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"Bronx" Bronx showed a slight nod at Sally. He said when she is finished to tell him and he will carry jaylah. He knows Sally has the strength but jaylah is his responsibility. Entering Sally's room, jaylah sat with her head down and a towel wrapped around her. "I will take you back to the room jaylah" jaylah showed a slight nod and Bronx picked her up. He does wish she will talk to him but he doesn't blame her. He needs to build the trust with her. As Bronx carried jaylah to the room, she kept her head down. Entering the room, he closed the door and sat her on the bed. Kneeling down in front of her, Bronx spoke. "You were wrongly accused of a crime jaylah. I can not take back my foolishness but I will do everything I can to pick you up again. I heard a conversation between Casey and martina two days ago. She framed you for killing my nephew" jaylah didn't know his nephew had died. Jaylah raised her head to look at Bronx "Sawyer died?" The hard exterior Bronx had, faded and his showed sadness "yes at the hands of Casey" jaylah put her head back down. Sawyer was only six years old. How could a person kill an innocent child "I'm sorry for your loss" hearing this, Bronxs eyes started to water "he was a good kid. He didn't deserve that" "he used to want to help me in the office. He mainly played games while I worked" Bronx swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat "I know. I can't say any more than I'm sorry for my wrong doings to you jaylah. I found out when it was too late. But I promise I will do all I can to help you heal, for you to be healthy again. I need to live with my own demons now" jaylah sat silent processing his words "do you need help getting dressed?" Jaylah shook her head "no I will manage" Bronx looked at jaylah as she sat in just a towel. His guts turning at how Malnourished she is. She was once a very pretty girl, so polite and innocent. "I will let you get dressed jaylah. If you do need help, I'm here and so is Sally" "okay". Bronx stood up and walked out. When he looked around, Christophe and kalem had their heads down. Bronx is sure they witnessed Bronx carrying her in. "Where is Martina?" "Haven't seen her boss" Bronx walked to her room and slammed the door open. Martina sat on the bed, removing the pieces of glass from her body "you did that to yourself. When you have finished, you will go clean everything up in Sally's room" Martina kept her head down "yes boss" "cross me again and it will be the cells Martina" "yes boss". Bronx slammed the door shut and walked to his office. He needs to get the paper work done.

'I have no idea how I will get myself dressed but I couldn't allow Bronx to do it. It's different with Sally, she is female'. Jaylah looked at the bags as they sat across the room and with wobbly legs she stood up holding the edge of the bed. With every step, jaylah was ready to fall but she held herself up with all the strength she has got. Reaching out to the bags, jaylah fell making tears pool from her eyes. 'you can do this jaylah'.
Sitting on the floor, jaylah looked through the bags, grabbing out a pair of track pants, a baggy shirt and some underwear. She can't wear a bra right now. Slowly putting the long shirt on, she held the underwear and pants in her hand and moved slowly to the bed. As she managed to sit again, she put her underwear on and her pants. With a sigh of relief, jaylah looked at the hair brush that sat near her. When the door opened up, jaylah kept her eyes away from whoever it was. Just because Bronx had a soft moment, it doesn't mean he won't turn on her. She had felt his presence in the room last night but was so worried he would hurt her and got hardly any sleep. Jaylah has slept light since being in the cells. The men would come in anytime they felt like it and add more pain to her body. Some days she wouldn't even sleep. They spread the whips out to every thirty minutes not allowing her to rest.
"Jaylah" jaylah stayed still as Bronx walked around in front of her "I have some water, milk and soup for you. There is bread on the tray as well but just have what you can with out forcing it down" jaylah looked at the tray as Bronx put it on the bed. 'water for health and blood loss. Milk for calcium. Bread because it's dry and soup for vitamins. "Thanks" "you don't feel comfortable around me do you?" jaylah wasn't sure if she should be honest but it's the best way "no. You hurt me and I'm just waiting for it to happen again" Bronx put his head down. He knows what he did was wrong. He should've listened. As he knelt down, he waited for jaylah to raise her head. When she did, he gave her direct eye contact "jaylah, I appreciate the honesty. It won't happen again, I can assure you of that. I didn't bring you back here to hurt you, I brought you back to help you. If anyone is to try they will pay the consequences just like Martina did. What I want is for you to get stronger, to be healthy and mentally okay" jaylah doesnt know if she can do that. "Okay" "please eat jaylah" jaylah showed a slight nod.
Looking at the tray, jaylah picked up the milk. Jaylah knows the milk will help with strength and even if she cant eat, it will help with Energy, calcium, protein, sodium, sugars, fat and carbohydrates. As the milk touched her lips, jaylah savoured the taste. It feels like forever since she had her last taste of dairy. Jaylah continued with the milk until it was all gone and placed the glass on the tray. To get some solids in her system, jaylah opted for the bread. She doesn't know how it will sit but a tiny piece at a time should be fine. As jaylah slowly ate her bread, her body started to get tired. Having no strength or capabilities to take it out on her own, jaylah placed the tray on the bedside table and laid down closing her eyes. The lack of sleep has taken it's toll.

Giving jaylah an hour to eat, Bronx walked back into the room. As he walked around the bed he could see traces of dry tears on jaylahs cheeks and deep down, it kills him inside. He knows she isnt only struggling physically but also mentally.  Noticing she had ate the bread and drank the milk leaving the others untouched, Bronx was curious as to why.
'jaylah can not sleep without a blanket. Her body has no fat on it' Bronx reached over her frail body and pulled the cover over her, gently tucking her in then grabbed the tray. as he exited the room, he closed the door.
"Boss, how is she going?" Bronx stopped in his tracks as he looked at kalem "She's sleeping right now kalem. I don't know how she is holding up but she's eating and drinking" kalem looked at the tray then at Bronx "what was on It?" "What's there now, milk and bread. She can't have too much right now but I did give her the option" kalem showed a slight nod. He's really concerned about jaylah and all he wants is to see her. He knows bronx won't allow him to right now.
"You men have runs this evening" "yes boss. we are just waiting until it gets dark" "good"  Bronx took the tray to the kitchen and threw out the soup and water before washing the dishes. He may be boss but he will not allow this place to turn to shit. He will do just as much as everyone else around the house. "Bronx do you want me to go check on jaylah?" "No. She is asleep" "she did look more tired this morning. Maybe a rough night sleep" "maybe. at this point, Im just doing all I can to make her safe. Has your bathroom been cleaned up?" "Yes. I'm sorry for the mess.." "no I knew you were doing it to protect jaylah. Don't apologize. I will get it fixed but it's late and it will have to wait until tomorrow" "it's fine Bronx, I had a shower first thing this morning. Is there anything else you need done?. If not, I will retreat to my room" "no please go rest".

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