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"these men praising you because you walked a few steps. You thinking you are it and a bit. What is it?, Did you go down all these men?" Jaylah grinned "you aren't very smart are you Gerald?" "A lot smarter than you" jaylah knows her uncle is coming this morning and she is just waiting for him to come through the door. "You may think that but what you don't realize is.." "what I realize is you are a hoe. The only reason you are here, is to fuck all of these men. You are nothing compared to those two girls who were killed. You are nothing but a brat and you should've rotted in that cell" Bronx and the men are fuming. One wrong move and they won't hesitate to kill him "and what's so good about you Gerald? Did the girls give you a good time? Is that it?" "No. I wouldn't touch them" "I didn't like the bitches but even I could see it wasnt you that turned them down. Let's start with that receding hairline. Surely there's a product you can use to fix it. the ugly ass mole you have beside your over grown nose, you could go get that removed. Maybe the ears. They stand out a little too much and could use some surgery but past all that, I think you problem is your mouth. It's bigger than your dick and nothing could fix either of your problems" Bronx wanted to laugh but held it in "now it's probably best you shut it" Gerald stood and hovered over the table "you should shut your fucking dirty mouth. You are nothing but a piece of trash" within a second a bullet went straight to Gerald's arm "EVER DISRESPECT MY NIECE AGAIN AND I WILL CUT YOU FROM YOUR FEET TO YOUR HEAD" Geralds eyes went wide as he grabbed his shoulder while jaylah grinned as she stood up "uncle, barron and Ivan" barron grinned while Ivan and rayal kept their eyes on Gerald. Jaylah moved over to Barron "I knew you guys were coming this morning. Welcome to the fun" barron chuckled as he picked her up and threw her on his back "what's happened here?" "Gerald thinking his king dick" Bronx looked at jaylah 'oh she knew they were coming and set Gerald up for a massive fall' Bronx looked at Gerald "maybe next time you will think more clearly. The reason why jaylah is here, is because she belongs here. She was here before you arrived. She is not sleeping with all the men here.." "WHAT?" Gerald looked at rayal then at Bronx "she does the finances in the place and is close with a lot of these men and not for sexual shit that you accused her of. Now all this bullshit started because why?" Gerald took a deep breath. "I judged her wrongly" "yeah you did. Now you will apologize to my niece before another bullet goes to your second head" Gerald looked at jaylah as she sat on Barrons back "I'm sorry. I misjudged you" "okay" rayal internally grinned as jaylah gave a straight and short answer. When he turned to face jaylah, he chuckled "got my niece on your back?" "Calling her a monkey" "I didn't climb up here" "she lies" rayal grinned "nice steps. I see it's getting easier" "went further than planned. Walked from the bedroom to the kitchen. Looks like Christophe will be quitting sooner than he thinks" Christophe looked at jaylah with a smirk "I will tie you down" "what's this quitting stuff?" "Christophe made me a Deal. When I start running again, he will quit" rayal looked at Christophe "I give it two weeks" "shit" kalem chuckled "oh I will make a deal with you too" "I'm quitting again with out the deal. Otherwise I will get my ass kicked" jaylah grinned. "What brings you three here?" "Tell me is it an Android or iphone?" "Android" "hmm good. iphones are shit" "I told Bronx that" Bronx kept his eyes on jaylahs "just too hard for her to work" "is that what is?" "Never uncle. I used his phone to steal numbers out of it" "and prank messaged us" rayal smirked "playing tricks on the men huh?" "I needed entertainment. Hey Barron.." "no way" the men laughed "Ivan?" "Just look at him. He's a clown" Bronx internally grinned. 'She could have any man on their knees for her'. "You want my number?" "Well I might need you to beat barron up" "deal" "hey hold up one darn minute" jaylah had a cheeky grin on her face "this could work out well" "just Remember who will be training you" kalem and Christophe looked at each other then at jaylah "train?" "To kick your asses" kalem grinned "nah she won't do that" "only if I see a smoke in your hand" "I quit" rayal winked at jaylah "did you have any plans today?" "No. Rest and pushing my limits. I do need to shower" "I can help with that if you need it jaylah. plus I need to dress your wounds again" "well before that. Have you ate?" Ivan looked at the plate with toast "that's yours?" "Yes. Things happened" "then you need to eat" "I will" "now" "okay uncle. I will eat now" "and not that. It's cold and unhealthy" "I need to gain weight" "fine you win. More toast. Come-on" "putting me down Barron?" "No. You have walked enough for today" "I feel like a kid" "you are as light as one too" "soon I will be fat and you will struggle" "I doubt that".
Gerald sat at the table, removing the bullet from his arm "none of you could warn me her uncle was coming?" "Didn't know" "bullshit" "I didn't even know" Gerald looked at Bronx "at all?" "No" "you think she did?" "No. She seemed just as shocked" Gerald took a deep breath "okay maybe I was an asshole" "yep. Jaylah didn't deserve what you said. It was only a few days ago that she couldn't even walk" Gerald showed a slight nod "how did she survive being in there?" "None of us know. Her records show that she hadn't had anything and was getting lashed more than she should" Bronx looked at kalem and Christophe thinking they may have helped her but they haven't been to the prison. There's no way she could've survived more than three days without water. Bronx turned and walked to the kitchen. what he seen made him hold in his laughter. Barron had her over his arm "seriously Barron, put me down" "you really do need those protection lessons" "I'm lucky to brush my own hair right now" "well I would brush it but it would be easier to cut it" "uncle help me" "you got yourself into that position" "argh. Here I thought you loved me" "don't be using that card" "seems like it's run out of money" the men laughed making Bronx internally grin "men and jaylah. Anything I can help with?" "Just making this one eat. Sorry for intruding" "it's fine" "want something?" "An extra large coffee. it's been a shit morning".
"Jay.." Sally laughed "Sally he is messing up my hair, after all of your hard work" "then it looks like I should do his. What do you think?" Barron looked at Sally wide eyed and put jaylah down "no thanks" jaylah laughed "thanks for saving me" "anytime. I would like to talk to you though" jaylah showed a slight nod "eat first" rayal handed jaylah a plate with toast "yes uncle" jaylah slowly walked out of the kitchen. Rayal watched her walk out with a grin "shes getting better everyday" "a lot of strength" "you were holding her like a rag doll" "shes light" "wait until she starts training" "I'm not teaching her to kick my ass" "I was talking about not only fat but muscle weight" "it will be good for her, even just getting weight on her. Bronx has she ate well?" "Getting more in now and has moved to solids which is great news" "the amount?" "Big improvement" rayal nodded "good. Just don't allow her to do too much. If she pushes herself too much, it could hurt her" "I know but she is stubborn" Barron grinned "ahh a mini rayal" "shut it barron" Ivan laughed.
"What do you think about a spa trip?" Jaylah isn't sure if she can do that "I know someone that can do it without judgement of your wounds" "a friend?" "My sister" jaylah showed a slight nod as her mouth was full of toast "it's irritating" Sally laughed "yeah it would be unless you are a naturalist" "no" "alright, so what do you say?. Give it two weeks after you are able to use that almond and coconut body wash" jaylah grinned "I'd like that. Thanks Sally" "you are welcome. Now eat up before both of us get in trouble" "we don't want that" "definitely not. Bronx I can handle" jaylah chuckled "he's not that bad" "to you".

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