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'day ten and I have gained thirteen pounds. I am walking and feel confident I can walk down the corridor of the prison' jaylah stepped off the scales and put them away before walking out of the room.
"Sally, have you seen Bronx?" "Office. Anything I can help with?" "No but thanks" Sally grinned "it's fine".
As jaylah approached the office, she grabbed the handle and opened the door.
"Jaylah" Bronx immediately stood up "bronx, I would like to go to the prison" Bronx has noticed the slight changes in jaylah. From the slight weight gain to her confidence. Even the way she has been able to walk with no problem. "Have you got the time?" "Yes. You want to go now?" "Yes" "have you ate?" "I have" "alright". Bronx cleaned up his desk then walked out of the office. Jaylah waiting for him near the garage, Bronx internally grinned.
"Heading somewhere jaylah?" Jaylahs eyes moved from the garage door to Calvin "yes. To the prison" "are you sure you want to do this?" "More than" Calvin looked at Bronx as he walked closer "we will be back soon Calvin. Keep everything in check" "always".
When Bronx opened the door, he walked out and jaylah followed. As soon as she looked at the car, she spoke "the last time I actually seen the outside of this car is right before you put me in a hessian bag" Bronx stopped in his tracks, not sure what to say. As he looked at his car, the only thought crossing his mind was he needs a new one. "Bronx? Are we going?" "Yeah. Let's go".
Does jaylah know what she just said? She said it like it was a casual conversation. Does she have emotions? Maybe her head is elsewhere right now. Bronx knows she has emotions but maybe she has chose to block them today.
Arriving at the prison, Bronx was worried as jaylah sat silent. "Jaylah you don't have to do this" jaylah looked at Bronx "yes I do" Bronx showed a slight nod.
As the both entered the prison, Rey's eyes went wide. "Boss and jaylah" "Rey" "hi" "it's your choice on what you want to do first jaylah" "the cell" Bronx nodded as he swallowed hard. He doesnt know why she wants to see it. "Want company?" "No. The last one right?" "Yes" jaylah walked down the corridor looking at all the cells on the way. Not a prisoner in here right now. 'i guess Casey and kia died' as jaylah got to the end, Bronx and Rey watched her from a far. "Maybe we should go closer, just Incase" bronx nodded.
As jaylah faced the cell, a smile played on her lips as she looked at one brick in the wall. When her eyes moved to the roof, her smile never faulted. As Bronx and Rey approached jaylah, they could see her smile. Rey internally grinned while Bronx was curious. "Jaylah, are you alright?" With a smile on her face, jaylah turned to look a Bronx "of course" this has thrown Bronx off. He thought that maybe she would break down. when jaylah put her hand out, Rey shook it "it's good to see you Rey" "and you, alive and well" "I think so too. Gained some weight and eating a lot of carbs" Bronx internally grinned "I'm running out of pasta and steak" "you are looking a lot better" "feel it but still a journey in front of me. Been well?" "Yes" "good. Are Clyde and emit here?" "Yes Clyde should be awake. They are in the back room" "can I go see them?" Bronx nodded unsure what else to say. "Where is it?" Rey grinned "back near the front, to the left" "okay". Jaylah walked up the corridor and opened the door. As she put her hands in her tracksuit pockets emit and Clyde both stood up from the table with shock "jaylah. Does boss know you are here?" "Yes" Clyde and emit looked between each other and jaylah. Emit put his head down "it was our job" "I'm aware. I'm not here to kill you emit. Raise your head" emit was shocked with what jaylah has said and Clyde grinned. "I hear you have been struggling?" "Yeah.. I'm sorry" "don't be. Been well?" "Besides coming to terms with what I had done yes" "Clyde?" "As well as I can be in this place" "that's great. There's no prisoners, Why are you three still here?" "We haven't been told to leave" "ever thought of asking?" Emit looked at Clyde wide eyed then back to jaylah "no" "hmm okay. Well I just wanted to come say hi and see the cell" "you didn't say hi" "hi" jaylah looked at both men as they grinned "hi" "hi" jaylah walked out leaving the men stunned "she didn't just.." "yep" "let's go" emit and Clyde both left the back room. "Boss" "men" emit looked at jaylah then back to Bronx "why are we here if there are no prisoners?" Bronx looked at all three men "you don't have to be here. Surely you aren't that stupid?" Jaylah looked at Rey "well it seems you are free to leave the prison" "I'm hanging for my own bed" "want to walk with me?" "Yep" as jaylah and Rey walked out, they both had smalls grins on their faces "thanks Rey" Rey looked around then back to jaylah "did what I could" "I know. I see its fixed" "yep" jaylah nodded.
"So I will meet you back at the house?" "I will be there" Rey grinned as he walked to his car. Jaylah moved to stand by Bronxs car. When he exited the prison with emit and Clyde, he looked around.
"Rey left already?" "I guess so" why did Rey leave jaylah on her own?
As Bronx said goodbye to the men, he walked in the direction of the car and pressed the button so it unlocked. Bronx internally grinned as jaylah kept her eyes on his before walking around the car and got in.

"Where is my niece?" "At the prison" rayal smirked "then we'll wait" "want a drink?" "Won't say no" "yep" "yes" Calvin nodded.
As Rey walked in, he stopped in his tracks. "Rayal" "Rey" "I believe they are on their way back" "good. I'm only here to see my niece" Rey showed a slight nod "I just want my bed" "well go" rayal won't relax until he sees jaylah. He hasn't seen her in a week. Work has been crazy and he's been worried, although he knows these men wouldn't be game enough to touch her.
As the garage door opened, rayal stood up with a grin. "Wow look at the difference" "hi uncle rayal, Barron and Ivan" "how many pounds?" "Thirteen" rayal grinned "so proud of you. How is walking?" "Great. I have been on the treadmill everyday".
"How did today go?" "Perfect. Seen the cell and the men" "we did see Rey. Where are the other two?" Hearing Rey's name, jaylah had a knowing look in her eyes and rayal instantly knew it was Rey that helped her "No idea, i travelled with Bronx" "alright. So what happened?" "Went in. Seen the cell. Spoke with Rey, Clyde and emit then left" as the door opened up rayal looked at emit and Clyde. "Rayal, Ivan and Barron" "men" emit wanted to run. He can't read rayal, just like he can't read jaylah. "How have you been rayal?" "Fine. Works hectic. You?" "Good" rayal looked at jaylah then back to emit "good" rayal knows emit is uncomfortable and he could play on it but he won't. "Jaylah, have you ate?" "It's time I have more" "how many meals a day?" "Five" rayal grinned "good. You are trying to build your weight" "sure am" "kitchen" without missing a beat, Barron threw jaylah over his shoulder "Barron I can walk" "taking advantage of it while I can" "lucky me" as barron carried jaylah in the kitchen, Bronx turned to leave "what.." Bronx not being able to hold in his laughter, let it out "still being carried around?" "Barron needed a weight" "still light" "I won't be" "ehh I will still be able to carry you" "is this the way it works?" "You have no choice. You made me take time out of my day to train you" jaylah moved herself to sit on his shoulders making Ivan laugh "well you can make me some pasta" "why can't you?" "Too high to reach the stove" "that I can fix" jaylah crossed her legs and Barron smirked "I guess I'm making pasta" "good" "throwing orders?" "No just agreeing to what you said" Bronx let a laugh slip as rayal did. "oh this will be fun. Barron doesnt cook" "on second thought, I like my pasta cooked not burnt. Put me down" "you climbed up there" "I can touch the roof. Why are you so tall?" "I'm not, you are short" "you are definitely over six foot" "and you are what.. five four?" "Five seven" "little".

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