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"Barron, can I speak with you?" Barron looked at rayal then at jaylah "here?" "No" "alright" Barron stood up and walked around to jaylah, picking her up with ease "I could've.." "no. Not until you are strong enough. You hurt yourself and I'd have to kill you" "what did you just say to her?" "She heard me" rayal smirked as they walked off "he wouldn't" "not likely".
"Okay miss secretive, what do you want to speak about?" "Can you put me down?" "Fine" Barron put jaylah down on the bed and looked her way "I want to learn how to protect myself" "and you came to me to say that?" "No. You carried me" Barron ran his tongue over his bottom lip before brushing his lip with his thumb as a grin sat on his face "okay point to you. Why?" "Well look at the position I am in now. plus I live and work around all these men. When I first got the job, I had no idea I would be with a bunch of men" "do you know why rayal did that?" "No" "so they could protect you. Having you near rayal all the time could put you in danger" "I understand that but why here? How would people know where to find me in the city? We don't even have the same last name" "if someone was to try hurt rayal, which they would be stupid too but that's not the point. They could get access to his family records. The only living member being you" jaylah showed a slight nod "okay but I was still put in an awful position" "which will never happen again. The only reason those men are still living is because of you. You have a long recovery ahead of you jaylah. You need to concentrate on that" "it won't be a long recovery, that I can promise you" Barron had a proud look on his face "you are much like that man out there.. just nicer" jaylah let a small laugh slip "you going to tell him that?" "He knows it already. He knows how strong you can be and smart. You wouldn't of survived if it wasn't for your thinking" "three days" "correct. I'm surprised the men didn't pick up on it" jaylah showed a slight nod "when I can walk on my own, I want to go to that prison" Barron's eyes showed how shocked he was to hear jaylah say that. Curiously, he spoke "why?" "One to see the men that were ordered to hurt me and two, to see the cell" "why the cell?" Jaylah had a small mischievous grin on her face and Barron knew just by that grin, jaylah didnt just have water in that cell. "What was in that cell jaylah?" "Nothing. Not a bed, not even a slight bit of water" Barron grinned "you aren't going to tell me are you?" "There's nothing to tell. But after all of this conversation, you didn't give me an answer" "you didn't ask a question" jaylah kept eye contact with Barron "can you train me?" "That I need to speak with rayal about" as barron finished talking the door opened up "jaylah and barron. You will fill me in" Barron grinned "well wasn't that perfect timing" jaylah kept her eyes on Barron then turned her eyes to look at rayal "I want Barron to train me to protect myself" "why?" "Exactly that" "no weapons?" "Maybe but not right now. I have a short recovery time ahead of me and then I want to be stronger physically" "and mentally" "that comes with the recovery" "it won't be short" "yes it will be" Barron showed a cheeky grin "doesn't she remind you of someone rayal.." rayal looked at Barron holding in his grin then back to jaylah "why Barron?" "I can't spend too much time with my uncle, it will put my life in danger" rayal smirked "something you've heard" "it's information I needed" "hmm I see. So what will you do with the information Barron shares with you?" "Use it when needed" "nothing more?" "Maybe" "how about you fill him in about what you want to do when you can walk all on your own" jaylah knew Barron was being cheeky "I plan to go to the prison" "WHAT?" "I have men to face" rayal smirked "and do what exactly?" "Talk" "before you are able to protect yourself?" "If that makes you feel more comfortable" Barron chuckled "there's two of you, god help us all" "still your boss Barron" jaylah kept her laughter in. She has learnt not to show emotions. Emotions make you weak. "Okay. Barron can train you" jaylah grinned "I was hoping he'd agree" "I didn't" "I'm boss" jaylah kept her face straight and Barron grinned "you win. I will train you to protect yourself and only protect yourself" "that's what I want" Barron smirked "do you have a contact?" "Argh no. I don't know where my stuff is".
Rayal opened the door to the bedroom "BRONX" Bronxs eyes went wide "shit" "good luck" Bronx entered the room and looked at all three "something wrong?" "Where are my nieces belongings?" Bronx looked at rayal taking a deep breath "they were thrown out when I took her to the prison" "so you owe her a phone" "she will have one tomorrow" "good. I need to be able to contact my niece. Jaylah has also requested that when she can walk all on her own, to go to the prison" "okay, I will take her" rayal nodded before turning to face jaylah. Without Bronx seeing, rayal winked at jaylah "you will get as much rest as you can get. Do not let anyone touch you with out your consent. Barron, Ivan and I will be leaving. I expect to hear from you tomorrow. Bronx has my number" "okay uncle" rayal walked over giving jaylah a gentle hug "take care okay" "I will be fit before you know it" "I dont doubt that" "goodbye Barron" barron grinned "goodbye jaylah" as they both exited the room, Bronx followed and closed the door. "Thank you for your honesty. I see jaylah is strong enough to deal with what she has been through. There will not be a repeat" "no. She will be cared for" "news I like to hear. Have a good evening" "you too". As all three men left, Bronx took a deep breath. She saved his ass but why?.
"Boss?" Bronx kept his face straight as he looked at the men "I need to clean up Martinas body and blood from my office" "yeah we figured she wouldn't be walking out" "not even close" as Bronx walked into his office he looked at Martina's body on the floor. 'argh blood on my wooden floors'

"Your niece is just like you" rayal grinned "yep" "there's something about that cell she was in" "why do you presume that?" "Why would she want to go back to that cell?" "She said she wanted to see the men" "jaylah wants to go back to the prison?" "Yes. She stated once she can walk, she plans to go back and Bronx will take her" "any idea why?" "No. Just like bosses mind, we can't work it out" rayal smirked "she hides her emotions well" "like you" "you better train her well Barron" "I plan too" "train?" "Jaylah wants to protect herself" "and she asked Barron of all people" "yes. She trusts him" "and not you?" "If I spend too much time with jaylah, it could put her in danger" "okay that I understand".

"Need a hand boss?" "Yeah take her body out. I need to clean her blood off of my floor" vex nodded "alright, I can do that" vex picked Martina's plastic wrapped body up and carried her out while Bronx walked out grabbing the mop and bucket. "Boss turned cleaner. Never thought I'd see the day" Bronx smirked "here to give me hell Sally?" "No. Here to grab mine and jaylahs clothes. How is she?" "I need to speak with her" "about saving your behind?" "Yeah.. I dont know how and I don't know why" "because that's jaylah. She has a way of speaking that can make any man listen, even one that wouldn't have hesitated to kill every person in this house" "but after I put her in that situation?" "Yes. Just ask her and she will be honest" Bronx knows that "yeah I know that. Sometimes being honest isn't a good thing though" "in which case?" "Mine" "your true feelings?" Bronx turned to look at Sally as a small grin showed on her face "answer me this Bronx. How many people can call you Bronx in this house?" "Three" "those being who?" "You, Calvin and jaylah" "why?" "Calvin is my cousin. You have been with me even before I started and jaylah.." Sally grinned "yeah I thought as much" Bronx took a deep breath "it's not that Sally" "okay but why couldn't you answer that question?" "I don't know" "because you can't admit it, that's why. Just a bit of woman thinking for you" Bronx shook his head "I have a floor to clean" "alright".

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