I also know what it's like when you find out you are pregnant. I'm sure it was a fucking shock to her" Jackson internally grinned "where's Sally?" "She was in the kitchen" "right and jaylah?" "She went to bed at four. Two days in a chair.." "TWO DAYS?. Argh fuck this" Nicole walked out slamming the door leaving bronx and Jackson shaking their heads "oh yeah she is fucking Ropeable".

As nicole walked out to the dining room, she looked around. Seeing Christophe, Nicole walked his way "tell me. How is she?" "A mess" "yep" "who is on her side?" "All of us five" Nicole looked at Zaire, Rey, emit, Tyson and Christophe "good. try keep her head up. What they fucking did to her was fucking bullshit" 'oh she's firing' "and you" vex sat back "you were the one that spoke right?" "Yeah.." "fucking idiot you are. You betrayed her and I hope she puts a bullet in your fucking ass" "Nicole" Nicole looked at Sally "Sally" turning her attention back to vex, he spoke "look I fucked up but boss needed to know" "I'm sure she would've told him when she was well and truly ready to. Don't you think so?" "No" "no? She has up until fourteen weeks to decide what SHE wants. Twenty weeks, if she really wants to. Its HER body, HER mind and HER fucking choice. You took that from her to suck up the bosses fucking ass" "he had the right to know" "yeah and the whole fucking house knows too" vex shook his head "we are a family" "pfft those five are her family. Kalem was her family" seeing Nicole blast vex, Jackson spoke "oi no stress for you" "I'm not stressed, I'm fucking livid. Argh I need to get the hell out of here before I shoot that fucking bastard" the men looked at nicole wide eyed. They know Nicole wont hesitate to shoot. "And stay out of HER fucking business. You five.. it's good to see you and look after her" the men grinned "you betcha" "see you tomorrow. Hopefully that woman gets a good night sleep" Nicole walked straight out of the house. "Well.. looks like I'm going" Bronx nodded "guess I will see you tomorrow" "sounds that way" as Jackson walked out, Vince spoke "that woman is definitely not to be messed with" "she's pregnant too which makes it even worse" Tyson chuckled "best meal I have had" "yep. I do love that woman. Even when she is firing" "shows she cares and has balls" "oh she has them alright, just like jaylah. Both good women" "agreed. Shes going through a tough time but I will be here for her" "all of us. we told kalem we would. Some people just don't stick to their word" Sally looked at Bronx with a worried look in her eyes "maybe you should have that dinner" Bronx shook his head. 'the whole fucking place is a mess. From my room, to emotion's, people arguing. Argh I don't know what to do' Bronx entered the kitchen and grabbed his plate before taking a seat at the table. 'argh tomorrow better be a better day'.

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