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Seeing the front door opened, Bronx took a deep breath. "morning" "is jaylah awake?" "Not that I know of".
"Morning Bronx" "morning. You are here early" "Nicole" Bronx nodded "she is going to rip everyone from asshole to breakfast" "just tell me she's not injured?" "I wouldn't hit her Jackson" "her brother?" "He slapped her but nothing serious" Jackson showed a slight nod.
"Morning men" "Nicole good to see you. Want a coffee?" "I'd love one. Is jaylah up?" "Not yet. She will venture out when she is ready" "good. Has she been eating and drinking?" "Well she didn't for two days" "what?" "They tried it force her but she spat it at them" Nicole chuckled "yep I would too. How have you men been holding up?" "We have our moments""it's understandable you were all close with kalem" "yep. We were sent all of his photos but we told jaylah that his belongings are hers" "all?" "Yeah we don't need them" "surely one of you could wear his pants?" "They are all probably crutch less from all the shit he spoke" Nicole laughed.
"Here Nicole" "thanks" "how are you holding up?" "I'm doing great. Ready to pop. Busy nesting" "things pregnant women do. Unbelievable" "well if jaylah decides to keep the baby, she will hit the same point" the men grinned "god help us".
Lucian walked in, he looked around.
"You are?" Nicole looked at Lucian "you are definitely jaylahs blood brother" "I didn't ask you to tell me who I am" "oh shit" Lucian looked at Tyson then back to the woman. "Nicole. Bronxs sister in law" "where is jaylah?" "Still sleeping" "hmm fine" 'yeah this woman is definitely not to be messed with, I could see it straight away'.
"Jaylah" Lucian turned around to see jaylah looking pale "you should rest" "I did for seventeen hours, I will do what I want". Nicole immediately stood up and walked jaylahs way. "Give me a damn hug woman" jaylah wrapped her arms around Nicole "have you been well Nicole?" "Always well. I'm really sorry to hear about kalem. That man is one of kind" "he definitely is" "come on. You can eat and have a coffee. And I love love love those piercings" jaylah grinned as she pulled away "I was told it's a midlife crisis" the men laughed "you are a quarter of a century not even close. Sit I can.." "I can do it Nicole" "thanks Zaire".
Taking a seat at the table, Lucian sat down. "The house was sold for the full amount" "great" "thirty day settlement. I will need to get your bank details" "fine".
"Is this rayals house?" "Yep" "fucking moron that one. Hitting you and thinking he can control your fucking life. No one controls your life" jaylah internally grinned.
"Here jlee" "the name lives on" "thanks Zaire" "hows the food settling?" "Some smells turn me off eating" "making you chuck?" "Yep. Now I just wake, vomit, shower then eat" "speaking of eating. Here" "thanks Zaire" "it's fine" as jaylah sat and ate in silence as well as drinking her coffee, she listened to the conversations. Lucian sat back just watching jaylah eat and drink. 'She has no problem with eating and drinking. Just doesn't like to be forced. I didn't miss Nicole's dig before'.
Seeing Bronx and Jackson walk in, lucian watched as Nicole rolled her eyes. 'oh she isn't happy with Bronx at all' as jaylah stood up, so did Nicole. "Woman relax" "I will. You too" "I'm fine. I can tell you are a mother" the men laughed "yep and I have a gun to shoot any cunt that crosses the line. Up for a walk?" "Id love too" Bronx took a deep breath "morning" jaylah and Nicole walked out leaving leaving Zaire, Christophe, Rey, Tyson and emit with Lucian, Jackson and Bronx. "We should.." "sit" all men stayed seated not giving their attention to Bronx. "this is my house, don't disrespect me. All I wanted was for her to talk. What we both wanted" Zaire rolled his eyes "yeah that made her talk" Tyson shook his head "do you expect her to fucking talk to you both?" "She's my real sister not this fucked up shit you have got going on" "oh yeah, what's her favorite color?" "Deep green" "I wasn't asking you. What's her favorite type of music, her favorite car, what did she want to do?. Where does she want to go on holidays?. You know nothing about who she is" Jackson internally grinned "fine I don't know much but she won't allow me too" "well maybe if you stopped trying to fucking control her.." Lucian pulled out his gun making Tyson laugh "go on" Tyson stared down lucian "Lucian you do that and she will come firing at you" Lucian looked at Jackson "they are fucking disrespectful" "no. The truth fucking hurts doesn't it. You both want to control her, you both want to make her life difficult, you both want to make her decision for her. Ever think she's not mentally stable right now? Ever think she is the one that's fucking struggling. She has been through a lot and all you two care about is your fucking selves. She was called heart less and selfish. It should've been you two" without even thinking, Lucian shot Tyson in the arm. "Well done" "shit".
Hearing a gun shot, jaylah ran through the house and into the kitchen. Seeing Lucian with a gun, jaylah looked at the men. "Tyson, let's get that fixed" Lucian took a deep breath "he pissed me off" jaylah looked at Lucian "so I can shoot you right? Want to talk about pissing someone off. Oh you have definitely done that. Meddling in my business, telling my brothers to stay away from me, tied me to a chair, slapped me. Telling me what I should do with the baby. Pfft, You know what, I don't even know why the fuck you are here. More to the point why the fuck did I come back here? This is a fucking joke" "let's go miss" "on it dad" Tyson chuckled as he walked out behind jaylah "what the fuck was that?" "Told him some home truths and he didn't like it" "fucking hell. So over this shit Tyson" "yep". "WHAT HAPPENED?" "Lucian shot Tyson" Nicole's face laced with anger "oh he best wait" jaylah chuckled as Nicole walked off and into the kitchen.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" "Nicole you can't.." "I CAN DO WHAT I LIKE. NONE OF YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO" "Nicole is it?" "Yep" "stay out of it" "oh shit" "you better put that cunt and this one on a fucking leash before I start shooting. What is this the fucking boy scouts? Fucking ridiculous" Nicole pushed the cup off of the bench straight at Lucian then walked out. "fuck she is firey" "yep" Zaire chuckled "fuck I love that woman" Jackson smirked "like a sister I hope" "damn right. Let's get out of here" Bronx put his head down as he waited for the men to leave.
"she's gonna leave" "Bronx what the hell has happened to you?. You know you shouldn't treat women that way. Nicole has.. fuck she has been livid all night because of this. You do realize you both could've killed that baby for what you did?. Two days in a chair, it wouldn't surprise me if she does need medical assistance. No food, no water and a baby growing inside of her. Did you two not think?" "We just wanted to get into her head" "she never said she is aborting the child Bronx. She said she wasn't ready to tell anyone. Those men only knew because they were with her. She hasn't made a decision but what ever she chooses, you need to live with it" "I want her and our baby" "and that was the way to show her? You only pushed her further. Let her be who she is, let her spend time with who she wants. They care for her, they don't want to fuck her" Bronx took a deep breath "it's always about them" "because you keep pushing her back. She's allowed to have mates. Shit Nicole has many male friends. I haven't tried to kill them or threaten them. If you don't trust her, why pursue her?" "I do but.." "your boss ego right? You only see them as men. Look at them as family. Look at them like they have your back. Maybe not at the moment because of what's been happening but that's something you need to work on" Lucian took in everything Jackson said just like Bronx did. "Yeah I just don't know how" "push the fucking boss side away and be a normal fucking human being. I get it, these men work for you but as jaylah has mentioned, you aren't a boss with out your men" Bronx showed a slight nod "yeah I know. I'm just stressed Jackson".

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