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'where the fuck..there it is' jaylah grabbed her new oversized hoodie and removed the tags before chucking it on, keeping her face covered. Exiting the room, jaylah walked straight past all the men and entered the kitchen.
"What the fuck?" "Shouldn't she be resting" "I want to see the damage" "why the hell would you want to see that?" "To see how she is. I don't want to see her fucking hurting. She didn't deserve that shit" "it was fucked".
Jaylah stood in the kitchen, making herself a sandwich. Feeling a hand touch her side, jaylah turned "oh shit" Bronx grinned "how's the head?" "Better now the pain killers have kicked in" "good" Bronx moved the hood slightly back to have look at the side of her face "I'd be surprised if it's not broken" hearing Sally clear her throat, Bronx smirked as he moved back and jaylah covered her face again. "Sally" Sally had a cheeky grin on her face as she looked at Bronx "did I interrupt something?" Jaylah internally grinned "no. I was checking her face" "it's pretty" jaylah grinned "I guess she wasn't present" "what have I missed?" "Rayal hit her and knocked her out cold" "shit. Give me a look at that" jaylah turned around and removed her hood. Sally's eyes went wide "fuck. is that broken?" "Possibly. The rib is healed so why not break another bone" Sally chuckled "always got to make light of the situation" "yep" as jaylah seen another figure, she put her hood back on. "Boss. Bags?" "Right let's go".
"Sally do you know who the best combat fighter is?" "They will all tell you they are" jaylah chuckled "personally I think vex" "alright" "why is that?" "I'm going to see if he will train me" "what about Barron?" "No" Sally showed a slight nod not that jaylah was looking. She understands why. "He's in the house today. Maybe go see him after you have finished sucking bosses face" "that hasn't happened" "pity. I was hoping for Goss" jaylah laughed "sorry to let you down" "that man has liked you for years. Just took him long enough to realize" "what?" "I didn't say anything" jaylah shook her head as Sally walked out. As she finished her sandwich, she cleaned her mess then walked out. Looking at the table of men, vex wasn't present. Calvin looked at jaylah trying to get a clear view of the face but couldn't "how's the head jaylah?" "Better with pain killers. I think my cheek bone is broken though" "give me a look" jaylah removed her hood and Calvin immediately stood up. "Fuck jaylah, that's bad" "yep. Anyone know where.." "kalem is in the back room" "vex is?" Calvin grinned "the gym" "thanks. Nice to see you think of my brother though" the men laughed. As jaylah walked down to the gym room she put her hood back on. When she entered, she scanned the room. Seeing vex on the treadmill, jaylah walked his way and stood in front of him. "Jaylah" "vex" jaylah removed her hood and vex looked at her wide eyed "broken bone?" jaylah showed a slight nod "it's feeling that way. I have a question" "alright" "can you train me in combat?" vex turned the treadmill off but stayed standing as he leant on the handles "why?" "To protect myself and fight back if needed" 'she needs it. Those men keep hurting her' "yep. No face hits for atleast six weeks but I will aim at it. The way they were teaching you is not the right way" "I'm aware" "good. But the final decision is up to boss" "fuck my life" vex chuckled "you get him to agree and I will teach you how to protect yourself then fight back" jaylah showed a slight nod "okay, I will go speak with him. Thanks vex" "don't thank me yet. Thank me when you can kick their asses" jaylah grinned "okay". Jaylah walked out and to the office. Bronx locked the safe then turned to face jaylah. "This room is for business and you aren't working" "I'm aware. It's business related" "well take a seat" jaylah smirked "I get my chair back?" "No. You can borrow it" "argh" bronx chuckled as jaylah moved and took a seat. "you say business related?" "Yep. Mine" Bronx smirked "okay. So why does this have anything to do with me?" "You are boss right?" "Yes" "well I want one of your men" Bronxs eyes went wide "why?" "You are like a child. Why why why" Bronx laughed "you want one of my men, I want to know the reason" "I want vex to teach me how to protect myself and kick some asses" Bronx looked at jaylahs face "no. You are injured" "no face hits for six weeks were his rules. but he will aim for it. He said he will teach me to protect myself first then teach me how to fight" Bronx showed a slight nod "why vex?" "I was given some friendly Intel. This person said he's the best in combat" "he is. I can help" "you want to help?" "Yes" "so by you helping?, I can keep your hands off of me?" Bronx chewed on his bottom lip "no" jaylah grinned "alright boss man, well I need to go tell vex the good news" "when are you planning to start?" "I haven't discussed that with him" Bronx nodded "just because I'm such a wonderful office bitch, I will let you use my seat" "I see you haven't brought your own in yet" "people keep stopping me from working" "I see your problem" jaylah stood up and held the back of the chair in her hands, gesturing for Bronx to sit. When he did, jaylah put her hands on his shoulders "have fun boss man" "Bronx" "jaylah" Bronx chuckled "good to meet you" "you too. Very.." jaylah grinned as she walked out.
Entering the gym, vex was no longer in there. 'argh' walking to the dining room, jaylah moved to sit in front of vex. "Okay what's the outcome?" "When can we start?" Vex smirked "tomorrow" "alright."
"Start what?" "Partying" "and why wasn't I invited?" "He's not as fast or as strong" "what?" "This one came to me to ask if I will teach her to protect herself" "and not me?" Sally laughed "now look what you have done jaylah" "not this time" "he won't need to teach you" Calvin grinned "plan to fight back?" "she will be learning to protect herself first" "good don't let them get to you again" jaylah nodded "not planning on it" "I want in" kalem sat down right beside jaylah "in what?" "Helping you" "seems all the men here want to help" "I appreciate it".

'i have the men wanting to help me and I can't thank them enough. I do need to thank Sally and kalem though. I just don't know how'.
Entering the office, Bronx looked at jaylah as she closed the door. "what can I do for you?" "I need your help" "with what?" "Something for Sally and kalem" Bronx looked at his desk then back to jaylah as he thought of something. "It's got me stumped. This is a thankyou?" "Yes" "both are very simple people" "that's what makes it so hard" "food and drinks" jaylah internally grinned "alright. I will sort it" "jaylah wait" "everything okay?" "Yes but I'm helping" "why?" "Because they have helped you" jaylah showed a slight nod "alright. well chef, you better out an apron on" Bronx grinned "what have you got in mind?" "Everything" "let's do it".
As jaylah and Bronx walked out of the office, they both walked straight to the kitchen. "first up?" "Lasagna" "know how to make it?" "Yep" "okay you do that. Steak, with topping?" Jaylah grinned "sounds good and lots more" as jaylah prepared a lasagna, Bronx chopped up all the ingredients. 'this woman is one of a kind. I know kalem and Sally won't expect her to repay them' "what about drinks?" "I have an idea" "what idea?" "That's a secret" Bronx grinned "alright, I will trust you on it" spending four entire hours in the kitchen cooking away. When everything was prepared, jaylah grabbed two serving trays out of the cupboard and placed them on the bench. Grabbing the ice trays out, she emptied them on the trays. Bronx walked up behind her gently placing his hand on her side as he watched what she was doing. "Why are you putting them on the tray?" "To keep the drinks cold" "well I guessed that much" much to Bronxs disappointment jaylah moved. Grabbing six glasses and eight shot glasses, she filled them with alcohol and placed them neatly on each tray making Bronx grin. "you plan to take them a tray each?" "Yep" "they are either going to be in a coma from all the food or the drinks" jaylah chuckled.
"What.. mmm that smells amazing" "not for you" Tysons eyes went wide "why not?" "It's a surprise now shh".

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