Even More Smut

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Kurapika's p.o.v.

Kurapika was making out with Leorio while rubbing his husband's clit through his boxers. Leorio was moaning into Kurapika's mouth, which only made Kurapika wet. Kurapika rolled on top of Leorio and pulled his hand out of his sweatpants, earning an annoyed groan from Leorio. Kurapika pulled away and straddled Leorio's crotch.

"Kurapika~" Leorio whined, sitting up. Kurapika chuckled and pushed Leorio down. He knew what his husband wanted, and he'd get it, but Kurapika would have his own fun. Kurapika ran his fingers under the waistband of Leorio's sweats. Leorio let out a groan.

"Sit up, and take your shirt off," Kurapika demanded, tugging on the band of Leorio's pants. Leorio did as he was told, which earned him some praise. Kurapika latched his mouth on Leorio's collarbone and bit the skin. He repeated down Leorio's chest.

"Y-you're such a tease," Leorio panted. Kurapika only hummed, removed his hand from Leorio's sweatpants, and brought it up to trace his top scars.

"They're healing so well," Kurapika said softly, kissing the scars. Leorio only groaned in response and gripped a handful of Kurapika's hair.

"Please," he begged.

"Please what? Use your words darling," Kurapika muttered, palming Leorio's crotch. His husband threw his head back and let out a groan. Kurapika slid his hand down to Leorio's thigh.

"Please, fuck me," Leorio whined.

"Good boy. Now, wait here," Kurapika whispered, nipping Leorio's ear. Leorio groaned and let go of Kurapika's hair.

Kurapika got off Leorio and walked to the bathroom connected to their room, where he grabbed the strap and a thick navy blue dido. He felt like spoiling his husband tonight. Kurapika got undressed and put the strap on with the dildo attached.

Thankfully, the strap had a vibrator, so Kurapika would feel something too. He turned it on to the third setting. He gasped and bit his lip, trying to hide his moans. He decided to walk back out before he came.

He walked out to Leorio undressed with an arm covering his eyes. Kurapika chuckled and got between Leorio's open legs. He grabbed the dildo and brushed it against his husband's opening. He watched as Leorio's hips jolted at the touch. He knew what Leorio wanted, but they needed to prep first. Kurapika let out a quiet groan.

"Be patient, darling," Kurapika said kindly, grabbing the lube. Kurapika tried his best to speak normally. He slicked his fingers and gently prodded his husband's entrance with one finger. Kurapika eventually got his finger in, so he started massaging Leorio. Leorio groaned and tried to clamp his legs, but Kurapika was in the way. Kurapika got Leorio warmed up to three fingers.

"Hurry up," Leorio whined. Kurapika chuckled and slicked the dildo before taking his time entering Leorio. He enjoyed watching his husband squirm. Kurapika let out a huff.


"Yes!" Leorio responded enthusiastically. Kurapika nodded and started thrusting. Leorio groaned and grabbed a fistful of the sheets.

Kurapika was taking his time. It had been a while since they had sex, and he didn't want to hurt Leorio. He started speeding up when Leorio opened his mouth to speak.

"Can't you go harder?" Leorio whined.

"Hush. I don't want to be rougher than I plan on," Kurapika said, tracing Leorio's hip. Leorio groaned. He then let out a gasp that turned into a moan as Kurapika hit the right spot. Kurapika smiled and started abusing it, earning a steady string of moans from his dear husband. Kurapika was letting out sounds of pleasure himself.

"Fuck!" Leorio yelled. His legs were trembling; Kurapika could feel it. His husband was close. Kurapika leaned down and placed a loving kiss on Leorio's forehead.

"It's alright; cum for me, darling," Kurapika cooed, gently rubbing the side of Leorio's face. In an instant, Leorio moaned as his legs spasmed and jerked as he came.

Kurapika pulled out as the orgasm ended, and Leorio let out a groan. Kurapika could feel his own start to build up, so he laid next to Leorio.

"You need anything?" Leorio asked. Kurapika shook his head.

"The strap has a vibrator, so I can get pleasure too," Kurapika said, letting out a gasp. Leorio smiled and placed a kiss on Kurapika's forehead. Kurapika wasn't sure when Leorio put a hand on his hip, but he made no move to swat it away. Kurapika cursed as he felt the knot in his stomach come undone. Leorio was kissing all over his face as he came.

"Let's get you out of this," Leorio muttered, helping Kurapika undo the strap. Leorio helped Kurapika out of the strap.

"Now what?" Kurapika asked, scooting closer to Leorio. He heard something fall but paid it no mind. It was probably the strap.

"We cuddle until one of us can walk or falls asleep," Leorio yawned, pulling Kurapika close. Kurapika smiled and placed a kiss on Leorio's chin. He could hear and feel his husband let out a chuckle.

"I like that," Kurapika muttered, his eyes drooping. He felt Leorio kiss the crown of his head. Kurapika let himself fall asleep in the arms of his lover.

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