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"I'm stealing her" "oh that would be right, come here, take our sister" Nicole and jaylah grinned "you can have her later" "fine you win".
"Let's go for that walk" jaylah nodded.
Exiting the house, they slowly walked around the grounds.
"Where is kalem resting?" "The west" "near the oak?" "Yeah, it's beautiful down there" "you aren't coping without him around are you?" "He was my backbone. Always kept me grounded and somehow my ass in line" Nicole grinned "he's a good man. Hard to find these days" "you aren't wrong. Definitely the jokester of the lot too. He'd be killing people with the shit that has been happening" "yep. I'm tempted. I just hit a cup into your brother" jaylah shook her head "kalem was more of a brother than he is. We don't even know each other" "you haven't had the chance to" "at this point I don't even know if I want to" Nicole showed a slight nod. "have you had any issues since being in that chair?" "Yeah.. I keep getting cramps" "stop walking" both of them stopping, Nicole sat down making jaylah laugh "I bet that wasn't easy" "getting up is even harder. You shouldn't be walking around right now. I'm not trying to control you, just playing mother hen. now sit" jaylah chuckled as she sat down "those cramps aren't a good sign, it means your body was put under too much stress and you can lose the baby. I know you haven't made a decision but the decision could be made for you, if you aren't careful" jaylah nodded "I thought maybe because I held my bladder for too long" "which in turn put stress on you" "yeah I know but I didn't feel like pissing or shitting myself. At the prison I had no choice but that didn't last for long. I was dehydrated and starved so I wasn't needing to go" "do you have any thoughts about the baby?" "I don't know, Nicole. my mind is clouded. Bronx and I arent together.." "what did he say to you?" "He didn't. He said it to then men with anger. He told the men that kalem was only one man and that fucking hurt to hear" "he's wrong anyway. Kalem was a big part of this place. Had been here for nine years, made a lot of mates and even sucked you in" jaylah grinned "yeah. On the first day I arrived. this place isn't a place to raise a baby" "you are right, it's not. Jackson and I got our own place because of that. You know Sawyer would want to bring his friends around to play and how could he do that with so many men and weapons around. It's not fair on the child. Have you thought about being a mother?" "Before being pregnant, no. I wanted to go travel and just live a little you know" "where did you want to go?" "Everywhere but definitely the Greek islands" Nicole grinned "it looks stunning there. I have only seen pics" "same" "what about now?" "Honestly no. With kalems.. when kalem died, I felt like I died with him. Then all this shit has been going on and.." "I understand that. It's not easy for you. Never lost a brother but I did Sawyer" "he had the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen in my life and that cheeky grin. Oh that was you" Nicole had a sad smile on her face "sorry" "no it's good to hear people remembering him. You aren't wrong in any of those. He was the light of my life and it's been fucking hard. Every day I walk past his room and break down. I don't know if it will get easier. We do have Jasmina on the way.. oops" jaylah grinned "I love it. I won't say anything" "I know you wouldnt. Wasn't meant to say anything but it slipped" jaylah grinned "and I have been putting my energy into her. As you said, he will always look over her, like kalem will you" jaylah showed a slight nod "as you know it's just not the same. With kalem it was more his actions and words you know. He was always there. Always trying to make me smile and laugh. Showing his cheeky side and even his emotional side. These men don't do that" "no you are right they don't. A true man shows his feelings. I don't care what anyone says, it's not weak to show them" "he was the strongest guy I know then" "yep and he lives inside of you" seeing Bronx, Lucian and Jackson walk Their way, Nicole spoke "you just need to remember what he would say" "I don't know. I have never been in this situation" "there's a first time for everything but I'm sure something he said stays with you".
"How are you getting up from here Nicole?" "Haven't worked it out yet. We are fine for now" "something you will be doing if you choose to have the baby" 'why does everyone keep speaking about it?' Nicole picked up on the way jaylahs eyes changed "we were talking about kalem" Bronx chewed on the inside of his mouth while Lucian spoke "we get it, it hurts but you need to move forward jaylah" "she will, when she is ready. not when you say so".
"Have you done anything with his grave jaylah?" "No I.. I need to speak with emit" "why emit?" "Emit and kalem were close too. I was shocked to hear emit say the bracelet is mine. I know I bought it but.." "can I see it?" Jaylah showed Nicole "pricey" jaylah nodded "it was his twenty seventh birthday present. I didn't know what to buy him but this suited him. Bloody fat wrist. it just dangles" Nicole chuckled "well he had the muscles to go with it" "yeah it would've been weird with skinny wrists" "you aren't wrong".
"How's the kicks Nicole?" "She's steady right now" Jackson nodded "excited Jackson?" "A little Nicole, no" "what was that?" "I said I love you" "yeah thought so" jaylah grinned 'those two always mess around' "nah I am actually. Nervous, excited, worried. It's all part of it" "worried?" "Something could go wrong. I may not be home when her water breaks but I think its more her having a gun on her as she has a contraction" "you have a gun on you? No way" Nicole laughed "it's not a good time to have one" "I can understand that" jaylahs mind drifted as she looked around. Feeling a slight cramp, jaylah moved "alright miss. Let's get up" "it's you that needs to worry about that" "both of us" bronx looked between both 'something is wrong here' "jaylah are you alright?" "Fine" jaylah watched Nicole stand up "fine?" "Yep" "yeah that's crap. Let's get you inside" "you are..." "Mother hen. Move it" jaylah showed a slight nod "is there something I don't know?" "Jaylah has been getting cramps because of the stress you two fucking put her under" "WHAT?" "Come on miss" "yes mother hen" bronx looked at Jackson and Lucian with worry. "Shit Bronx. Cramps aren't a good sign. I told you, you could've put her body in stress. She could lose the baby without a choice" Bronx tangled his fingers in his hair "fuck" "we need to take her to the doctors" "she needs rest" bronx watched as jaylah and Nicole slowly walked inside. "sorry. Made him feel like a cunt though" "I figured it's the reason why you said something" "let's get you some water" "boring" Nicole laughed "yep. Maybe even juice if you drink it" "that sounds better" "good. Keep walking" "Im walking, I'm walking".
Entering the kitchen, jaylah sat down while Nicole got them both a juice. "how often are they happening?" "A few times, Every couple of hours" Nicole's eyes showed worry. "The best thing you can do is rest as much as you can" seeing Bronx, Jackson and Lucian enter, Lucian spoke "you need to go to the doctors" "she needs rest. The doctors can't do shit" Lucian looked at Nicole "they could do scans" "that isn't going to help her. They will tell her, it's stress. Not only from you two but from her holding her bladder for two days. It's rest or lose it without a choice. Drink up daughter" jaylah grinned "yeah you are in mother mode" "she's always in mother mode" "keeping him on his toes and it's because I care" "thanks for the juice" "full of vitamins" jaylah grinned before having some more of her juice. Feeling another cramp, jaylah stayed still. Nicole watching her tense she shook her head "this isnt good" jaylah stayed silent while Bronx and Lucian had worried looks on their faces. "I'm going to go lay down" "you do that. You need anything.. call me" "thanks Nicole and take care of yourself" "I have Jackson with me, I will be fine" jaylah showed a slight nod before standing up and walking out. "Nicole how often?" "Every couple of hours. It's not a great sign at all" Nicole Shook her head 'fuck'.

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