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"you need to tell me what's going through your head" "I don't know if I have made a mistake Zaire" "a mistake?" "With marshall" "what gives you that idea?" "His comment. Look if you want to work, go for it" "no. You don't want me to work" "you can work Zaire. I just.. I have all this money and I like you guys. If I can help you guys, I will. I know you aren't taking advantage of me. Its not like you want to just take money" "never" "do you want to work?" "Under a boss? No" "then dont" "and what about you?" Jaylah took a deep breath "good person but his comment showed hes controlling" "the one of him saying as of tomorrow it's boss?" "yeah.. Bronx did that" 'shes right' "so what do you want to do?" "I don't know Zaire, but I never want to fall in that trap again and I don't want you going through that either" "I understand but you can't be putting your happiness behind you" jaylah shook her head as her eyes watered. Keeping her eyes away from Zaire, he looked at her with concern. "Jaylah, tell me you care about yourself?" "No" "what?" "No I don't fucking care about myself" Zaire swallowed hard "so what is that you care about?" "You three. You, Tyson and emit are kalems good mates.." "and yours" "yeah but we weren't" "no but we didn't know you. We do now. Stubborn, carefree, annoying.." jaylah let a small laugh slip "you three are annoying" "yeah so our annoying asses need to stick together" "where's the other annoying ass?" "Who?" "Garrett" Zaire laughed "couldn't tell you" "I'd be keeping tabs on that man" "where's he going? to chat up Clarissa at the bar?" "I don't know how much success he will have" hearing a knock at the door, jaylah shook her head. "I bet it's marshall" "probably".
Zaire opened the door with a grin "he heard our conversation" Garrett's eyes went wide "what?" Jaylah chuckled "bring him in" "come In Garrett".
"Not going to the bar tonight?" "Nah we thought we'd try out the bourbon jaylah bought" "Woodford. not a bad drop" "it's going down alright. Want one?" "Sure. Stylish" jaylah and Zaire chuckled "yep" "yeah.. not what we expected but atleast it's a house" "yep and you two can stay" "see he doesn't care about Tyson or emit" Garrett smirked "I didn't have to go through them to get to him" Zaire laughed "you didn't have to go through her either, shes just a shit stirrer" "I can see that".

"Men" "marshall. Good night?" "Yep" marshall sat down in front of Tyson and emit. "the other two aren't present?" "I believe they are at the house" "any idea if there is a problem?" "Not that we know of" "hmm.." "concerns?" "I want to know if there's something wrong with jaylah. she was different this morning and I haven't seen her since" "how was she different?" "Quiet. I'm not sure if I said something I shouldn't have" "she can be a mystery. Some days she hardly talks" "and this immediate change with Zaires job?" "jaylah said she needs help spending her money. My guess is she convinced Zaire to relax and not work" "but not you two?" "Nah she spoke to us. We want to work" "so he is happy to live off of her?" "don't put it that way to either of them, it won't sit well" "but it's true" Tyson took a deep breath "I understand you are concerned but saying anything to her or Zaire about it won't sit well. She has plenty of money and she isn't planning to do anything else with it. He isn't taking her for a ride, she would've told him she wants to. Money means nothing to jaylah" "money keeps you living though" "not to her. She doesn't care about herself. She has always been one to care about others.." "doesn't care about herself?" "Nope" "that needs to change" emit smirked "you plan to tell her that?" "Should I?" "Nope" Tyson chuckled "definitely not" 'argh I can't have her not caring about herself' "are you two ready to start tomorrow?" "Yep" "yeah" "morning or night?" "Preferably morning. We are all up early anyway" "alright. you are both going to need a weapon. I will show you where I want you two patrolling. There is no limit, as long as you are working. You can have breaks when needed and it's only six hours" "seems fair and good views" marshall internally grinned. "meet me here at six tomorrow morning" "alright sounds good" "good to have you both on board" "thanks". As marshall left, emit grinned "ready to head back to the house?" "yeah let's see what those two are up to" "probably getting pissed" "not if she took medication" "ha I doubt it. Maybe this morning but not tonight" "that's a point".
Entering the house, Tyson smirked "drinking with out us?" "You were already drinking, don't lie" "okay we were but why in here and not out there?" "We are trying out the Woodford" "the same bottles you took back to america?" "Yep" "this bitch. Good see you Garrett. Looks like we start working with you guys tomorrow" "what time?" "We are on at six" "mornings are the best and it doesn't get too hot" "we are always up early anyway" "best to get it out of the way. Ha what was this from?" "Her twenty fifth birthday" Garrett cracked up laughing "you weren't lying about being surrounded by dicks" "should've seen everyone when she first came out. They were in hysterics" "who is this?" "Rey" "a close friend?" "Yeah he was shot the day we left" "shit. Sorry" "it's always the good that die young" "just like you lot he has killed before" "yeah he has but he also saved jaylah" "how?" "Giving her food and water while she was in prison" "you were in prison?" "She didn't commit the crime she was accused of" "oh" jaylah showed a slight nod "this day was definitely the best" "him and that fucking car" "hey I was quite happy to take owner ship of it" "what are you going to do now? You don't have a car to thrash around" "pretend" the guys laughed "buy a playstation and set yourself up with a chair and steering wheel" "hey thats not a bad idea" "oh god help us, she is going to become addicted to the playstation" "better be some good cars in the games" Zaire chuckled "you buy it, let's play" "oh I'm buying one. Gaming chair, the whole kit and caboodle" "a lot different to poker" "ay I'm up for anything" "yeah I'm looking into it" Zaire grinned "you know I'm playing" jaylah looked at Garrett "oh yeah?" "Yep" "alright" Zaire laughed "you won that easy" "is there a catch?" "Yeah.. you win, im kicking your ass out the front door" the guys all cracked up laughing "what if I stand out the door and play?" "Damn he's already out the door" "just cut his Bluetooth" "argh, don't tell her that" jaylah chuckled. 'one of my favorites' jaylah held a photo in her hand of kalem and her on his car "is that the day he absolutely covered you in water?" Jaylah looked at Zaire before looking back at the photo "yeah it fucking was. Bastard" "it wasn't even warm" "nah I refused to get out of bed" "he didn't?" Jaylah let a small laugh slip as Zaire spoke "yeah he did. He carried her out side and hosed her down" "he warned me, I just didn't believe he would" Garrett laughed "can't believe you let him get away with that" "he could get away with anything" "yeah he could" "he knew it too" jaylah grinned "yep. Now I'm living life for both of us" "not if you keep taking bullets" "those three weren't planned" "yeah and the other six?" "I didn't plan to get that many either" Zaire grinned.
"Are you not working Zaire?" "Nuh. I'm holidaying for life with this one" Garrett grinned "so while you laze around we have to work hard?" "is he expecting sympathy?" "I guess so" "well where is it?" "Don't look at me for it" "nor I" the guys laughed "expected". Making up another drink for everyone, jaylah and Zaire kept going through photos. "When was this taken Zaire?" "When you were being a tough bitch in prison" "what the fuck was he doing in a tree?" Zaire laughed "bird watching" "bullshit he was. Fucking idiot" "nah he was drinking. He said he's going bird watching to avoid Nicko" "argh, fuck that cunt" "Nicko was being a wanker like always" "reason why I never spoke to him. You spoke to hardly anyone" "it was more yelling" "bullshit. I swear kalem was the one that always did the yelling. Jaylah lee" the guys cracked up laughing "that's when you were in trouble" "must've been in trouble a lot" "yep".

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