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"morning everyone" "morning boss" Bronx entered the kitchen. Making himself a coffee, Sally entered. "Morning Bronx" "morning Sally. Everything good with you?" "I'm good. Are you?" "Business is as usual. Got to hold Jasmina again yesterday" "she is really a mini Nicole" Bronx grinned "yeah she is. Growing so fast too" "Sawyer was the same" "lots of love and food" Sally chuckled "definitely the food. It's always food. How are you holding up?" Bronx shrugged "I can't do anything Sally" "talk to her" "and say what?. Nothing I say helps the situation" "let her know.." "boss" "vex" "kalems car is gone" "it's jaylahs.. what?" Bronx immediately looked at vex "gone?" "Yes. It hasn't been there all morning" bronx walked out of the kitchen to jaylahs room. Opening the door, Bronx looked around. 'the photos are still up'. Looking in the closet, Bronx swallowed hard 'she left' Bronx put his head down as he moved to sit on her bed. 'she left and I have no idea... Maldives. I need to find out if any of the guys knew. I need to know if she is planning to come back. I need her back here. I love her. I always have' "boss?" Bronx looked at vex "what?" "She left?" "Yes" Bronx shook his head "must've been late last night" Bronx stood up and walked out to the dining room. When Zaire and Tyson looked at Bronx, they immediately knew he knows she is gone. "Have any of you seen jaylah this morning?" Everyone looked at each other all but two "did you two see her this morning?" "No she left last night" "YOU KNEW AND DIDNT TELL ME?" "If she wanted anyone to know, she would've said something" "we had a feeling she was going and waited by her car" "so she didn't actually tell you two?" "Yes" "no" "what do you mean yes?" "I spoke with her at kalems grave. Told me she can't be here. She needs to heal. She can't do that when people are always asking her shit and telling her what she should do or people speaking shit about her" Christophe, vex and Sally all put their heads down "is she coming back?" "We have a feeling she will" "what makes you say that?" "One she left some photos here and two, she told me If i sleep in her bed she won't come back" Tyson chuckled "yeah she did" Bronx looked at the rest of the men "has she mentioned anything to you lot?" "She doesn't speak to us" "because kalem didn't" Zaire grinned "glad we spoke to the annoying shit then".
"Morning all" "emit" "what the hell is going on out here?" "Jaylah left" "WHAT? WHO THE FUCK.." "her own terms emit. She needed a break" "argh, she didn't even have a fucking drink with me before she left. I will get kalem to haunt her" Tyson and zaire laughed "can you imagine?" "Nuh he would've went with her. Those two were going to load up on cash and spend it all on alcohol" "what the fuck?" "They had plans of taking people's money in poker. My bet is she will come back with more" "and our fucking souvenirs" "what fucking souvenirs?" "Knowing her it will be alcohol" "might take up smoking" "doubt it. She was always on kalems case" "piercings and tatts" "yeah that sounds like her" Bronx shook his head 'is this some sort of joke to them' "do you lot not care?" "Yeah that's why we let her go. She had enough of all the bullshit. Ever since she was wrongly accused, shit hit the fan. She deserves the peace and to relax" Bronx clenched his hand "she shouldn't be there on her fucking own. We don't even know where the hell she is" "Maldives. She wanted to go" "Bronx, I think you should relax" "relax? These guys are making it out to be some sort of joke. What the fuck am I supposed to say to Lucian?" "She's gone" Bronx glared at Zaire "just because you are her mate, doesnt give you the fucking right to be a smartass" "argh, I'm going to the gym" "yep I'm joining" "same" "why the hell are you joining?" Christophe took a deep breath "okay I fucked up. I just wanted what was best for her" "for people to get off her fucking case and stop running her fucking life" Zaire and Tyson walked off leaving the guys silent in the dining room.
"The way they are fucking acting, she should stay away" "nah I need my souvenir" Tyson laughed "oi you two wait the hell up" "emit" "getting away from the men huh?" "Over the fucking crap" "yeah she's been through a lot. I don't blame her for wanting a holiday" "agreed".

"Bronx, how's things?" "Business is as usual. I'm calling to let you know jaylah left" "left?" "Yes. I'm unsure if it's a holiday or if she has left for good" "shit. When did she leave?" "Late last night" "why?" "Zaire and Tyson said she left to heal" Lucian took a deep breath "any idea where she has gone?" "Our guess is the Maldives" "argh, I can't enter that country" "I don't think it's a good idea to chase her" "you are going to let her go?" "She's gone. I just hope she comes back" "alright well unless she has a phone, you won't be able to contact her and nor can I. If you hear anything just let me know" "will do. Bye" "bye".
Bronx sat back in his chair just staring at the computer screen. 'i know she has gone through a lot and she is struggling but I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to help, she just wouldn't let me in. I don't know where she is or if she is coming back. All I can do is hope she does'.

'oh this place is heaven. Kalem would love this place' "ma'am can I offer you a drink?" "Make it a scotch and keep them coming" "yes ma'am" jaylah sat back looking at the ocean that surrounds her.

"Who is that?" "Sorry boss, I don't know who she is" Marshall looked at a woman with long blonde hair, as she sat in a chair near the bar on her own. 'i can't have her sitting on her own' "gentlemen let's go" "where.." "he's eyeing off the blonde" "not your type" marshall stood up and walked her way as the waiter put down her drink. "Please enjoy ma'am" jaylah looked at the guy she has never met "alone?" "Never alone" marshall moved to sit down. "Never seen you here" "seems we have come at different times then" jaylah shot back her drink and put her hand up "another?" "Yes. When my glass is empty, id like it filled please" "yes ma'am".
"Why are you here?" Marshall looked at the blonde bombshell trying to work her out "I live here" "picturesque view" "it is. The view in front of me makes it even better" jaylah kept her face blank "is this the way you work?. See a chick alone and decide to join her only to try get her in bed?" "I never said anything about taking you to bed but if it's what you want.." "no. I'm here to drink and hopefully find some decent poker players" marshall smirked as he raised his hand "marshall, is everything perfect for you?" Jaylah rolled her eyes "cards to the table" "yes marshall" "I didn't miss that roll of the eyes" "you own this place huh?" "Yes" jaylah shrugged not really impressed making marshall curious. 'this woman isn't interested in me? That's unusual. What's her deal?' "ma'am" "thanks" jaylah played with the bracelet on her wrist "husband's?" "Deceased brother". "Marshall. The cards you requested" "thank you" the woman looked at jaylah unpleased "got something you would like to say?, Or are you just going to give me the death stare?" Marshall internally grinned "no ma'am" "well don't look at me that way" "yes ma'am".
"A woman who doesn't take shit. What's your game?" "Texas holdem" "got spare change on you?" jaylah pulled out a thousand and put it on the table "more than expected. A thousand?" "Yep" "alright".
"Marshall.. cards?" "The lady here believes she can play Texas holdem" "I would like to join" "a thousand on the table Bennett" "fine" jaylah looked at the guy named Bennett then grabbed her drink. "not a talker?" "Is there something you want to talk about?" "you aren't from around here are you?" "Wasn't born here" "planning to stay?" "Well that all depends" "on what?" "If I want to move on or not" "American?" "Did you get that from my accent?" "Yes" "yes I am".
"You can put those two cards back in the pile" Marshall internally grinned "and she doesn't miss a thing. A spy?" Jaylah shook her head "not a spy, just not stupid. I keep an eye on my surroundings" "good to know".

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