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Knocking twice, jaylah grinned as she got no answer. Opening the door, her eyes went wide as she hid her body "shit" "fuck" jaylah closed the door with a smile on her face "IM SORRY. I DID KNOCK" 'oh no I'm not. that man is fucking hot hot hot' Bronx internally grinned as he got out of the shower. When he wrapped a towel around his lower body, he thought he'd play a little to see how jaylah would react. As he walked to her door, he put his back to it. "I think it's only fair if I get to see yours" jaylahs eyes went wide. 'Oh he wants to play games'. "But I'm shy boss, don't make me do this. I might blush" bronx chewed on his bottom lip "to have a good work relationship, we need to know things about each other" "it would be polite to ask my favorite color first" "do you have a favorite?" "Yes" "what's your favorite color?" Bronx wanted to open the door just to see her but he knows he cant "Deep green" 'just like your eyes' "and you?" "Well that all depends on the situation. I'm fond of red, a very deep red but.. I also like black. It matches anything" "why not white. White isn't only a shade like black but if it gets wet, it's see through" Bronx took a deep breath as he tried not picturing her in a soaked white t'shirt. 'Oh she is playing' "I do see your point on the white. Would you wear it?" "That all depends" "on what?" "If it's getting wet or not" Bronx put his head back against the door. "would you prefer it wet or dry?" "Wet but only when alone" 'what is this woman doing to me?' "why alone?" "It would not be right to wear white while wet and no clothes on underneath with all these men around" jaylah bit down on her lip waiting for his response "is that what you are wearing now?" "Less than that. I'm bare for God to see" "to see how pure you are?" Jaylah shook her head. 'sally said something' "yes" Bronx closed his eyes "but you aren't dressed. Is it the same for you?" "No" jaylah stayed silent "one partner but she's not around anymore" "you miss her?" "No. It was in highschool. Turned out to be unfaithful" "I'm sorry to hear that" "I'm not. My life has been better with out her. Ever been in a relationship?" "No" "why?" Jaylah put her head down "I wasnt capable of loving someone when I was broken" "broken?" "The loss of my parents. It was hard enough to keep my head on my school work" "and now?" "It's a lot easier with support" "your work life and family?" "Yes. I have met some good people. What about you?" "My parents aren't around. I wasn't good enough in their eyes. My family is the men who surround me" "and your siblings?" "I speak to one. The other wants nothing to do with both of us due to our parents" 'how did this conversation go from playing around to deep?' "you were the only child?" "No. I have Kalem" Bronx grinned "you two have always been close" "he's a good man" "any issues within the work place?" "Nothing I can't handle" "I'd like to help" "some people can be very judgemental" Bronx opened his eyes "did you receive help at the prison?" "Yes" Bronx grinned "whoever it was. I'm very thankful" "you aren't angry that someone went against you?" Bronx took a deep breath "no because I was able to bring you home where you belong" jaylah put her head down "I should've known you wouldn't do what you were accused of. I'd like to say I'm sorry. You went through hell because of my reckless decision. You didn't deserve to be in there. You didn't deserve to be hurt" jaylah kept her head down "yeah.. I guess I have" jaylah put her hand on the door handle "but dont blame yourself" "I do. I didn't think and I hurt the last person I ever want to hurt" jaylah placed her forehead on the door. 'why would he say that?' Jaylah removed her head and  grabbed her towel and put it around her body then opened the door. What she didnt expect was for Bronx to be still standing on the other side. Bronx kept his eyes on hers "you can't take back what happened but I can build myself up" jaylah looked into his deep green eyes "you shouldn't have to. We are here for you and there's nothing more I want, than to help" Bronx looked at how red jaylahs arms and legs are "that looks painful" "uncomfortable. Everything irritates It. Even the satin sheets making sleep impossible" "that bed is way too big with only one person" jaylah kept eyes contact with Bronx. "It's a king. It would be unless you choose to sleep in the middle" "I was without even realizing it" jaylah held in her grin while Bronx showed it In his eyes how is feeling. Jaylah can see he misses having her in there. "Going for a shower?" "Yes. I need it to cool my skin. Sally will bring me in some water and food soon" "does it hurt to touch?" "No just irritating" Bronx moved the back of his hand up her arm gently "It would be. Your skin is really red" "like a lobster" Bronx chuckled "yeah.. how long will the redness last?" "He didn't say, he just said I need to wear nothing, rest and lots of water for two days" "okay and it wasn't painful?" "Very but I've been through worse. I guess its helping me get stronger" "you are strong. Even if you did receive help. How did this person help you?" "A bottle of water every three days and a piece of bread once a week" "why not more?" "That person did what they could with out being noticed" Bronx showed a slight nod "those other two only lasted three days" jaylah showed a slight nod "I was lucky".
"When can you venture out?" "Tomorrow" "okay. Well I will let you have your shower" "thanks" Bronx peeled his eyes away from Jaylahs and walked out. Taking a deep breath as he walked into the closet, he grabbed some clothes.
Jaylah closed the door and got in the shower. As she scrubbed her body, her mind never drifted away from the way Bronx looked at her. She never thought she would be this way with Bronx. When she gets out, she wants to take over payroll again but she will be going down the street. Shit she needs to be able to access her account. Jaylah got out and put the towel around her. As she opened Bronxs door, he laid on his back on his bed. His eyes closed "Bronx" hearing his name out of jaylahs mouth, he kept his eyes closed "jaylah?" "Was anything kept of mine?" Bronx took a deep breath "no" "okay thanks" "something you need?" "Yeah but I will speak with uncle rayal" "ID?" "Yeah I need to access my account. A thousand on the table. the guys and I are playing poker" Bronx opened his eyes and sat up "poker?" Jaylah held the towel tight "yes. I plan to kick kalems and Zaires ass" Bronx grinned "I want in on this game" "well.. if you lose, you can't fire me. You said the job is mine" Bronx stood up as a cheeky grin showed on his face. When he walked jaylahs way, she kept her face blank. As he stood a foot in front of her, he bent down keeping eye contact with her "but I'm boss, I can do what I like" "I believe you owe me two months pay" "do I?" "You said the men get paid even on break" "are you a man?" "Have you not seen my guns?" Bronx wanted to laugh but held it "you think you can rival me in a game of poker?" "Texas holdems, yes" "hmm I do look forward to kicking your ass" "bring It on boss man. If you fall to your knees, don't cry" Bronxs mind immediately went to jaylah. 'shit I'm so screwed' "I wouldn't but I'm happy to hear you scream..my name" jaylah kept her face straight "it's boss right?" "No. Bronx" "then I will keep that in mind. I should go get undressed. Have a good day" jaylah walked out leaving Bronx speechless. 'she didn't just say that to me?. Oh this woman'.
Jaylah closed her bedroom door and locked it. Letting out a breath, she grinned. As she tapped her body dry, she put her towel on the door handle. 'argh I'm so looking forward to getting out of this room' "room service. Room service" jaylah chuckled as she walked to the door and opened it up "please do come in waitress" "why thank you ma'am" jaylah chuckled.

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