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'NOOO' jaylah shot up out of the chair as tears fell down her cheeks. 'how did I get a blanket on me?.. Nicole or tyson' jaylah dried her face then walked out. 'eight fifteen. Argh' making herself a coffee and some toast, jaylah sat down at the dining table. 'not really hungry but I need to eat' drinking her coffee and eating her toast, as soon as she finished, jaylah took her dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. "Morning jaylah" "morning. Did you get a good night sleep?" "I did actually, Jasmina has slept so well" "that's great news" "did you get some sleep?" "A few hours" "better than nothing" "yep. Liking it here?" "I love it here. I don't think I could ever get sick of it" "you and me both" Nicole grinned "I'm off to the gym. I will see you later" "have fun".
Jaylah exited the house and headed straight to the gym. Getting on the treadmill, jaylah started jogging then picked up speed to a run. 'argh this fucking leg needs to calm the fuck down' running for two hours, jaylah stepped off the treadmill. 'i need a shower, a snack and hit the water' getting back to the house, jaylah walked straight to her room and closed the door.

'oh this is just so beautiful' Nicole walked around the island with jasmina in her arms, taking in every single view. "Nicole" "morning again" "just out for a walk?" "Thought I would look at the entire island. It's absolutely stunning. What time do you finish?" "Midday" "lucky you. You get the entire day to enjoy the island" "sure do" Nicole grinned "see you when I see you" "yep". Nicole kept walking "how beautiful is this baby girl. I can't get enough of it. Might be a little harder when you start school but I can always homeschool you".
"Hey sexy" Nicole chuckled as she walked to the bar "back at work huh?" "Sure am. Four days on, three off but it's good. What are your plans today?" "I don't have any. Just been walking around the island with little miss. I will have to take her back soon and give her a feed but she seems happy" "have you got a pram for her?" "Not yet. She's easy to carry right now but I will get one" Clarissa grinned "I'm pretty sure they sell the basic ones at the shop" "I will go have a look" marshall spotting Nicole, he took a deep breath 'i just want to see jaylah but I havent spotted her anywhere. Maybe Nicole has' seeing Nicole walk off, marshall took a deep breath. "Haven't seen her have you?" "No" "go see her" "I don't even know where she is" Bennett looked at the pool "she's at the pool" marshall immediately looked at it. 'she looks fucking gorgeous' "marshall and Bennett" "Zaire. Good night?" "Long" "got on the playstation?" "At about two a.m. finished up at four" "shit long night" "yeah but I got about six hours" "better than nothing" "that's true. Breakfast still going?" "For thirty more minutes. You best order if you want something" "yeah I will do that now".

'okay I'm done' "jaylah, thought you were a beach girl" jaylah grinned as she jumped out of the pool "I was doing laps. How was work?" "Good. Glad it's over. Have you ate?" "Breakfast. I was just about to head back and get changed again then eat" "changed again?" "Been up, gym, had a shower, got ready for the pool, now I need to get changed again" "alright well I need a feed, let's go. I seen Nicole earlier" "out with jasmina?" "Yeah for a walk" jaylah grinned "may as well enjoy the island" "and she was up this morning" "oh. When I got up, she had just walked out" "what time was that?" "Eight" "good she got a couple more hours sleep" "she needs All she can get" "you too" "I tried" "I know. I put the blanket over you" "thanks Tyson" "welcome"
Entering the house, jaylah walked straight to her room and got changed while Tyson walked to the kitchen. 'argh I'm starving. What is there to cook?' when jaylah walked out she grinned "no idea what to make huh?" "There's nothing" "I can go to the shop.." "let's go to the restaurant" "alright let's do that but I still need to do food shopping" "take your trolley" jaylah laughed "I might need it feeding all of us" "more you" "I like a feed" "don't we all".
Exiting the house, jaylah and Tyson walked to the restaurant "argh" "not today then" "bar?" "You going to be good going up there?" "yep but I'm not drinking their stinking alcohol" Tyson chuckled "come on grouchy".
Getting to the bar, jaylah kept her eyes away from marshall, Bennett and Zaire as they grabbed a menu. "Oi gorgeous, where have you been huh?" "Playing the playstation" "addicted?" "It's fun and I can drink what I want" Clarissa laughed "make an appearance so I can check you out" "well we are here now" "don't I know it."
Taking a seat, Tyson grabbed the menu making jaylah chuckle "starving huh?" "Very. Didn't eat before work" "why the hell not?" "May have kept snoozing my alarm" "too much gaming for you" "I havent even begun. We should start early" "now there's an idea. Let's eat then go drink and play. You need a limit on your gaming" "probably" jaylah chuckled. "Oh look at this" jaylah grinned seeing the lamb and garlic "that's two for us" "well go order it" "on it boss".
"Hey sexy. two of those lamb and garlic plates" "you got it. Scotch?" "Tyson, are you drinking?" "Yeah when we get home. Just a water" "two waters thanks" "sure" jaylah paid for the meals just as marshall approached. "Jaylah" "marshall" "good day?" "It's been good. Gym and pool" "not relaxing?" "I will do that when I go back to the house" "here jaylah" "thanks" "waters?" "Yeah. I'm going back to the table.." "you know we only did it because we care" "it's my life" "we still care jaylah" "great. I'm going back to Tyson" "because he doesnt stop you?" "he doesn't control what I do but it's fine. You can close the bar, I don't care" jaylah walked off and back to the table. "Your hard stuff" "shit I better watch what I drink then" "might stop serving you water" tyson let a small laugh slip. "You know it wasn't about the bar" jaylah and Tyson looked at marshall "nah I got that already" "you are pissed off?" Tyson turned his head "yep" "we are doing what is right for you" "oh shit" marshall looked at Tyson "you don't help" "right for me?" "Jaylah, how much do you want that lamb?" "Yes right for you" "how do you know whats right for me?" "You haven't slept, you were drinking yourself stupid. Acting like.." "marshall.." "stay out of it" jaylah raised her eye brows "fuck" Tyson pulled his eyebrows together 'hes digging a fucking grave right now' "an idiot" "I think eggs on toast sounds better" jaylah and Tyson stood up as marshall stood back "truth hurt?" "HURT?.." "jaylah come on before you lose your cool. Both of us need to eat.." "yeah.. we do then I'm going to drink.. myself STUPID and act like an IDIOT" "I will race you" "you run?" "Bye" Tyson took off running and jaylah joined him. "THAT FUCKING MORON.." "move it" jaylah took a deep breath as they entered the house. "There better be eggs" Tyson chuckled "plenty. What about an omelette?" "Full of absolutely everything" "I heard omelette" "hey woman. Yeah if we have enough ingredients. I need to go shopping" "I will join you. Clarissa mentioned they may have a pram or stroller there" "what? Oh shit, you have been carrying.." "oh no you don't. I have tons of money. I'm buying it. No ifs, buts or maybes" Tyson laughed "well she just stopped you now didn't she" "argh I can't argue with a mother. They are crazy sons of bitches" Tyson and Nicole laughed "yeah that's right. Now listen here missy. Have a shower, brush your teeth, eat what I serve you, don't talk back.." "fuck. remind me again why we have a mother in the house?" "you hate me" "yep yep".

"What was that?" marshall ran his hands through his hair "FUCK" "what did you say to her?" "Shit I shouldn't have. I should've fucking listened to Tyson" Bennett chewed on the inside of his mouth "you are the boss" "I'm not her fucking boss. I just tried to get through to her and I fucked shit up". Marshall sat down as Clarissa approached the table "boss what do you want done with their meals?" "Cancel them. They aren't coming back to eat" "okay I will leave the funds there for when they do" "that's fine".
"How the fuck does he deal with her?" "I have no idea".

Gambling With Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें