Dont mind me, I'm just venting 🤪

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TW: Self-Harm

Leorio's p.o.v.

Leorio stared at his arm as he pressed the dull knife into his skin. He'd never cut before, but now he was doing it. Something he'd swore he never do, yet here he was, cutting himself. He repeated the motion until he could see some blood. His arm stung.

He put the knife away.

He walked to his bathroom, where he grabbed the air freshener and sprayed a little into the wound. He rubbed it in, making the stinging worse.

He put the air freshener away.

It was two in the morning, and Leorio couldn't sleep. He wandered his house. He would call Kurapika, but he blocked him. Kurapika was the only thing keeping Leorio alive, and he was losing hope Kurapika would return.

Before Kurapika left, he'd taken the knife sharpener. It was almost like Kurapika knew he would hurt Leorio, yet he still left.

Leorio had his depression playlist playing. He wasn't paying attention to the music.

Leorio eventually sat down on his couch and started watching TV, hoping it would take his numbness away.

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