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"we'll be speaking tomorrow" "yep" kalem put jaylah down and jaylah grabbed her phone. "I'm driving that car back Rey" the men laughed "I'm jumping in" jaylah internally grinned "oh, cos it's an Evo" jaylah grinned "I got my car" "oh no you don't. That's mine" "just like the chair right Bronx" "good luck Rey" the men laughed. As jaylah looked at Lucian, she spoke "have a good night" "yep. You too".
Jaylah walked to the car as she grinned at kalem "we are talking when we get back" "see ya" Rey laughed as him and jaylah got in the car. "don't drive her slow" "not likely" jaylah kicked the car into gear and kicked it out sideways out of the driveway and up the road making Rey grin. "The way it should be driven" "I agree".
Arriving back at the house, jaylah and Rey got out of the car and walked inside "where the fuck have you been?" "Went for a fun drive in the Evo" "of course you did" "yep now I'm drinking..again" "hold the fuck up. No explanation?" "Nope. I need that" Gerald looked at jaylah wide eyed as she grabbed the lighter. Seeing jaylah burn a piece of paper Rey internally grinned.
When the men walked inside everyone looked their way. "something we don't know?" "No" "alright" jaylah grabbed the bottle and walked to the kitchen grabbing a new glass. "talk" "hi" "more" "how are you?" Kalem chuckled "so what are you going to do?" "Drink" "tomorrow?" "Go see Lucian" "and what?" "Talk" kalem smirked "you don't know do you?" "Nope" "right well let's drink" "planning too" jaylah made up two drinks, one for her and kalem "the favorite hmm?" "Nah I change my mind" "bullshit you do" jaylah chuckled "yeah you go alright for an annoying sack of poop" "hey" "how's it going?" Kalem grinned "cheers" "cheers" both them sculling their drinks, jaylah then made another two.
"Not sharing you two?" "Did you hear another voice?" "Nah you must've been imagining it" Bronx smirked "your boss" "oh that man. He's dating my sister without consent I believe" "how could he do that. Unbelievable" Bronx tapped kalems head "I'm warning my sister that he's abusive" "probably a good idea" jaylah grabbed Bronx, Christophe, vex, Rey, Zaire and Tyson all a glass and poured them one. "OI BROTHERS COME GRAB YOUR DRINKS" hearing the men laugh, jaylah internally grinned as she picked up her drink. "something you want?" "To drink your drink if you don't" "I let you take my car and now you want to poison me?" "Argh caught me" jaylah, Bronx and kalem walked out to see Sally standing there with her arms crossed tapping her foot. "excuse me" "trying to get through?" "What have I missed?" "Always the same" Sally grinned "well?" "Lucian is alive" Sally's eyes went wide. "I will be back to celebrate" jaylah, Bronx and kalem laughed. As jaylah went to sit down, Bronx pulled her on his lap making the men's eyes go wide as they looked at Bronx and jaylah. None of them say anything a lot of them internally grinned especially those who know.
All sitting in silence, Sally came out with a drink in hand and a grin on her face as she sat down looking at jaylah. Jaylah chuckled "found out that the person who has been sending men here is none other than my brother. He thought that these men are rayals" Sally's eyes went wide "so it's a surprise for both of us" "that's it? That's all I get?" Bronx let a small laugh slip "he apologized" Sally grinned "and..." Kalem laughed "we are going to see him tomorrow" "I'm free" jaylah chuckled "would you like to meet my brother Sally?" "Oh thanks for the invitation. Yep sure" all of them laughed "oh fucking hell what would I do without you Sally" "her uncle is not to know" all men present showed a slight nod "this could be dangerous if it all comes out" "I'm aware. We work something out" jaylah has a feeling Lucian wants revenge but she won't be saying anything to anyone. It's for her and Lucian to discuss.
Hearing her phone go off, jaylah grabbed out her phone.

L - nice make up
Bronx chuckled as he read her message
- want a make over?
L - no thanks. Want the tracker back?
"Tell him to keep it so you can track his where abouts. he may have a woman you don't know about" jaylah chuckled.
- keep it on you. You may have a woman in your life that I don't know about.
L - then what?
- I kick her ass for not introducing herself first
L - well Bronx didn't introduce himself first
- he didn't get a chance
L - touche
Bronx pulled jaylah close "good luck to him" jaylah grinned "so it's seven brothers now?" "My parents were busy" Sally laughed "and none look alike" "so my parents could tell them apart" "that explains it" drinking a few more drinks, jaylah stood up. "night all" hearing everyone say night, jaylah walked to her room and closed the door. Getting changed into her bed time wear jaylah was picked up "what are you doing?" "Taking you to our room" "our room?" "Yeah this room speaks" jaylah grinned as Bronx carried her to the main room. "Oh this is the room where you kept stealing hugs" "and you stole shirts" "nah that's not right" Bronx smirked as he put jaylah on the bed and hovered over her. "Not right?" "Nah I'm pretty sure you gave them to me" "so why were you in the closet holding my shirt?" "Liked the material" "ah-huh. I think you are lying to me" "no I wouldn't do that" "you sure about that?" "Yeah Im pretty sure the shirts are in your closet" Bronx smirked "so you have been in there twice?" "Nah I found them in the wash and put them in there for you. Just playing the sweet girlfriend" Bronx chuckled "full of shit" "rude" Bronx connected his lips with jaylahs as he laid between her legs. Sharing a kiss, Bronx then pulled away. "You are very worrying sometimes you know that" "keeping you on your toes boss man" "how do you think things will go with Lucian?" "Don't know. I guess only time will tell" "worried?" "No not worried" "he could make a good alliance" jaylah grinned "it's possible. Let's see how tomorrow goes" "yep. I will definitely be coming with you" "for an alliance right?" Bronx smirked "no. To be with you" "and Sally" "suppose I have to protect the both of you then" "oh well isn't that kind of you" "yep" jaylah grinned "we should probably get some sleep" "I think so too. It's been a massive day" Bronx moved from between jaylahs legs and got undressed while jaylah climbed into bed. "Comfortable?" "Yep you can sleep in the other bed" "what?" "Well you wanted to try it out" "I have and don't like it" jaylah grinned as Bronx climbed into bed and put his arm over jaylah. "good night gorgeous" "good night".

Waking up to the bed empty, Bronx looked around. 'argh that woman of mine' bronx got out of bed and looked in the bathroom. 'where is she this time?'.
"Morning" "morning, Everything alright?" "Yeah I guess just shit playing on my mind" Rey nodded "you are going back today right?" "I sure am" "nervous?" "Nah not nervous just unsure of what I am walking into" "you don't think he will hurt you?" "Nah, not from what I could see" "good I'd have to kill him. I didn't keep you alive to see you fall" jaylah grinned "want a coffee?" "I'd love one" jaylah grabbed out two cups and made Rey and her a coffee. "Here Rey" "thanks. How many scars did you end up with?" Jaylah grinned "three. The others aren't completely gone but the skin is flat and smooth" "thats great news. This news with Bronx is surprising" Bronx stood near the kitchen listening in "he's a good man" "and you have no regrets?" "No. What happened I understand. It's his nephew and if I was to have a nephew or child, I would probably act the same way" "okay, I understand that. For a person who has been through hell you are quite understanding" "yeah.. I guess. My life has been hell Rey and I don't wish it upon anyone" "not even those who have betrayed you" "no it's not fair. I was dealt a real fucking shit hand" "not something you would bet on?" "Yeah I would with everything I have got cos you can bet your ass that even though I have lost a lot, I have gained plenty and I will beat the fucking game" Bronx internally grinned before walking into the kitchen. "Morning" "morning boss" "morning" "everything alright here?" "Just having a coffee and a chat" "when did you get up?" "About thirty minutes ago" Bronx nodded.

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