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'get over it? How could he say that to me?. I thought he had my back'.

"There's something wrong" Bronx immediately looked at Nicole "something wrong?" "Yeah with jaylah. She lied" "maybe she does need to pee" "Jackson, I'm telling you there is something wrong. I could see it in her eyes" "go speak with her" "I'm not doing that" "why not?" "She needs her time" "she has had plenty of her time" Nicole took a deep breath and walked out.
"Something happen out here?" "This dickhead told jaylah she needs to get over it all and move on" Nicole glared at Christophe "you fucking better not have" "well it's true. Look you have Jasmina and you aren't.." "don't you mention my son. Just because we have our daughter, doesn't mean we have moved on. That was not the right thing to say to her Christophe" "yeah well she can't just be moping around all the time" Nicole shook her head 'this is just fucking wonderful'.

'im leaving tonight. I don't care. I need to get the hell away from here' jaylah walked out and outside to kalems grave before taking a seat at the foot of his grave. 'your stupid music is quite catchy you know that. Argh, I can't believe I am listening to it. You used to annoy the shit out of me with it and now it's my favorite music. I have decided to go away for a little bit but I will treasure each memory. I don't know if I will come back and as much as it hurts to leave you at your forever home while I am gone, I know I need to do it. We always spoke about the Maldives. Me and you drinking up a storm. Kicking peoples asses in poker, taking them for a ride. I plan to do it for both of us and I need to heal. being here, I'm not healing, it's only tearing me apart even more. I tell ya, you are one of the best men in this world and as they say the good die young. It's not fair. None of this is fair. I have been dealt a shit hand ya know and I want to try lift my head and spirits. You would be kicking my ass into line if you were here. I already know that' "jaylah?" Jaylah looked at Zaire "hey" "you are leaving aren't you?" Jaylah showed a slight nod "I need to go away, I need to heal" Zaire sat down beside jaylah "he would be on a plane with you" "yep. We always spoke about going to the maldives to get blind drunk and take people's money in poker" Zaire let a small laugh slip "I think you are doing the right thing. I'd come with but this is my life" "why?" Zaire shrugged "I have nothing going for me" "you could find something" "like what?" "Another job, a partner, house, cars, bikes.." "I knew what I was getting myself into. I do this job not to feel anything" "but you do" "of course I do but  not searching for anything bar this" jaylah showed a slight nod. "Are you coming back?" Jaylah looked at Zaire "I don't have an answer to that" "you know I can't let you go unless I know you are" "I don't belong here Zaire. I don't even do the job I was meant to" "you do belong here. You are like a sister to all of us" "have Sally" "Nuh no way. I draw the line at you" "cant handle another?" "don't want another. Let's go have a drink" "a drink?" "Yeah. You and I. Don't worry about Christophe.." "I'm not" "defensive" Zaire raised his eye brows "he pissed me off" "I'm aware. But I haven't. now get your ass up and come have a drink. Kalem told me you enjoy doubles" "alright fine let's have a drink" 'see you again soon kalem. Love you' both standing up, jaylah and Zaire walked inside. "snap?" Jaylahs eyes went wide "snap?" "Yep" jaylah let a small laugh slip "fine let's play snap" "go fish?" "What are we? Seven?" "Yep" "then we can't drink" "twenty seven now move it" jaylah grabbed her cards and walked out behind Zaire. "Table miss" "don't spike it" "I will".
Jaylah sat down away from everyone else and started shuffling the cards. When Zaire sat down, jaylah looked at the drink "yeah that's three" Zaire smirked "how the fuck did you know that?" "You just told me" "argh". "Ready?" "Yep" jaylah dealt half the deck to Zaire and half to herself.
"What are you two playing?" "Snap" "snap?" Tyson laughed "why snap?" "So I can slap her" "I can slap him" "I'm in next round" "are you seven?" "You can't be drinking if you are seven" "we are twenty seven" "fine I'm getting a drink".
"Snap" "argh mother fucker" Zaire smirked "one in" "fuck off" Tyson laughed as he sat down. "got ya?" "Yep".
"Fucking bitch" "lucky I don't have long nails" "I don't mind a back scratch" "I'm not slapping your back" "nah but you can scratch it" "she wouldn't want to touch you" "she hates me" jaylah internally grinned as she got the last lot "fuck" "I'm in. Hurry up" jaylah quickly shuffled the cards then dealt them out. Seeing everyone come to the table, jaylah kept her eyes away. "Ready?" "Yep". All three playing snap, Tyson smirked "knocked her off her throne" "fuck my hand is red" the guys laughed "free slaps" "rude" "alright next game" "you aren't serious?" "yep" "what's next?" "Go fish" Tyson laughed "let's do it. Anyone remember how many cards?" "Five" "can tell she is the youngest" "still wiser than you" "yeah that's a fact" "piss off dickhead" Zaire laughed while jaylah kept her eyes on his. "Alright Zaire, you are up" "jaylah got a seven?" "Go fish" "I can't believe we are playing this" "kalem took our money" Zaire and Tyson laughed "you are wearing yours" "what?" "That necklace" "cheeky shit" "Tyson have you got a three?" "argh here" "ay I'm winning" "it's just started" "shit confidence boost you are" "Zaire have you got a nine?" "oh this bitch looked at the cards" "nope. Just a guess" "Zaire have you got a ten?" "Go fish" as everyone sat at the table, they held in their laughter watching Zaire and Tyson play go fish with jaylah. 'since when do they play that shit?' 'this is funny but also ridiculous' 'they are doing what they can to cheer her up' 'argh I shouldn't have said what I did'.

Come ten p.m all three left the table. "night" "night" "night". Jaylah walked to her room and closed the door. Packing what she can into two bags including the photos that are in the envelope, jaylah then went for a quick shower. 'its time I do this but I have to wait until the main lot are in bed and asleep. Some guys will come back at eleven, so midnight is best' getting out of the shower. Jaylah got dry and dressed before putting her hair up. Making sure she had everything like her passport and ID, jaylah then walked out to the kitchen. Seeing no one present, jaylah internally grinned. 'its time to go' exiting the kitchen, jaylah walked to her room and grabbed her bags then walked out side. Putting the bags in her boot, jaylah took a deep breath as she heard a voice "I had a feeling you would go tonight" jaylah swallowed the lump in her throat as she turned to face Zaire. Seeing Tyson as well, jaylah shook her head "guys" "you really think we wouldn't know?" "Whether you did or didn't, I need to do this" "we had a deal" "what?" "I told her earlier today, I won't let her leave unless I know she is coming back" Tyson looked at jaylah with pleading eyes "you are coming back right?" "I don't know guys" "I will flatten those tyres" jaylah put her head down as she wanted to let a laugh slip "that was a smile. You can't leave us stranded" "you don't need me here" "yeah we do. So you need to come back. Go drink until you drop, take people's money in poker then get your ass back here. I want a souvenir too" Zaire chuckled as Tyson spoke "yeah I need some. Doesnt look like I will be able to go anywhere. We will make sure your room isn't touched either" "he will probably sleep in there" "if you do, I'm not coming back" both men grinned "at least give us a hug before you leave" "that I can do" jaylah walked their way and gave Tyson a hug "and grow while you are gone" "that's not going to happen" "take care alright" "I will. You too". Jaylah looked at Zaire as she pulled away from Tyson "suppose you want one too?" "yep" jaylah gave Zaire a hug "you better come back. This place will be shit with out you" "you take care okay?" "We will" jaylah nodded as she stepped back "bye guys" "it's see you soon" jaylah showed a slight nod before getting in the car.

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