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"you are all done jaylah" "thanks Christophe" "welcome" jaylah sat up as pain ripped through her body. She knows she fucked up but she had to help kalem. As she got off of the bed, jaylah walked to the head of kalems bed. "hey papa" kalem grinned "where have you been huh?" "Saving some guys ass" "I hear I owe you pasta" jaylah grinned "nah I will let you off the hook" "how's the leg?" "Still attached. Good to see you are still with me" "I can't leave you with these men. They will drive you insane" jaylah chuckled as she held in her pain. "That hurt" jaylah showed a slight nod "no laughing for both of us" "I haven't broken it" "he nearly did" jaylah grinned "so two of us injured, what do we do now?" "Party" "with pasta?" Kalem grinned "yep and lots of it" "I knew you were a good person" kalem held in his laughter "don't do that" "you two need to be separated. I can see it's going to be hard for you both not to laugh" "I'm a funny guy" "to look at" jaylah wanted to laugh "he must be jealous kalem" "I think he is".
As barron and Bronx finished stitching kalem, barron looked jaylahs way then at kalem "is he your date?" "Eww no that's incest" "incest?" "Yeah he's a brother" kalem grinned "yep and thanks to you. I will be around for a lot longer" "can't let you get off the hook that easily" kalem grinned "if I'm up with a shot to the leg and a broken rib, I think two little bullets shouldn't stop you" "another boost of confidence" "always" kalem sat up then looked at Barron and Bronx "thanks for the help" "welcome".
As Sally walked out of the kitchen, she looked at Tyson, Shaun, emit, Zaire and Rey. "Men" "Sally, are you alright?" "Fine. A thousand each" all the men showed a slight nod "thanks Sally" "it's fine. I better go to the back room" "alright".
Sally walked down to the back room. Seeing everyone look her way she spoke "a thousand each" Sally handed the money out to everyone. "Sally?" Sally looked at jaylah "this is yours" Sally grinned "keep it" "but.." "you used it well. Keep it for protection, I have more" jaylah looked at the gun then at Sally "thanks" "good to see you still alive".
Kalem smirked "and mine?" Jaylah grabbed the other gun out handing it to kalem "I kept it safe" kalem grinned "I knew you would" "but you can clean your own blood off of it" "thanks" "what are sisters for?" "To annoy me" "ouch" the men laughed.
"Come on, up you get" "pushy aren't you?" "Yep. Keeping you on your toes" as kalem stood up, he grinned "pasta?" "I had pasta a few hours ago" "did you get your pizza?" "Don't remind her of that" "you owe me pizza" "I'm having a smoke" "anyone would think he got shot" "dealing with you two whinging bitches" "piss off Christophe" "oh that would be right. use my services then tell me off" jaylah grinned "I said thanks".
Rayal and Barron watched as jaylah walked out. "she's in a lot of pain" "its not the leg" "no. It's her dragging kalem to safety and one of the men falling on her" "WHAT?" "Thats what sally said" "shit. We need to check her wounds" rayal nodded.

"Your room" "what?" "Don't fight me on it" "kalem" "no. You dragged two hundred pounds across the floor and had a man land on you. You are fucking hurting" "so are you" "I will live. Move it" jaylah knows there's no point arguing. As she entered her room, kalem spoke "remove that shirt" jaylah looked at kalem "you can't can you?" "No" kalem shook his head and stepped back "SALLY. JAYLAHS ROOM" when Sally walked in, she took a deep breath "scissors?" Jaylah nodded "give me a minute" Sally rushed to the first aid kit, grabbing out the fabric scissors and two ice packs out of the freezer. When she ran back, in the hallway stood Bronx, Barron, Ivan and rayal. "excuse me" all men moved aside and Sally ran in. "Okay let's see the damage. You are fine with kalem being in here?" "Yeah its only a bra" Sally grinned "and he bought it" "yep" as Sally cut off jaylahs shirt, rayal walked in just watching. As the shirt was removed rayal put his head down "how far?" Jaylah kept her arms down "you aren't moving them are you?" "No" "right. You are going to need to put these on your waist" jaylah looked past Sally to rayal. She could see it in his eyes, he's upset but he won't tell her. "I can hold them there Sally" Sally nodded and handed them to kalem "I will go grab a bandage so they can hold the packs" "okay".
Kalem gently placed them to jaylahs side "I'm surprised you could pull my fat ass" "I had to get you out of there" "and hurt yourself in the process?" "I don't care about that. How's the stomach?" "it's only a tickle" "liar" "a scratch?" "No" kalem grinned "it's fine. Nothing compared to you right now. Standing in a sports bra and ripped trackies" "it's the new style" "oh yeah. So you are walking out in front of all those men like that?" "No" rayal internally grinned. He can see these two respect each other a lot. Both injured and still there for each other. He needs to do something for kalem. He can see those two aren't more than friends or family as they both say.
"We need to get Christophe to order those pizzas" rayal watched as jaylah straightened her face "stopping a laugh huh?" "Yes" rayal nodded "what pizzas do you want?" "All" rayal grinned "you two will not eat all those pizzas" "breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner" "you forgot dessert" kalem let out a laugh "fuck that hurt" "it's fun huh?" "Tons".
"Alright I'm back. Am I bandaging your hands on her?" "No I will move them when the bandage goes around" Sally grinned "alright" as Sally slowly put the bandage around jaylah, kalem moved his hands "bandaging you up again. Unbelievable" "keeping your hands on me Sally" Sally laughed "it's my touch huh?" "Oh definitely".
Rayal walked out with the phone to his ear while Bronx stood looking at the mess. "Fucking hell" "boss we are all good. This place can be cleaned" "any of you men want pizza? Those two want it" Christophe chuckled "yeah alright. I will pay" "nah it's fine" bronx internally grinned "she gets her pizza" "looks like it" "where is she?" "In her room with kalem".
"Nah I will grab you one of my shirts" "you sure?" "Yep give me a minute".
As the front door opened, rayal immediately raised his gun "shit" rayal lowered his gun as he seen it was vex, Gerald and Otto. "what.. what the fuck happened in here?" "Giovanni and his men" Otto's eyes went wide "what? Why the fuck did they come here?" "To get to me by taking jaylah" "Is she gone?" "No. Her and kalem were injured though, so don't touch my niece" Otto nodded "noted".
"Here jaylah" "I may need help" kalem grinned "need me to get Sally?" "No I trust you" kalem helped jaylah put his shirt on "it's fucking huge" kalem grinned "on you it is. Ready to head out?" "Yep" "let's go" as jaylah and kalem walked out, vex looked at both of them "you two good?" "Define it" vex smirked "you are still both walking" bronx looked at jaylah as she wore a mens shirt "why have you got that on?" "Well as it's a bit hard to wear one of mine right now, kalem gave me one of his to use" "and the ice packs?" "Bandaged to my side so I don't have to hold them" "more like can't hold them" jaylah looked at kalem "hey I'm just being honest" jaylah nodded "what he said" "pizza is on the way you two" "we get pizza. Should get hurt more often" jaylah wanted to laugh but held it in as the men laughed "let's not huh" "wow here I thought you were a fun sister" "yeah but I'm not much fun right now" "so I'm undressing you again?" Jaylah grinned at Sally "must be your favorite pass time" "seems that way" "I appreciate the help" "I know" 'fuck sitting down hurts like a bitch' kalem smirked "you won't be moving for a while huh?" Jaylah looked at kalem curiously 'how did he know?' "I can read you well" "not well enough for a poker game" "nah your eyes show nothing in a game but pain is written all over your face" "great" as Barron walked around the table, he moved to sit next to jaylah "scale of one to ten?" "Depends on what you are talking about" "the pain" "it's hit the scale" Barron nodded "so rest" "pizza" Christophe laughed "she's getting her pizza" "no thanks to you" "hey.." jaylah looked at the smokes at the end of the table then back to Christophe "alright alright, I owe you" "yeah you do" Christophe grinned "hate you too" "good" rayal looked between jaylah and Christophe then shook his head.

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