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'come on jaylah. You are strong, you can do this' with every step across the floor, jaylah took it with caution. Making is across the room, a smile played on her lips. Closing her eyes as her back sat on the wall, jaylah took in the moment. To some, walking isn't much but to jaylah it's a lot right now. As the door opened, jaylah opened her eyes. Bronx looked around. Seeing jaylah standing by the wall, he kept his surprise hidden. "jaylah why are you standing up and against the wall?" "I walked here" Bronx wanted to smile but kept it hidden "all the way with out falling?" "Yes. Took some time but I did it. First step to recovery" Bronx walked in and closed the door. Smiling before straightening his face to look at jaylah. Just like jaylah, Bronx showed no emotion. "I bought two phones. Not sure which one you would want" jaylah looked at Bronxs hands. Android and iphone. "That is an easy decision, the android" "android?" "Yes. Iphone is crap" Bronx kept his grin hidden "I'm an iphone man but if it's the secondary choice you want, it's yours" this will be a challenge for both, who is to break first. Both hiding emotions, both wanting to smile.
"Thanks. I will need to get my uncle's number from you" "it will be supplied like I was asked" jaylah showed a slight nod. With the phone in her hand, jaylah took it one step at a time to the other side of the room. Bronx watching every step of the way, he internally grinned. She is determined. "while you are here and I am free, I would like to speak with you" jaylah sat on the edge of the bed and placed the phone down on the bed side table "okay Bronx" jaylah moved so she could face him. "I expected rayal to come in here yesterday firing Without letting me explain, but that didn't happen" jaylah internally grinned "the only reason he didn't, was because of you. Why did you defend me after what I have done to you?" "I didn't defend your actions" Bronx looked at jaylah with curiosity "then what happened?" "He came in wanting to kill. I put it in a way he'd understand by asking him the question, If I was to be killed would he act or think first?. His response was he would act just like you did" Bronx took a deep breath "okay I did but why would you not leave it and get me punished?" "Because I was thinking clearly. I had that choice and I chose to speak instead of sitting back doing nothing" Bronx can't be anymore thankful to jaylah for what she has done. He could've died yesterday. The men could've died yesterday but because of jaylah, they are still alive. "Did it affect you when rayal shot Martina?" "No" "not in the slightest?" "She paid for her mistake in the less painful way. She should feel lucky but she's not feeling a thing anymore" Bronx was stunned by her words. It's not something he expected jaylah to say "was she ever a friend?" "No. The friends I have in here are male" "being who?" "Kalem and Christophe mainly" jaylah internally grinned. And Rey but no one needs to know that. "What about emit?" "Emit is kalems friend" "do you hate him?" "No. It was his job".
"why do you want to go to the prison?" "To talk" "to who?" "All of them and see the cell" "the cell?" Bronx was stunned "why would you want to see the cell?" "It could help me heal" "okay. When that day comes, I will take you" "okay" Bronx wasn't sure what was travelling through jaylahs mind but he does have another question. "Why did you want to speak with Barron privately?" "I asked Barron to help me protect myself" "that is why we are here. The men won't allow anyone to hurt you" "it's what I want. Uncle rayal agreed and so did Barron.. sort of" Bronx kept eye contact with jaylah. His dark green eyes staring right into jaylahs light blue stunning eyes "sort of?" "Yes I asked Barron then uncle rayal came in. I told uncle rayal what I want and he agreed for Barron to train me. Barron doesnt have a choice but deep down I know he would've said yes anyway" Bronx knows he would "you don't feel safe here?" "I want to be able to protect myself. There may be a day I need that information. There may be a day I go down the street and see an old lady get mugged. If I can help that person then I have done a good deed for the day" "so this isn't just about protecting yourself, it's you just wanting to protect in general?" "Maybe" that's the first time he has heard jaylah give an indirect answer.
"Do you not trust one of us men to teach you?" "That depends.." "on what exactly?" "Would you push me even though you know it could hurt me?" "No" "then no I don't. To push my limits, I'm bound to fall. To strengthen myself, I'm bound to get hurt" "Barron won't allow that, just like us men" "yes he will" "what makes you say that?" "I know he will have boundaries but I also know he wants to help me. If it does come to a point where I need to protect myself and I can't perform well, it will only put me in more danger so holding back won't help me" Bronx sat silent for a moment "okay I see your point. You could end up more hurt if you don't have the skills" "correct" Bronx stared at jaylah watching her movements as his mind wandered. Was Sally right? Has he always liked jaylah. She is quite a stunning woman. "I need to ask you one more question" Bronx blinked as he looked at jaylah "okay. Ask away" "why am I still in your room, if those men won't hurt me?" "Protection. No one dares to come in my room without permission. Even if I do trust those men, I won't allow them near you until I know you are strong enough" was this really the reason? Is it that he has liked having someone sleep beside him? Someone as sweet and gentle as jaylah. Bronx took a deep breath and laid back on the bed. Jaylah shocked with his action, she just stared at him not sure what to say. Turning away, jaylah grabbed the phone and pulled it from the box. Turning it on, she was surprised to see it has a sim card already in it. As she set everything up, she looked at the voicemail. She won't bother setting that up, its not like she will need it. "Bronx" "jaylah" jaylah internally grinned "I need uncle's number" Bronx rolled over on to his stomach as he grabbed his phone out. These actions from Bronx have really thrown jaylah off. "here" jaylah reached out to grab the phone. Dialling rayals number into her phone, she saved it. 'Oh kalems and Christophes'. Bronx watched as jaylah just grabbed other numbers. With a grin on his face, he spoke "stealing numbers?" "A few" "whose?" "My uncle's, kalems and Christophes" Bronx grinned but quickly hid it before jaylah turned to hand him back his phone "easy to use?" Jaylah thought she would play a little. "Not as easy as android but if it's the hard life you want, then that's fine too" Bronx wanted to laugh but held it in. "Life's never easy. why not keep it up with everything else?" "what's the fun in that?" "There's no fun" "a boring life you live Bronx" "always full of entertainment when you are a bystander" "why not be a part of the fun?" "That's not what a boss does" "what exactly does a boss do?" "Controls the men in the house and without my financial support, the load only increases" "not good with money Bronx?" At this point Bronx wanted to laugh "I have good control but the work load takes time" "and here you are" Bronx smirked "I guess sometimes a boss needs a break" "do those who aren't working get paid for their breaks or is it only the boss?" "everyone is paid" "I had quiet a long break. Does that count?" Bronx internally grinned "is there something you need jaylah?" "More of a break. You see I'm little.. tied up right now" "the job is yours when ever you want it back" "I did hear that. I appreciate you holding it for me and taking the work load. It doesn't mean double pay though" 'how is jaylah so straight faced right now' "but I'm boss. I can pay what I like" "you do have a point. But your work ethic has dropped today". "I'm hungry. Want some food?" Jaylah wanted to break her straight face but held it "sure boss, I run on your time" as Bronx got off the bed, he grinned not that jaylah could see.

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