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"have these men ever did anything against you?" "No" "Nicole?" "She hated me when I was accused but I don't blame her. She had thought I killed Sawyer, of course she would want to. She stood up against Lucian and Bronx after what they did when I was pregnant.." "she wasn't afraid?" "No. Shes a strong woman. Doesn't care who she is speaking too" spotting a photo of jaylah and a young boy, marshall looked at how she held him "that was Sawyer on his fifth birthday. He came running up to me like always and Nicole captured it" "you were close with him" "when he came to the house, he always wanted to be in the office with me. He was always drawing pictures and sticking close. The day he was killed and I was taken to the prison, he had left to go to the bathroom. I thought that maybe he had seen Bronx or kalem but I was wrong. That was the last time I seen him" "did you know why you were sent to prison?" "Not until after I was out of there" "shit" jaylah showed a slight nod. "great kid and deserves a good life but that stupid bitch stabbed him" "who?" "Casey. She framed me because she wanted Bronx. Didnt even have anything going on, I was just doing payroll" marshall slightly shook his head "that's ridiculous" "just like the black haired bitch at the bar with you" marshall looked at jaylah wide eyed "this isn't history repeating itself. I won't allow anyone to hurt you. That bitch was only around because she moved here. I offered her the job, to give her funds" "I guessed" jaylah let marshall look at the photos, while she moved to her closet and got changed. Moving back to the bed, jaylah removed her ear pod and put everything on her bedside table. "can we get deliveries on the island or do I need to go to the mainland?" "How big?" "Big enough" marshall put the photos back in the envelope and placed them on jaylahs bed side table before moving to hover over jaylah "what do you want to get from the mainland?" "You see I can't drive. so Zaire and I are going to do up cars.." "you can't bring cars here" "on the playstation" marshall let a small laugh slip "but we want everything. Steering wheels, gaming chairs, pedals.." marshall tried keeping his face straight but failed as he started laughing "I can't drive Rey's car anymore.." "you had your own?" "No. I had kalems when he passed but I wasn't supposed to drive anyway" "why?" "Didn't have a license" marshall showed a cheeky grin "you weren't supposed to drive but you did?" "Many times. If I was going down, I was doing it right" 'how the hell am I supposed to stay straight faced with this woman?' "I can send some men to get them. It's best that you, Nicole or the men don't go to the mainland right now" "I will research the prices and give you the money for it" marshall shook his head no. "Not happening. You can research it but you aren't paying" "I have plenty.." "you may have plenty but I'm paying for it all" "oh I see. It's because you want to play too. good luck getting a turn" marshall showed a cheeky grin "you have to get off it at some point" "when I'm sleeping" "then I guess our sleeping schedules will be different" "still have to compete with Zaire and Garrett" marshall chuckled "and Garrett?" "Yeah he will want to spend time with Zaire. I guess he's staring at a screen too" hearing Jasmina cry, jaylah immediately moved making marshall grin 'she will be an amazing mother one day'.

Entering Nicole's room, Nicole was still sound asleep. Jaylah picked Jasmina up, a nappy and wipes before exiting the room.
"Hey darling. Let's get you a feed and change your bottom huh" entering the kitchen, jaylah grabbed a bottle and put formula in it. "Jaylah?" Jaylah looked at marshall "yeah?" "Clothes?" Jaylah looked at her shirt and underwear "nah they have seen me in bikinis. Get some sleep if you want. I'm fine up with Jasmina" "you need sleep too" "I slept last night" marshall wanted to laugh but held it in. "Let me do that, if you want to change her nappy" "go get some sleep. You are always.." "nope" "fine. Read the instructions" marshall grinned "I will". While marshall made a bottle for Jasmina, jaylah changed her bottom."all done, darling. Lets get you fed and back asleep" "here jaylah" "thanks" jaylah grabbed the bottle then took a seat. "Did Nicole not wake or did you take charge?" "She hadn't woke. Don't blame her. Long travel over and having Jasmina, it would take it out of her" marshall showed a slight nod as he moved to sit on the recliner. "You aren't going to get sleep are you?" "Nope. You need sleep too" "I don't have to be up at any certain time though" "nor I, everyone knows their jobs" "yeah but Bennett is like a lost puppy with out you around" marshall smirked "what makes you say that?" "Felt like it".
"Jlee.." Zaire rubbed his eyes "go back to bed Zaire, I'm fine" "oh shit. Marshall" "Zaire" "look at you taking the mom roll" jaylah smirked "just helping Nicole out. Poor woman is exhausted" "yeah I don't blame her. She feeds well" "yeah she does. Already had her bum changed. I'm hoping that after a feed and a burping she will go back down" Zaire and marshall grinned "we need to write a list for what we want" "list?" "Yeah the gaming shit" Zaire let a quiet laugh slip "everything. Cinema screen, massive sound system, all the controls. This shit needs to seem real" "I will kick your ass" marshall wanted to laugh "yeah I have seen you drive, you are a Hoon" "only in Rey's car. That car has to be driven that way" "what did he have?" "Evolution" marshall smirked "and he let you drive it?" "Only her. I wanted to drive the friggin car" "you could've got your own" "didn't have a license" jaylah chuckled "so whose car were you driving?" "Mine but I picked it up off some dodgy guy. Had to work on it a bit before it drove. Didn't want a car that stood out" "that's fair". When Jasmina finished the bottle, jaylah raised her to her shoulder and tapped her back making both men grin "a natural" "I've seen Nicole do it" "makes sense" hearing a small burp, jaylah kept her on her shoulder.

"She's back asleep" both guys grinned. "Go get some sleep, you will be exhausted tomorrow" "I will be right it's not like we are working" "yeah but I know what you are like. You try keep busy" "yep" jaylah stood up holding Jasmina in her arms. "Night Zaire" "night you two". When Zaire walked off, jaylah picked up the bottle. "I will take them, so you can take Jasmina back to bed" "okay, thanks".
Jaylah quietly walked through the house and into Nicole's room. Gently laying Jasmina in her bed, she made sure she was warm and walked back out again, quietly closing the door on the way. 'time to go get some sleep. I'm tired and need all the sleep I can get' quietly walking to her room, jaylah entered then walked to her bed.
'she will be an amazing mother, if she chooses to be. Without hesitation she was up and there for Jasmina. The baby isn't even hers and yet she moved like lightning. She does look incredible holding a baby too' cleaning out the bottle, marshall placed it upside down on the sink then turned the light off before walking back to jaylahs room. Seeing jaylah already laying in bed, marshall grinned as he turned off the light and walked to the bed. Removing his shorts, shoes and socks, he climbed into bed putting his arm over jaylah "who said you were sleeping in here?" "You did" "must've slipped my mind" marshall grinned as moved in to kiss jaylah. Connecting their lips, jaylah parted giving marshall access. Breaking away from her lips, marshall kissed her cheek "you need to get some sleep" "I will be but I'm not needed to do anything. You on the other hand, are" Marshall grinned "I plan to" "good".
Jaylah closed her eyes as marshall moved to rest his head on the pillow, keeping his eyes on jaylah "good night marshall" "good night jaylah". 'she is letting me be close and I'm ecstatic. I don't want to live without this woman. Even in her hardships, she is worried about everyone else. It's shows what type of person she is. plus she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on and that attitude of hers.. I love it. I can see she has a temper when needed but I don't want to see that side either'.

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