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"men" Zaire, vex, Tyson, Rey, christophe and emit all looked at Bronx "boss" hearing them all the same thing, Bronx could tell something was off. 'where is jaylah?' "everything running smoothly?" "Yep" vex started to shake his leg. He knows jaylah hasn't told him. They haven't spoke besides about the finances "vex" Zaire shook his head "I can't.." "vex don't do it" "it's the right thing to do" "shit" Zaire ran his hand through his hair "Bronx" Bronx was stunned that vex had called him by his first name and stopped to look at him. "Vex don't.." "jaylahs pregnant" "what?" Bronx couldn't believe what he just heard. 'pregnant' "how fucking dare you?" vex looked at jaylah "he needs to know" "ITS NOT YOUR FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING" "jlee relax please" jaylah shook her head and walked off "JAYLAH WAIT" jaylah stopped to look at vex "he needed to know" "stay away from me" "jaylah?" "Yeah you heard right and it's my fucking choice whether I keep it or not. And you, I won't trust you again" jaylah walked off leaving the men with their heads down. Seeing Bronx run out after her, Zaire took a deep breath. "Well this is fucking grand".
"Jaylah" "what?" "Why wouldn't you fucking tell me?" "It's my choice" "okay look I know that we fell out from my stupid act but that's my baby too" "so what?" Bronx grabbed jaylahs shoulders and pushed her back to the wall "so what, You didn't think I had a right to know?, you didn't think that I should have a choice too?. You could've fucking told me" "no" "what do you mean no?. You are carrying my fucking baby" "its my body and my choice" "it may be your body but the baby is ours" "you need to get out of my face" "NO YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME" jaylah blocked all emotion as she looked at Bronx "that baby is mine and I have a choice too" jaylah went to move but Bronx grabbed her arm "you will not abort my child" "I NEVER FUCKING SAID I WOULD. NOW LET MY FUCKING ARM GO. RIGHT NOW" Bronx immediately let her arm go and jaylah walked off and out of the house. 'shes pregnant? I can't believe this. She hid it from me too. Those men all know. Why would she tell them and not me?. I get it, we aren't together but fuck I want to be. Maybe I shouldn't have grabbed her or worked her up. I need to speak with Lucian'. Seeing Zaire bolt past Bronx, Bronx shook his head "shit".
Entering the office, Bronx grabbed out his phone and called Lucian.
"Bronx how are things travelling?" "Works fine. Jaylahs pregnant with my child" "you don't sound happy?" "I found out off of vex" "she didn't want to tell you?" "I guess not. I spoke with her but she said it's her choice" "it's both of yours. I will come see her" "fine". Bronx hung up the phone and slammed his fists on the desk.
"Jaylah" jaylah sat in front of kalems grave just staring at it. "how fucking dare he tell him" "I know you are angry but stress isnt good" "he should never have fucking said anything. At least I know kalem would've had my back" Zaire put his head down 'shes overly pissed off and can put stress on the baby. This could be a disaster' sitting with jaylah for an hour, Zaire watched as Bronx and Lucian walked out. "Shit" jaylah looked their way then at Zaire "fuck it".
Turning her attention back to kalems grave, jaylah put her hood on. She doesn't even want to look at them.
"Jaylah" "Lucian" "I hear you are pregnant" "of course you did" "stress isnt good for you" "well people need to shut the fuck up" "do not speak to me that way" jaylah rolled her eyes "you sound like uncle rayal" Lucian shook his head "vex did the right thing" "sucked up the bosses ass. Well done" "JAYLAH" "stress isnt good for her" "you need to shut up" jaylah stood up and so did Zaire "YOU CAN STAY AWAY FROM HER" jaylah stopped and dropped her hood with a malicious look in her eyes "jlee don't.." jaylah turned to face Lucian and Bronx "it's not good for you" lucian and Bronx can tell they just pushed her. Lucian immediately put his hands up "jay.." "I will speak to and see whoever the fuck I want to. You don't tell me what I can and can't do. Are we clear?" "I didn't tell you. I told that piece of shit" taking a step forward, Zaire already knew she was about to lose it. "Let's get you to the room" "I SAID STAY AWAY FROM HER. YOU WONT BE GOING ANYWHERE. BRONX WANTS THIS CHILD" jaylah ran her tongue over her bottom lip as she clenched her hands. "Jlee take it easy" jaylah looked at zaire then walked off. "JAYLAH" 'how fucking dare they' getting grabbed by Lucian and Bronx, jaylah fought against them "you won't be going anywhere" "you two can go to hell. I will do everything I fucking can to escape the both of you" seeing Lucian and Bronx push jaylah into Bronxs room, the men all stood up. "YOU WILL STAY OUT OF THIS" "OVER MY FUCKING DEAD BODY" "THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT" vex stepped back "YOU ARE A FUCKING CUNT" Bronx watched as the men grabbed the table and threw it straight at vex.
standing in Bronxs room, jaylahs anger was only rising. Grabbing his lamps jaylah threw them at the wall smashing them. Grabbing the bed side table drawers, jaylah threw them at the wall. Before picking up the bedside table. When the door opened Lucian's eyes went wide "jay.." jaylah threw it at the door and Lucian closed it as he swallowed hard. "I think she's beyond pissed off" hearing things get destroyed in his room, Bronx took a deep breath "she's going to push herself" seeing vex get up, he looked around 'i did this' "tie her" vex looked at Lucian "WHAT?" "I said tie her" "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?" hearing more shit hit the walls, Bronx put his head down "if we don't do something, she is either going to hurt herself or the baby" Lucian slammed the door opened and grabbed jaylah "enough is enough" jaylah spat in Lucians face "YOU ARE NO FUCKING BROTHER" "Bronx now" Bronx entered the room and grabbed jaylahs arms "office" Lucian nodded "we are doing This for you" "I HOPE YOU GET FUCKING STABBED YOU CUNT" "jaylah.." "SHUT UP" seeing lucian come in with rope jaylah chuckled "tie me up, kill me for all I care. I won't be eating or drinking so have fun with that" Bronx eyes watered "jaylah.." jaylah rolled her eyes. Letting Lucian tie her, jaylah only smirked "you both did this to yourself". As jaylah sat in the chair she rolled her eyes "well this is fun. What do you cunts think?" "Jaylah.." "FUCK YOU. FUCK BOTH OF YOU". 'this isn't a good idea at all' "she will come around" "keep wishing rayal junior" Lucians hand clenched "what, you are going to hit me?, Go right ahead" Lucian and Bronx walked out and slammed the door.
'fucking morons think they can force me to keep this baby. I will do what I want but one thing I won't do is give In. I don't care if I piss myself or even shit myself, it's not me that will be cleaning it'.
Sitting around for a couple of hours, jaylah just thought of songs to keep her going. Seeing the door open up, Bronx walked in with food. "I'm not eating that shit" "you will eat" "nope" Bronx took a deep breath as he moved to sit in front of jaylah. Filling the fork up, he put it to jaylahs mouth. Holding her lips tightly shut, Bronx spoke "open up jaylah" jaylah only turned her light blue eyes making Bronx upset "you won't give me a choice, this is the only option I have got" jaylah stayed silent just looking at the plain wall. Seeing holes in the wall, she maliciously grinned. The more Bronx kept trying, the more it was killing him inside. Giving up, Bronx stood up and walked out. 'she won't look at me, won't speak unless her tone is flat, won't eat and we are only a few hours in. "Any luck?" "No" lucian took a deep breath "I have no other ideas" "you and me both" seeing vex come out, Bronx spoke "vex" "boss" 'i fucked up big time. The men don't even want to speak to me now' vex grabbed a bottle of bourbon and poured himself a drink. Seeing Bronx come in with a full plate, vex spoke "she won't eat will she?" "No" vex hates himself. There's no point him trying to talk to her, she won't give him the time of day now.

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