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"I better go put this one in bed and try get some sleep" "sleep well" "you too when you get there. Thanks" "thanks". As soon as Nicole walked out, Tyson and jaylah looked at each other with cheeky grins. "Let's go" both chuckled as they raced to the room.
"We need to work out how to play this shit" "it will be an experience for both of us" both taking a seat they put their head sets on. "You load it, I'm making drinks" "yeah sweet" "got an alarm set for the morning right?" "Always" jaylah made a drink for both of them while Tyson set up the games. "Any game?" "Yeah let's just do it" "oh that's handy" "what?" Jaylah looked at the screen "well we are playing with the steering wheels and pedals. Heaps easier" "check out this fucking gear stick" Tyson laughed "here Tyson" "yeah I need some of that before we start".
"Hey?" "Hey bud. Who are you?" "Smitty" "yeah well, I'm jlee" "ty" "hope you two can play" "we will give it a damn good shot" the guys laughed. "turn this shit up" "oh shit. Hey man, one sec. we need to shut the fucking door" "I'm waiting".
Tyson quickly moved. "ay we have a new comer. Who are you?" "Mateo" "jlee" "Smitty" "ty" "we playing or what?" "Yeah I'm set now" jaylah grinned "time to race" "how long have you been on here ty?" "Now" jaylah laughed "god help us" jaylah smirked "ready. Set. Go" all four of them taking off, the sound of the cars echoed throughout the room making tyson and jaylah grin. "Fuck" jaylah chuckled "need to learn how to spin out of a crash" "oh I'm not taking advice from a girl" "this girl has more balls than you Mateo, I will kick your ass" ty laughed "I've seen her drive man, she's insane" "oh check this track out" "ever raced on it?" "nah got the game about an hour ago" "it's new to us too" "not mister can't get out of a crash" "which one of you is friends with this woman?" "Me" "in the same room?" "Yep" "slap her" jaylah and Tyson laughed "hands are busy right now" "I will hit him back" "you two together huh?" "Oh hell no. That' ugly ass is my brother" "don't mind her.." "shut it ty. He's ugly" Tyson laughed "with you it's always opposite" "ain't checking out my brother. Fuck yes" "argh, can you slap her now?" "nah she just picked up her bourbon" "good drop?" "Mmhmm" Tyson laughed "yeah it is. Oh where are those chips?" "you just ate" "I worked up a hunger" "you need the gym" "I'm not leaving this room" everyone laughed. "Another track?" "I'm here allll night" Tyson laughed "she will pass out in the chair".
"Ready. Set. Go" zoning into the game, everyone kept talking. "Knock her off the fucking track" "that's just fucking rude" Zaire entered the room to see the lights off and Tyson and jaylah still playing. Quickly closing the door, Zaire walked up behind jaylah "no its not" "bullshit its not. I will knock you off the darn track for that comment" "ty help a brother out" "help ya fucking sister out" the guys all laughed 'argh, I have no idea what's being said' "fuck you Smitty" everyone laughed. "One all jlee" "oh you are going down. Let me get a drink".
"Hey everyone" "oh another new comer. Who are you?" "Juliette" "woman, I hope you can play and help me kick these guys asses?" "I'm up for the challenge" "yeah knock that red car off the track" "oh you have done it now Smitty, she's out for your ass" "I can live with that" "she's ugly" "red head?" "What's wrong with red heads?, we are firey" everyone cracked up laughing. "Guessing you are redhead Juliette?" "It's dyed but hot" "only ugly chicks say that" "well then this ugly chick is going to kick your ass Mateo" "I will believe it when I see it" 'this set up is insane. As soon as Tyson leaves, Im trying it out'.
"New track?" "Yeah I'm up for that" ty changed the track. "Fuck yeah, off road" "ha check these cars out" "can you drive a truck?" "I can drive anything" "us men insane" "got a fucking tank?. I want to destroy his car" Tyson and jaylah laughed "you need to watch out for red heads Mateo" "and short women" "you are just fucking tall".
Playing for a few hours, Tyson looked at the time. "Shit, I have work" jaylah nodded as she muted her head phones "I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well" "hopefully you can get some too" "thanks Tyson".
When Tyson stood up, he looked at Zaire as he stood near jaylah and handed the headset to him. Jaylah made herself another drink then sculled it 'argh'.
"Hey everyone" "new comer. Who are you?" "Zaire" "Mateo" "Juliette" "Smitty" "drake" "oi short stuff, you still there?" "Yeah I'm here" "she can't leave, we need more women racers to kick drake's ass" everyone laughed. "Ready, set, go" all taking off, Zaire grinned as he kicked the car into gear.
"Block him in" jaylah laughed "right beside ya Juliette" "oh no you fucking don't" "what's wrong drake? Won too many and now you have two chicks on your tail" "yeah that's right. On my tail" jaylah changed gears as she picked up speed and over took him "fuck. Smitty get her" the girls laughed "who is on whose tail?" jaylah slammed her breaks on making drake hit her rear end "oh you so did that on purpose" "yep. How's your front end?" The guys and Juliette laughed as Juliette took the lead "knock her off the fucking track" "ooo he's sour" "need a new front end. This shit ain't cheap" "lucky it's not real money.. fuck yeah" "darn red head" everyone laughed. "Let him fix his car" "yeah I need chocolate" "that's what is keeping you up woman?" "It's one p.m" "you in the USA?" "Sure am" "same" "Nuh Ireland" "Canada" "I'm on a private island in the middle of the ocean" "what time?" "Two a.m" "oh this bitch is in Asia" jaylah laughed "you don't sound asian" "I'm not" "Nuh definitely American" "spot on" "too busy drinking and playing to sleep?" "Yep" 'oh no she's fucking not. She just won't sleep' spending the hours on the playstation, zaire removed his head set "you should get some sleep" "I'm playing" "it's not healthy" jaylah muted her headset "I thought you were done?" "You need sleep" "well I can't fucking sleep" "because you won't try" jaylah shook her head. "Jaylah, just try" "no" Zaire walked out and closed the door.
Jaylah looked at the screen again and took her headset off of mute. Letting the tears fall, jaylah continued to play until she couldn't anymore. "Tomorrow?" "Yep" "yep" "yeah". Jaylah muted her headset and made herself a drink.

Waking up to his alarm, Tyson quickly got ready for work then walked out to the kitchen. 'shit I better check on jaylah' Tyson turned the kettle on then walked to the gaming room. Opening the door, the screen was still on but nothing was happening. Looking at the chair, jaylah had curled herself up. 'shes finally sleeping. I don't care how she sleeps as long as she gets some' Tyson turned everything off then grabbed a blanket and put it over her before walking out. Making himself a coffee, Tyson sat at the bench drinking it in peace.
"Tyson?" "You are up early" "Jasmina is hungry" Tyson grinned "I didn't even hear her" "nah just a slight stir. Ready to head off to work huh?" "Yep" "how was the gaming?" "Insane. So worth whatever she paid" "wouldn't have been cheap" "nah we all know what she is like. She is finally asleep in there" "that's good news" "I don't know how long it will last but it's something" Nicole showed a slight nod "on emits bed?" "The gaming chair" Nicole shrugged "who cares. She is getting sleep. She probably finished up quite early" "I finished up at two and she was still going" "two?" "I got roped in" Nicole chuckled "it can be very addicting" "yeah and the people that joined were all good people. Quite hilarious" "from over the world?" "Yeah three. I don't know if anymore joined but I'm sure some would have left And more would've joined. Zaire also joined after I finished. I don't know know how that would've gone" "my guess is she still associated but not so much with him" "she probably didn't associate with him at all. Shit, I better get going" "yeah I better feed little miss and try get a little bit more sleep" "well good night" Nicole grinned "good morning". As Tyson left, Nicole walked back to her room and sat on the bed feeding Jasmina "it will be a good life here my gorgeous Jasmina. I know you are safe".

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